There’s first generation, lesbian spics coming in and trying to take our guns. They’re walking around with signs that say “your grandkids will be brown”. Niggers are running amuck. They’re such ingrates. They come into our country and treat it like it’s their own. Half the people are liberals and just let them do it, or even support them. How long do we have left until it’s too late to reverse this? 20 years maybe? We’re fucked. Everything is fucked.
What is wrong with America?
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To many Jews
voter ID will fix this really fast
abandon ship, only the captain is required to stay
Flat out civil war and razing their cities to the ground after a prolonged siege will save this nation.
Conservatives must move inward. No intelligent people can stay in the same society as the sub 100 IQ animals, we will all be forced to leave eventually.
The period from the French Revolution through 9/11/01 will be seen as the greatest period of human liberty ever. But it was a temporary mirage, and we are regressing to the mean. No freedom, little economic mobility, stifling of real culture.
unchecked liberalism with lulls in the acceleration (thanks to conservative rats lying about their intentions, while progressing to the same end goal) towards the destruction of a homogeneous society of free men, replaces with a melting pot of willing slaves that only want to exist in a fixed position until they die. Automatons consuming an allotted amount of resources as they produce for their masters: human cattle united under communism.
Whites must be eliminated or brainwashed until bred out of existence and replaced with those willing slaved I mentioned.
Blame the self hating white traitors that are allowing this to happen for their own gains.
We accelerate the collapse of western civilization.
Modern society is trash and not a bit of it is worth saving. From the ashes we build a new world.
Voting won't fix shit
Democracy gay
The 'collapse' will be our last bit of control leaving and Jews taking over everything. There will be no reboot for the white race this time. It's over.
Less than 15% of the world is white today and nearly every white country is completely infested with Jews.
If Sweden becomes 70% non-swedish and the Jews control every political, military, police, law and media institution, then it means fuck all if western civilization 'collapses'.
Collapse of the west will lead to global collapse where the whole world regresses back to a primal state. This window of time will give whites the space to rebuild and purify Europe from non-europeans. Jews will not be able to leach off a dead horse, so they should struggle as well. Either way, we're not gonna find a solution through voting. You can't use the system to fix the system.
grew up to fast
I agree that voting will not solve much.
But I don't think that we will be able to purge much once we become a minority in our own countries. Whites here are mostly old people, while the non-whites here are mostly children. In 20 years, who is going to win a fight between these two groups? The non-whites who are by then in their thirties or the whites who are either dead or retired?
Yes user we are for all purposes fucked. It would take a Civil War to change things. And that only happens if they try to take our guns too quickly, hence why they want to do it slowly (first "assault weapons" then semi autos, then all hand guns, etc.)
Some of the grand children we may have will be bi racial due to current propoganda (though a recent poll showed only 28% of repubs and indipends, think interracial relationships are a good thing)
Hopefully Trump actually has the balls to use the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall, otherwise we're in deep shit permanently
I agree with this statement, Europeans should go back to Europe.
>Implying injuns didn't come here across the bearing strait
George Soros is our problem
Which is why it's important to breed a nigger amount of children now.I remain hopeful that Middle easterners and negros cannot defeat whites even if whites were half the population they are now. Niggers are niggers and middle easterners are too inbred to ever overcome whites. While it is true ME's were a challenging foe in the past to Europeans (moors, ottomans, etc.) they have inbred themselves to a primitive state. However you may be right, maybe collapse isn't the answer but a slow replacement of the current system with out own Sup Forums approved one, or just flat out revolution. Either way we have a pretty tough road ahead of us, Mr. Danish man.
kek, 20 years?
user, it's already irreversible.
>our own Sup Forums approved one**
I should really proof read my posts.
For starters, 1861-1913-1965
Also the Irish and Germans who came to America
Honestly its probably too late already.
Even if it were implemented and mandatory for all elections from here on out, it would be like putting a bandaid on an arterial bleed. We we to apply a tourniquet to non-white immigration and deport all DACA recipients. Using e-verify would be the next step. Then all certificates of death should also be made available to county elections offices.
Assuming that was all possible. We would only prolong the US being majority white for an extra 20 years possibly. Millennial whites need to start having children or we need to begin the process of Balkanization and secession for a white ethnostate. No Jews allowed.
I agree. Personally I really want to racemix too, make some brown kids. Fuck our white race, they called us autists for trying to warn them of the collapse.
Forgive them for they do not understand what they do. People simply are not all fit to rule and they are constantly bombarded with propaganda and chemicals. That being said, I don't see what's wrong with colonizing some brown bitch in some foreign country the producing little white babes of your own
What is wrong with America?
Satanic Nation, posing as "Christian".
Babylon's last days.
You both aren’t wrong.
>breed a nigger amount of children
>US is your land because you were born here, thus making that spic also an completely US citizen.
>A land belongs to the historic race that wandered that land since the begining of times of our species, thus making US native american land and not yours.
Pick one fcking greengo