This is the most fearsome man in all Universes

This is the most fearsome man in all Universes.



Nah, here is the actual most fearsome one.
>2 universe wipes under his belt with more to come
Also, the team leader for Based universe 7 and has most u6 bootleg ring outs with three.

Gohan vs Jiren when?

Literally Ben Ten OC tier.

It's not just because he's strong. The major motif in Super is The Gods. They're emphasizing the dominating authority of Gods and Angels (immortals) over mortals, and using the gradient of power between mortals as an allegory. Time is a concept that binds mortals, because mortals die over time, by definition. Gods and Angels aren't concerned with time by definition, because they're immortal. Jiren is stronger than time because it's been established that he's beyond mortal power. It's nuanced between the contrast of aspects of man vs supernatural and the spectrum of powerlevels between mortals. It's why Jiren was able to defeat "time", with Hit as a device. That's why Goku being able to defeat Hit's time tech via strategy, personal power, and willingness to exceed his normal limits via Kaio Ken in Blue foreshadows his road to challenge the authority of the Gods. That's also why they intentionally showed Jiren's decision to meditate. The goal of meditation is nirvana. In other words, enlightenment, emptiness, extinguishing the three fires, freedom from the cycle of rebirth and suffering, and emancipation of mortals from Gods. You'll notice that Jiren said Goku can't defeat him with "that heat", and that Goku's aura is wasted heat. In the OP you see him fighting on par with Jiren without the UI aura. That form is controlled UI, where his ki instinctively surrounds him and amplifies his attacks without him having to focus on his ki.

No, this is.

Oh that's cute.

THIS is the most feared person in existence.

When Trunks told everyone Black killed future Bulma he had that same exact reaction. He just witnessed the fucking saiyans get erased AGAIN. He is about to go fucking HAM.

Prepare for UI attack mode

Is this the official DBS thread?

Can anything stop these two?


In all the low humanity universes.

Nope, try again.

>In all the low humanity universes.
I completely forgot about that. That means Jiren isn't endgame. Suddenly my excitement returns.

Say something nice about U7's newest member and angel.


>A retard murderer too strong for his own good
>A pacifist murderer too smart for his own good

No matter what they do they always end up murdering holy shit imagine how many animals Goten has killed by now or how many Poochers he has killed


Why does DBS look like fucking ben 10?

>tournament is half over
>Goku and Gohan have literally eliminated all of the universes so far

Was Frieza right?

Anal probing is a powerful technique. A method to surpass the gods. What do you think Jiren learned on his journey? How did everyone know about him across universes, if he didn't do some serious exploring?
Truly, the ayyy of the lmao.

So when are we going to meet his wife?


Say somthing!


ayyy lmao

I like Jiren because he doesn't give a fuck about Goku as a person. Literally every other character instantly turns into a faggot around Mr. Mary Sue. Beerus might as well be a tamed housecat at this point, Frieza became his homosex partner, he even turned Hit into a talkative faggot because "hurr it's goku, he's so special, everyone wants to be his buddy". Speaking of friends, who can forget the CREATOR OF THE MULTIVERSE becoming his friend.

And then you have Jiren, who barely says a thing to Goku other than "Fuck off kid", only cares about him insofar his powerlevel poses a threat, and goes back to sleeping after stomping him.

FUCK Goku.

Gohan wouldn't have done shit if it wasn't for his big green meat shield

So what would happen if someone destroy his clothes? How does he looks like below the suit.

Finally a DB character that can defeat capeshit tier power levels?

This is the most perfect man in all Universes.

He even looks like some sort of alien capeshit.

*Blocks ur path*

Holy shit, you're right

>most feared person in existence
>in existence


user, she literally doesn't exist.

And here is the cutest angel in the universe

>he will never come back becasue the hacks at toei say he's to hard to draw

I wonder if we'll see retarded shit like character being so strong they can punch through dimensions and time travel.

>retarded shit like character being so strong they can punch through dimensions

>wants to be fucked silly and knocked up by big muscular men and their enormous cervix-pounding cocks

she's the lewdest angel

yet characters are x1000 times stronger than Super Buu was, and it was never used again. No one has punches a whole in universe 6 to get to universe 7.


SSG was literally invented for the purpose of complete control so you don't do that.

universal zamasu was bleeding through dimensions to get from mirai timeline to main timeline, and was gonna infect the whole multiverse if he wasn't erased

Vados, how could you. She was TEASING Champa about his death. She didn't even care.

wanting a good fucking is cute

That's implying they can create portals where ever they want, reminder they needed a "signal" to arrive at earth when Frieza arrived. Even Beerus needs Whis' magical staff to fast travel between the univeres.

There is still not a point where god ki level fighters can even travel the galaxy in a matter of seconds just with their own speed.

>go on Sup Forums laugh at mexican jokes
>dont take any of it seriously.
>actually pretty racist

>start lurking Sup Forums super threads
>unrionicly starting loving spics
>legitimately Gohan Blanco fan now

This place is the devil

That's wrong.

>Kai Kai (界界 Kai Kai, lit. "World to World") is a technique that allows its user to instantly teleport to another planet, place or person. Unlike Instant Transmission, the user does not actually need to focus on a specific energy signature to use as a target. This means that the user can transport anywhere within and even outside the universe.

Maybe they don't know how?
Gotenks did it by immitating Boo and screaming like a retard.
Buu did it by accident out of frustration that he'll never eat sweets again.

Reminder that Trunks has frucking PURPLE hair and him being blue in DBS was a stupid as fuck retcon.

>look mom posted it again

Its another technique, not what I was referring to. I was trying to say that DB levels are not too retarded in strength or speed yet. like capeshit. Having so much speed that the user can time travel, destroying a while universe with pure unrestrained ki, etc.

Jiren can fly between star systems.

>destroying a while universe with pure unrestrained ki

You were saying?
They went full retard with it in the movie, and sinc edownscaled it a bit, but it read like a bad fanfdiction at the beginning.

They NEVER said that shit in the movie. The stuff about blows ripping the universe apart was 100% anime.


She bowed to him as he disappeared, she cared. Being tearful just wasn't her style, she's always been teasingly melodramatic.

It's like how Beerus gave a chiding remark to Champa to "say something" in his final moments.

Fuck off

Would be great for frieza to just come in and say something like that. I've destroyed planets, you guys just destroyed universes, so fuck off hypocrites.

Can anyone stop this mad man?

Last fight before Gohan takes on Zeno and el grande padre

Because the Pride Troopers have a clear Western influence in their designs
That's why they look like they came out of ''Ben 10'' or any other Western cartoon series, which is not even a bad thing honestly

so 20 more episodes until gohan gets relevancy again?

i hope he gets a cool heavy punch in the game based on this

"genocide fist" "namekian exterminator" "fist of GODhan"

No, this is.

>Master Roshi delivers the most powerful and greatest kamehameha
>Goku and Gohan keep upstaging him

Fags. Create your own attack why don't you?

turtle style is about good fundamentals

i really hate namekians, are their limbs made from spaghetti so fucking fragile

>Incredible intelligence allows him to assess a brief window of opportunity
>Incredible speed and power allow him to exploit it

This moment is the perfect encapsulation of Gohan's greatness in Super. He is an intelligent, goal-driven fighter and it's highly likely that he will end up in the final 3 of the ToP.

Only when the plot demands it.

Them keeping using the kamehameha is the biggest tribute and praise that master roshi could get. He created the most usefull beam attack as a weakling that is scalable from weak powerlevels to godlike powerlevels. Humans are the king of techniques

stretching them so far is probably weakening their arms. It's like a rubber band. Unstretched a shallow cut isn't a big deal, but stretch it to it limit and give it a shallow cut... instant break

I'm pretty sure they have no bones. they're slug aliens after all.

can somebody post the updated elimination count, save to say nobody can beat goku now MVP

thats why piccolo blocked a ki blast and they melted instantly...unstretched

i think this arc has a lot of fun episodes desu

I would destroy that ass.

how is goku a mary sue, hes died and been defeated multiple times

>"he isn't stronger than Beerus"
>can traverse the universe on his own just like angel
Goku/Beerus fags btfo.

Daily reminder.
>Shantsa can revive the dead
>Janemba can revive the dead
>Shantsa looks near exactly like Janemba

last episode Goku had trouble even standing up properly
this episode he fires a Kaioken Blue kamehameha
At this point "tired" Goku has become as much a meme as "holding back" Goku

THIS. Jiren might be the norm in the higher life universes.

jan didn't revive the dead he just created a situtation where they got their body back and could march into the living realm as ghosts
and what shantsa does is create hollow clones using harvested ki

He was clearly holding back or tired. It's not like he can't just come back if he really wanted to.


No, mortal evel =/= power level, and at least one of the Kai/angels from the 4 universes not participating have said they fear what would have happened to their universe if they had been made to participate.

The high level uvnierses are only high level because they aren't war torn shitholes, and have developed galactic civilizations.

f anything, the average person should be weaker then in the 8 fighting universes since they don't have Freezas, and Buus, to fuck shit up

I'll be content when Japan actually starts to recognize fans outside of Japan. Even if they're complete asshats from South/Central America.

>gohan has literally trained with the same green guy for his entire life
>in a fight for the universe with some green guy that looks exactly like that green regenerating guy he almost exclusively fights with
>attacks the moment he regenerates which he probably knows is a moment of weakness (look at the first time piccolo regenerated it used to be stressful)
>lands and heavy sucker punch burning up thousands of namekian souls
it definitely encapsulates gohan in super. completely inconsistent with everything. remember that time he hit tien at full strength? and then got beat up by robot legs and a yardrat?

That's retarded. Furryfoxfaggod would've been replaced already if there were Jiren tier normies in his universe. He got rekt in the manga.

Whis is already trying to replace Beerus with Goku simply because of his asspull potential. I doubt they would just ignore a bunch of stronger hakaishin position competitors just because it's another universe.

It's going to be revealed that Goku has also been holding back while tired in order to have enough energy to spare for another Jiren fight.
Then he'll actually just hold back.

this shit panders to americans almost as hard as the nips

time is extremely distorted in dragonball. goku being "exhausted" is like you being out of breath when you walk to the bathroom. it seems like eternity and you're out of breath but really the whole ordeal is like 2 minutes and you're good to go. ready to post on the image boards some more at full power

Updated ToP list

>in existence

The only reason the keep losing limbs is that they are the only ones allowed to regenerate so it's okay.

ToP was a mistake