ITT good tsundere

ITT good tsundere



Every time until THK likes it.


>bunching Kurisu and Misaka with shit tsundere like Taiga and Asuka


Someone post the better one


muh nigga

why are classic tsunderes so fucking rare?

pick one

Neo-tsundere is more violent, thanks to Kirino, Taiga. Its only 10% dere.

because they are "classic"? a old idea that remains good, but is still old.


Violent tsundere are disqualified from being pinnacle. Even Gendo Ikari doesn't approve.

Wasn't even the best tsundere in her own show

neo tsundere? Is that like a fake tsundere or something.

i pefer loli-like tsundere.

>pinnacle is disqualified from being pinnacle
Great logic, but no, your arbitrary standard doesn't count, that's not how it works, Kirino would barely be considered a tsundere anyways.

Taiga for life.

That post was about who is the pinnacle of tsundere, violent ones can't be. Sorry.

Taiga isn't either.

The dumb mexican always makes this thread with the same OP image.

Feels to be Erinafag

>Feels to be Erinafag
Is that implied as a good or bad thing?

Kirino isn't even that violent and only reacts when Kyousuke acts dense and inappropriate(even if by ignorance) towards her, how is a person reacting accordingly to a situation wrong?

What do you think

I legitimately don't know which is why i'm asking.

Mayo Chiki was one of the most awful shows I ever had the displeasure of sitting through

The only standard in existence to judge a tsundere is the jump from tsun to dere, everything else is irrelevant and subjective, it doesn't matter how hard it was to turn it into dere, the point is that the jump was made and the goal was achieved, of course, the hardest the most satisfactory outcome.

Learn the differences, Assholes.

>hey arguments
Makes you think.

>Incest Cunt
>Shit tsundere
>Worst girl
The miserables incest fags until Sup Forums dies

>Kyousuke acts dense
Yeah, that's a perfect reason for physically assaulting someone. Not.

>inappropriate(even if by ignorance) towards her
Kyousuke isn't a pervert though, and even an idiot would understand this. Everything regarding Kirino's self control is wrong.


Many of them arent even a tsundere dude



>try to enter Kirino room full of her friends by force
Yeah, by Kirino perspective that's a pervert behavior, even if that wasn't his intentions, that doesn't matter, what it mattered was the circumstances of that moment and there was nothing wrong with how Kirino reacted given said circumstances, to give an example, and yet again, "physically assaulting" sound so harsh and not accurate at all.
>Kirino's self control is wrong.
Yeah, but that changes throughout the series and Kyousuke is the only one that make her lose her control for how their life circumstances were, their relationship started from below 0.

Which is why she is disqualified from being a good tsundere, good ones don't physically assault the ones they love.


>Asuka in lower class
As it should be.

dont mind me just being the greatest tsundere of all time

He isn't here yet. We are currently in the presence of ESL-kun.

Punch her again!

>aahh character development is scary
And no, unless that violence have somewhat any repercussion on the MC and the story(like sending someone to the hospital), is completely irrelevant, and a few hits from a little girl would never be considered "physically assault".


violent girls are automatically disqualified


Still the best.

Could someone post the full image of that suggestive Erina (Top right)? I don't know where to find it.

Here you go user.

>hitting someone is character development


Are you just being stupid on purpose to achieve something? I seriously can't believe you writted that phrase on a serious note. Kirino treated Kyousuke the way she did because their relationship was in such a deplorable condition that would easily lead to a situation like mentioned above, we are talking about something that happened in the first 2 volumes of the story, a moment in which the bond between Kirino and Kyousuke was in the lower levels and no trust was developed yet, Kiirno feelings gradually changes throughout the story which is the main theme of the series and become the relationship we all love, that's character development.

that sounds stupid

that said my favorite tsundere of all time is still eri sawachika

MISAKA Mikoto is the best.

Ah yes. Pinnacle is the ideal I strive for in a tsundere waifu.

Nothing I can do if you can't understand something so basic.

Kirino treated Kyousuke that way because she's a troglodyte in the wild and trying to compensate for it by hitting him.

That doesn't make sense, mind to add some coherence? I already explained how Kirino only reacted the way she did for a reason and that the way she reacted wasn't that bad as some people want to make it look.


>become the relationship we all love
I want to kill Kirino and Kyousuke.

>Girls that become fully dere after a relatively short, initial period of being tsun = shit
What the actual fuck?

There's no demand for male tsunderes, but what if someone made a tsundere trap?

What don't you get?

THK is always here.
He is in any and every thread that does not unequivocally sing the praise of all tsunderes.
Denying his presence means you are him.
Accuse others of being THK or be THK.
That is the road of a tsunderefag.

How is a girl being dere ever a bad thing? Unless you mean it makes her a bad tsundere (as opposed to a bad character), which I guess I can understand in terms of calling a delicious apple shit because it isn't the orange you wanted.


what did OP mean by this?

Why'd you post a yandere?

I don't know if you know this, but this thread is about who is "good" tsundere.

And Kirino is the best.

Violent tsundere is not the best, Taiga, Asuka and Kirino are disqualified.

Your arbitrary standard is wrong, if the "violence" is not excessive and is perfectly reasonable then there's nothing wrong with it, but there's something wrong with you and all I can do is pity you.

>arbitrary standard is wrong
>"violence" is not excessive and is perfectly reasonable
I'm pretty sure in most cases, violence can never be condoned and most professionals would say that isn't a sign of a healthy romantic relationship. Its common sense.


Where do people even get this from? Or is it just one guy who feels the need show up in every single thread even remotely connected to Kirino?

What if the MC does stuff like peeping on her or telling her to strip in front of him or trying to molest her with a tentacle monster he summoned? Wouldn't she be at least partly condoned in these cases? Ignoring that she does have a strong temper.

Kirino is not even that violent, yet is the most popular, I guess that's one reason.

what I'm seeing is the Top are shitty at being tsunderes, making them good characters, and the Bottom are good tsunderes, making them shit characters.
>tsundere is a shit archetype
10/10 good analysis really makes you think

Best tsunderes are capable of leveling a city or sinking a fleet, yet choose not to do so.

Didn't the author of this die of japanese cold?

Good thing OP's image is from Mayoi Neko Overrun then?

Kurisu is a good character though.

Are you dumb fucks forgetting someone?


that's exactly what I implied yes.

She's a tsunyandere now.

And what makes her a bad a tsundere then? I'm trying to figure this out.


She hits Kyousuke, despite having feelings for him. In the real world, she would be considered a psychopath, but most of her fans would just say "oh its just slap stick comedy!"

She hits her crush, which is why she cannot ever be considered an example of good tsundere.

>I'm pretty sure in most cases, violence can never be condoned and most professionals would say that isn't a sign of a healthy romantic relationship. Its common sense.

Unless that is part of the tone of the show. Louise is an example of this. The show is more whimsical in tone and the "violence" she displays is part of the comedy. Saito is never shown to be injured (at least longer than the immediate aftermath) after getting beat up, despite other characters/villains injuring (and even killing) him.

Now whether you find the violence gag to be humorous or not is a matter of personal taste, some people think that shit is funny. Look at Roadrunner and Wile E Coyote. I'd argue Kirino is in this same vein, the physical violence is played up for humor most if not all the time (correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a while since I've watched Oreimo), so to judge it from a realistic perspective isn't fair.

That's if you find slap stick violence acceptable in your tsundere, great for 3 stooges but in a romance it doesn't feel right. I always see it as a knock on the characters feelings for the person they apparently love, that they don't really love them.

What is sex with a tsundere like?

In a straight up romance, probably not acceptable. In a romantic comedy, I'm not sweating it too much.

Plus, I think the whole casually violent women trope is a Japanese thing. Maybe I'm wrong, but that seems like an acceptable thing in their media, so if it's judged from a Western lens it seems pretty harsh.

>I'll ignore everything said and keep trying to push my retarded concept
Also, that's pretty normal in the real world, so not sure why are you even bringing it up, are you really that desperate for an argument?(that doesn't exist) And yeah, the degree of "violence" is important, your picture prove what i'm saying, without to mention everything I already mentioned above about Kirino, but you are plain ignoring it all so, just look at this again for a little help.

Its normal in a unhealthy romantic relationship, but its usually frowned down upon and deemed unacceptable.

>the degree of "violence" is important
This is the state of Kirinofags, Taigafags and Asukafags. They can't even see that their version of tsundere is why everyone hates that archetype, and why everyone praises Kurisu, Misaka and Kazuma Yagumi.

When a girl almost kills the MC after punching him out of anger, but she cried about it afterwards and took care of him, does that make her a good or bad tsundere in your opinion?

Posting best tsundere.

Best choice - Takao

>Its normal in a unhealthy romantic relationship, but its usually frowned down upon and deemed unacceptable.
And how is that relevant at all in this conversation, when you know very well that the kind of relationships you are talking about have nothing to do or are remotely similar with the relationships we are talking about here. A girl hitting a guy is cute and fun, plain and simple.
>This is the state of
At least i'm glad it's just you just trying to push your stupid idea but still. What version of tsundere is that? You are blatantly ignoring everything said till now, specifically speaking about Kirino which have a near perfect character development that gradually goes from 0 to 100 throughout the series with a perfect outcome and conclusion, how a little of "violence" that is considered fun for most people ruin any of this, the characters or the relationship? For starters stop trying to lump all the character you dislike only to push your stupid idea, talk about the situation at hand that you are conveniently ignoring.

Playful punches are a little bit different from genuine ones. Kirino never tries to actually harm Kyousuke. You'd have to be a literal autist not to understand this.