This seems to be a long overdue project that has potential for enourmous gains. A permanent lunar colony is the logical next step before we should consider a trip to Mars. I would assume that locations have already been determined decades ago so why the wait? Will Trump be the first to make this happen?
Why haven't we bugun colonizing the moon Sup Forums
>potential for enourmous gains
Such as? Explain to me, a potential investor, why I should put something like 500 billion into your hands? ROI? How? When?
probably because cash on hand investment strategies are doomed to failure and without a secondary place to find valuable resources (not the moon, probably mars or the asteroid belt) the earth will plunge itself into an irreparable state within the next century or two and we as a species will die on this rock
think of the HFY fags, they need this
great place to live and work, but any children will never be able to return to the Earth.
>within the next century
Well there's your answer. Nobody alive today gives a shit. That's why we haven't. There are much more tangible solutions to resource availability.
The moon is not what it seems. It can’t be colonized
Iron, aluminum, magnesium, titanium and silicon can be found on the surface. Unknown in what quantities. Potential for this endeavour can fund itself. The biggest gain though would be the stregic value of having a foothold on the nearest celestill body. Military options are endless.
Colonies would need to be underground with crayers being the best options for excavation.
Silicon? Iron?
We sure don't have that stuff lying around on our beaches or stuck in our mountains..
The reason it's greed and cowards.
But do you have it in orbit in literal metric fuck tons you complete mongoloid
>implying we havent
militarizing the moon would probably be a bad idea
because it takes a while and obongo delayed us for 8 years
There is so much more pressing work to be done back on Earth. Let's focus on fusion energy, robotics, agriculture, desalination and medicine first. Once that's down the pat, we'll have a post-scarcity society and will need to expand our resource base ever further.
Lunar Base should be announced by the end of this year..... if i remember correctly, Spacex & NASA need one so they can conduct the final human isolation tests in preparation for the Mars mission
We need money for dem programs
>There is so much more pressing work to be done ba- *CRASHHH* *BOOOOMMMMM*
well done faggot, mankind just got wiped out by some eventual cataclysm... all because you wanted to fuck about with medicine for another 50 years. cunt.
1) We will never have the resources to even put down the foundations (space colonialism will never happen btw)
2) And we can't even colonise Antarctica or the Sahara Desert
because Marxism infected the USA successfully circa 1965 and has been rotting us like a disease from within ever since
>A permanent lunar colony is the logical next step before we should consider a trip to Mars.
no it isn't, you have no idea what you're talking about
The best reason to travel to the moon is research. We can do that with rovers and probes. Setting up a permanent base, to say nothing of a drilling operation (we haven't even properly surveyed the surface minerals) would be astronomically expensive for what are essentially just bulk quantities of cheap shit we already have.
Consider the cost of building a mining rig on the Moon vs on Earth. It doesn't matter if a planet is made out of 100% gold if its gravity is so high that it costs a million dollars an ounce to get it into orbit. The moon, due to its low gravity and mineral availability, would be perfect for extraction and construction of spacecraft.
Technically you can make your won.
Individual People don’t want to invest in something that they wont profit from within their lifetime. Some with kids wants to do it for their kids life times. But I assure you very few men think of many generations into the future as an investment.
why would you go to the enormous expense of building spacecraft on the moon so that you can then go to the enormous expense of sending man and fuel to the moon just for them to depart for their destination immediately after? why not go directly to mars?
You could build stations on the moon, but the whole idea of making a different planet habitable is just stupid, and trying to achieve this goal is just going to destroy our natural planet in the process. More importantly, it's going to be the elites that are always going to get their hands on the fancy tech first, as always, and they'll only use it to benefit their own interests in the long run. Easier access surveillance and easier control.
Because you wouldn't be building spacecraft on the moon with stuff mined from the earth, you'd be building spacecraft on the moon with materials mined from the moon.
>picture from surface of the moon
>moon is in the background sky
that's by the by
Huh? The gravity of the moon is 1/6th the gravity of Earth so you can construct much larger spacecraft on the moon than either Earth or even Mars. While it's true that Mars is closer to the asteroid belt, one can traverse great distances in zero g with low impulses - proximity isn't the only consideration. It is gravity in either case that will exact the greatest toll on either endeavor.
>big spacecraft
>nothing to fill it with because sending all that stuff to the moon in the first place would be very, very expensive
>what is high initial investment cost that is recouped over time?
Think about this like colonizing early America. Yes, the upfront costs for people to come here were very high, but those costs were more than recouped by the discovery of minerals, oil, fertile land, etc and the production of our own factories, our own ships, our own settlements. You're expressing at the time what would have been a very Europe-centric view.
The point is that once a lunar base IS established, there are tons of asteroids out there available for mining in a low g environment. As I said before, the distances involved aren't the only consideration due to the fact that it's low g and there's very little drag. Fuel costs would be very cheap. If you continue to build on earth you're always going to be dealing with the higher gravity and expensive launches. On the moon it's possible to construct a space elevator just using normal materials found on the moon.
Pol- We can't do it because muh financials!
China- We will have a lunar colony by 2020
Pol- Wtf the gooks win again!
Because apparently we have to take care of an indigenous species on this planet that has a population of one billion and has never built it's own civilization for tens of thousands of years.
It's more important that everyone on this planet be 100% comfortable and looked after before we consider exploring our solar system.
NASA's timetable actually calls for a lunar space station by 2025.
Fair enough. Even though a lunar colony would be limited to research at first, excavation/mining second and then factories.
lmao, no ones ever been on the moon in the first place, let alone have the technology to actually go there and start a colony
stop falling for the NASA meme
It's obviously sarcasm.
According to NASA "they destroyed their 60's and 70' technology" they went to the moon so they can't go back now.
>implying we can't focus on those things anywhere
Ice is located at the poles. Using this ice, combined with much lower gravity, you could turn the moon into the most efficient and successful refueling and mission staging site in the solar system.
Every single new mission, whether it be a Martian colony ship, or a deep space asteroid miner, will be stopping at YOUR moon, purchasing YOUR fuel, and taking advantage of YOUR infrastructure.
Initial capital will be tremendous, yes, but you'll be the Rockefeller of space, and with a renewed corporate interest in space exploitation, your profits will be guaranteed due to there being no other viable alternative that can be done cheaper than you.
You spend an arm and a leg, yes, but you will corner the market of interplanetary movement for at least 50 years. Guaranteed use is guaranteed profits.
This is stupid. If you wnn build big spacecraft you build them dirrctly in space. It's a zero-g environment and much more suitable.
With materials from where? The moon. They have to be launched into zero g somehow and it's cheaper to launch them into zero g from the moon than from Earth. The gravity on the moon is so low you can build a space elevator with conventional materials.
No from earth numbnuts. It's easier to launch them from earth and assemble them in space, than it is to launch a bunch of shit to the moon to set up manufacturing there just to then manufacture parts and again launch them into space.
>trying to achieve this goal is just going to destroy our natural planet in the process
Physically? Not at all. The amount of material needed would be tremendous, but not nearly as much as some projects humanity has achieved already. The world wasn't destroyed then.
Politically? The space race is arguably one of the few things that lead to our cooperation with Russia. We continue to use their rockets to bring astronauts to space stations, work alongside cosmonauts on space, and share expertise and research between them. If anything, it provides problems that require innovation, and will force humanity to advance themselves or fail.
Think of all the technologies the space race gave us. Now think of all the unique problems experienced on the moon, and how far forward humanity will come once solutions are found.
No it's not you fucking retard, Jesus Christ. When we go out into space it's going to be a long term endeavor - called
>fucking forever
Launching from Earth is a massive waste of energy. If we had paid that cost once up front, we would already be bringing back trillions of dollars worth of minerals by now instead of wasting time trying to reduce launch costs and payload sizes.
Yes yes, you are abaolutely correct and all the guys working at Nasa are idiots. I understand now.
>thinking NASA agrees with you
Because both the US and Europe are overrun by niggers and the Chinese are niggers so there's no civilization that has the time or resources right now.
>Why haven't we bugun colonizing the moon
Because all the shitskins and niggers we have imported is costing more money then space colonization.
This is why.
We would seriously already be living in space if it wasn't for the liberal and leftist fucktards.
We need to ditch these fuckers ASAP. Send them to Afghanistan or Somalia ffs.
More like spend that Money on mining Asteroids they have way more minerals than the entire world combined and is way more profitable than build a freaking ecosystem on a dead rock also space exploration in the future will be done by AI not by Humans because having to install Life support systems on a ship instead of having a AI do it is just simply fucking stupid
>Think of all the technologies the space race gave us. Now think of all the unique problems experienced on the moon, and how far forward humanity will come once solutions are found.
Preciscly this. The unique challenges will bring new tech and even inspire our youth to excel in math and science.
Better semiconductor wafers.
Better protein crystal growing for medicines. (Pic related: its insulin. The left was grown in space, the right on Earth.)
ZBLAN fiber optic construction can only be done in Zero G and makes our current fiber tech look like a joke.
Easier Micro-Encapsulation for medicines and nanotech.
Pretty much anything that requires an ultra-clean environment or a hard vaccum would be easily made in space. As well as anything that gravity hinders, like microchip manufacturing.
Google says its a rendition of a Mars colony, so the moon is either Phobos or Deimos.
>In short: it won't be profitable until long after your dead, so do it for the inheritance to your children.
This. All forms of this.
to busy helping niggers not kill each other
While you fucking soyboy Trekkie faggots were larping as Jedi poofters, we just saved the human race with a new antibiotic we make by making platypuses junkies then using their filthy dirty milk to fight bacteria this saving humanity.
Youre welcome you nigger dick loving turbofaggots
>Why haven't we bugun colonizing the moon
Because we have to pay for blacks, rapefugees and faggot trannies
If the government's of the world know of extraterrestrial intelligence to be a certinty could this be a reason for not making the leap?
If Trump doesn't, Elon Musk probably will.
Super weapons to tyrannize earthlings.
> (OP) (You)
>we just saved the human race with a new antibiotic we make by making platypuses junkies then using their filthy dirty milk to fight bacteria this saving humanity.
Implying that big pharma doesn't already have cures to all the world's diseases.
Listen I’ll share something with you that should be of interest, I’ve got the cure for homosexuality for you. It’s pussy, any one will do
You can't colonise the moon, it's too small! Hold a dinner plate in front of it and you'll notice the plate is larger, how are we all gonna fit on there dipshit? Invent some kind of shrink ray and build miniature rockets? Also we could be eaten by bats because we're so small, you haven't thought this through have you?
space shit isn't real dude
because we give all of our money to niggers and jews
cooters not the problem, the heinous bitches attached to them are the problem.
We're burning our space money on worthless niggers. We need to burn the niggers to get to space.
Yes. Every time the subject comes up, certain people are all 'how can we spend money on space when we still have problems here on Earth?'
of course you pol shits want to infect other planets with your miserable culture of industry, consumption, with wall street criminals funding it all.
Might as well stay on this planet if you aren't wanting something new, something positive, something worth doing other than greed and hate.
Van allen belts/ artifacts and monoliths miles high. Kind hard to hide them.
I'm all for the syphoning of the natural resources of the moon. Space station, research facilities, military complexes and factories honestly give me the biggest hard on with this venture.
Trillions back in metals. Status. Civilizational progress.
You know why my dark skinned friend. Any money that would go to achieving it has been spent on welfare
>of course you pol shits want to infect other planets with your miserable culture
Do you have a viable alternative?
>Trillions back in metals. Status. Civilizational progress.
Helium 3 can be used has a source of fusion energy which means a shitload of clean fusion energy. The moon has a lot of helium 3.
>>metric ton of iron worth maybe around 500 shekels
>>launching 1 kg of anything just into earths orbit costs tens of thousands of shekels
>>immagine you manage to cut the cost of gathering and launching recources from moon down to just one shekels per kg (wich sounds impossible), without even calculate the cost of flying shit to the moon to build an industrial plant with the weight of tens of thousands of tons, still the cost of your iron would be 1000 shekels minimum, wich is double the market price for iron
>>no possible way to gather recources on moon cost effectively
Turn a Lunar base into the main launch site of future space travel.
The lower gravity would make launching any kind of rockets / shuttles incredibly easier and would it would save more fuel in the long run. Plus we could have to honor of calling the Moon our space port.
You can use a mass driver as a launchpad on the moon so that way your craft will be lighter.
Too much money going to welfare.
I give a shit user... I give a shit :(
By the time you bring your crews into Earth orbit, to Lunar orbit, to landing on the moon, and then getting back into Lunar orbit, and THEN going to their destination, you've spent way more money than if you just launched the whole thing off Earth.
But for unmanned probes it could work. As long as you can find fuel. (Does helium-3 explode in the right way for a rocket?)
this we ran in to aliens/demons on the dark side and haven't been back since
But muhhh helium 3
because nobody wants to pave the way for pajeets, gooks, and nogs to colonize the universe while they are still destroying this planet and invading all of our countries.