Youjo Senki

>Judeo-Christian Ten Commandments God
Pick one and stick to it, you can't have both.

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Good point, but consider this: omnipotence.

Some fields of Kabbalah believe in a form of reincarnation.

hey dipshit
it's not the judeo-christian ten commandments god
wow that was hard

nah just think of it as Tanya's purgatory.

Being X makes reference to the ten commandments in the novel version.

>respawns jesus after 3 days
"God" can do whatever the fuck he wants.

Reminder: Tanya has below average intellect.

The fact that she is unable to realize that entering into piss contest with an entity that is in charge of transmigration and reincarnation is a really bad idea tells you everything you need to know on how stupid she is.

Something not well known is that Christianity prior to the council of Nicaea held beliefs in reincarnation. Modern Christianity is pretty far from its origins.

>council of Nicaea

>The fact that she is unable to realize that entering into piss contest with an entity that is in charge of transmigration and reincarnation is a really bad idea tells you everything you need to know on how stupid she is.

What is arrogance? Lucifer was guilty of this too.


Sonzai X sends the blessed the heaven, the wicked to hell and reincarnates atheists.

>Discarding history
Hello revisionist
Although I'd wager you were so triggered by the mention of the council that your brain went into full defense mode before realizing the implication of the post.

I miss her, Sup Forums

Read the manga, it's a pagan god.

>look at me mommy, im repeating something i heard on /reddit/

yet she wins anyway

not so stupid really

>known history is now reddit
And we wonder why America elected an orange turd


Reminder that Being X never denied being the Devil.

Not discarding shit, just saying that whenever niggas start talking about the Council of Nicaea 9/10 times they're full of shit. I've heard pretty much everything about that council, from it inventing Christianity to it dictating the canon of the New Testament, and now to it getting rid of the "wide spread" idea of reincarnation. If you yourself weren't a revisionist, you'd realize the entire council was organized specifically to deal with Arianists, and that by the time the council was arranged both New Testament canon and a large outline of Christian doctrine were already agreed upon.

If your knowledge of history is this shoddy, you have no business lecturing others.

Season 2 when?

Probably never, but I wouldn't mind it. Winter was a really good season this year. Rommel-chan vs Discount Charles de Gaulle would be neat.

Because the other turd was no better.

I don't know shit about anime business but since NUT is a new studio wouldn't it be less costly for them to run a second season of an IP they already have the rights to before they go with another series? Especially since season 1 did well

When did I say the council eliminated the belief? I just said prior to the council establishing a general time frame. If your reading comprehension is this shoddy you have no business lecturing others.

TL comparison of Sky and YP's versions, in both of them Sonzai X is described as a bearded old man who complains that he gave people the Ten Commandments but nobody follows them. just for those who keep denying he's supposed to be the Abrahamic God.

Your phrasing heavily implies that the council changed something. It was common prior to the council (still need a citation on that), and not common after it. You see why one would think you mean to say the council settled that score? If you didn't mean to imply that, your mention of the council of Nicaea is pretty random.

The rights to an anime aren't held by the studio themselves alone, they're just part of a production committee


Or is she?