How much Marleyan blood will be spilled when Eren wrecks their shit in 100?

How much Marleyan blood will be spilled when Eren wrecks their shit in 100?

Why doesn't he just hold hands with Zeke?

That would be gay

Eren isn't going to do a damn thing. He's going to watch, and he's going to laugh.

Doubt hes going to do anything he needs to regenerate his leg first.

This. He chopped off his leg to show Reiner peaceful intentions. Grim Reminder isn't habbening

>implying he can't just regenerate it in a second
He's been sharpening his fangs for 4 years, he probably has more than full control of the titan now.

Spoilers tomorrow maybe. Hopefully Falco freaks out when he realises how much he's fucked up.

>Eren doing the grim reminder
He's not the Colossal Titan, user. Why would he be the one doing a grim reminder?

Also, chances are that Reiner's too broken to transform himself, and Eren's aware of this. Neither of them are the ones who'll be transforming. Only shifters around who are likely to are Zeke, Willy and Armin if Armin's there.

How the fuck is anyone still reading this shit? Do any of you actually like it or is it some kind of stockholm syndrome type of thing?


Because, why not?

>Those sex eyes
Aw yeah boy Zekzek is gonna get sum

>not the third anymore
Kek, serves him right.

Reiner and Annie should have been eaten for their shifting powers for feeding Marco to a titan and Bert should be the one to see everyone he knows get eaten in the second Grim Reminder. God tier parallels.

I want to play with Gabis hair.


>That would be gay

That it would be absolutely disgusting of course.


Wait was it just a general popularity poll?
Where are the warriors?

Meh, I watched the first half of the first season and then completely forgot it existed till a few months back. Probably would have dropped during uprising had I kept up when that was updating, but now it looks like it's ending soon so I may as well chug on through.

They aren't manlet or can't get paired with manlet so they did pretty badly.

Maybe introducing most of them so late in the story was a mistake. The most likeable of them is probably Falco.

No. Falco isn't likable.

>Liking more the cunt or the other two irrelevant shitters
Ok, whatever you say

He's a lot more likeable than flat characters like Udo/Zophia/Colt. And Gabby's just a bitch even if she's cute.

Your taste in characters is bad.

She isn't a bitch.

It's the pedo, he irrationally hates Falco because he feels threatened that Falco might get to fuck Gabi while he will not.

You just want to fuck children dollfag. your opinion in my taste doesn't mean shit.

More likeable than Gabi, pedo.

how the hell did eren live.. wasnt' he captured?

No I don't, don't say it like that. I want to see Gabi be the best she can be without dumb Falco trying to stifle her ambition.


Which time?

>wasnt' he captured
you're gonna have to specify an arc lad. Eren's been captured and rescued many times. If it's the most recent time he still hasn't mentioned how he infiltrated.



I’m glad /snkg/ is dead. Hopefully there isn’t any more threads after release week.

Not at all. There was no art of the little creep compared to the likes of Pieck.

He's just as flat and irrelevant. The only ones that liked him were the ledditors.

>only one guy don't like a short lived plot device.


You can pick him out by insulting Gabi in the same statement.

Because you want? Nah.

Spoilers when

I just love this pic. Eren is like
>Nooooo that's not what was supposed to happen, why don't things go exactly the way I wanted without backlash!? I'm the MC waaah.

post lewd hisu

Are mods deleting it if threads aren't close to release date? Been a while and I only come for spoilers. Anyway, spoilers in a couple days?


these generals are just waifufags and people with nothing better to do. I read a lot of manga, a lot of it's trash and this is just another one of them

>waifufags and people with nothing better to do
So Sup Forums.

Nah, Zekek prefers to get fucked by Shitlet's titan cock. He's Paradise new bitch afterall.

I’m not caught up on the manga but the people in these generals make not want to im not sure if it’s actually that bad or you’re all just faggots

I remember the threads being a lot better not even a year ago

The manga went to shit in the arc before the current one. Awful writing all around. And the current one triggers people because the main cast aren't involved. Yeah the last 18 months were not good for these threads.

>And the current one triggers people because the main cast aren't involved.
Only tumblreddit gets triggered by the main cast. Japan are pretty okay with them.

*the new main cast

Where the spoilers at

Because I like it, user.

You forget Jean glowering at his back like it isn't the perfect summary of their relationship

>Crashing this party

Just a few more days until spoilers

I'm hooked up on it until the end because I'm stubborn, but I don't expect anything good again.

>Are mods deleting it if threads aren't close to release date?
Shipperfags ruined these threads.

>Zeke literally selling his comrades' asses out
Karmic death when?

>Pieck went out of her way to save his ass.
Sopa de Macaco soon.

He's SCkeks and Rageturd's dicksucking slave now.
Once a bitch always a bitch.




Wut? We don't even know what is going on,we don't know his plans or what he planed with Eren.

He's a disappointment, a jobber and now a willing cuck too. Guess it comes with being a Yeager.

Not enough.

why is grim reminder associated with with Old Noctis

Mostly because of Eren's current look.

Oily smelly white trash that haven't took a bath for 15 years?

>stockholm syndrome


>Reading a manga where Sasuke 2 electric boogaloo is the protagonist.
Why do we do this to ourselves?

>being able to detect whether someone is or isn't like sasuke

Why did you come in contact with naruto to begin with you fucking pleb?

Everyone was 11 years old once. Even you clearly know who Sasuke is.

Eren is entertaining, though. The entire manga is pretty hilarious.


How is Eren Sasuke?

>Don't even know how to do it right.
Why go to a place ridden with Erefujos?

>ow the edge

Why would you come to a place ridden with Nosefags and with memory span of 10 seconds.

Post wintershingekis to lighten up the mood.


>How much Marleyan blood will be spilled when Eren wrecks their shit in 100?
Hopefully enough so they remember how it feels to live in fear of the titans.

I miss Armin.

eren makes me wet


That's a fine looking lamp

Eren looks like a rapist.

And he was such an innocent little boy, how did it happen?



"Eren, eat"

How come Isayama kills off all the characters the fans actually care about while leaving all the worst ones untouched?

Who are you even talking about here?

Most people around here like it, they just pretend like they "appreciate it despite its flaws" like because it's too normie and they get all embarrassed. Literally "I-it's not like I like it or anything, baka..." bullshit, it's kinda funny.

Damn, Historia's boyfriend looks like THAT?