People are coming here for greentexts. So convert red pills into greentexts, and give the kids what they want.
There may be hope to create Generation Zyklon yet
Other urls found in this thread:
>around blacks
>never relax
>be me
>see black
>You think
>you're hot shit
>its an obscure kind of feels
Normies have no chance of understanding this
>Be good boy
>Always listen to parents
>Sometimes fuss but still pull the weeds, and pick up dog shit
>Interest in history, science, and engineering
>take the fighting for our freedom pill
>grow up
>learn about how the Wars are all entered via false flag attack
>why not just say we are going to enter war because its the right thing to do instead of creating an event to decieve people into War
>find out about religion
>First thought it was Christians being crusaders again
>then think Muslims are dangerous because they are bombing churches
>then hear about Jews controlling Christianity and Islam disregard.rar
>Learn about Dark Luciferians
>thx Mark Passio
>Understand through time and work that its not any single religion... its ALL of them
>learn money is the highest religion of the world and Jews control it more than any other lesser religion
>learn Jews were directed to create money in order to mine gold for aliens
>learn why circumcision and artificial cranial deformation exists
>to be more like the (((gods)))
>it means all the rumors of hiding things in plain sight are real in most cases
>mfw i read anything about anyones opinion on reality
off by one fuck
>Too wordy
>not funny
>small amounts of red pills about kikes
I don't know user, i don't think your trying to derail and lay down poor green txt red pills but and then you said this and i have no idea what to think You can redeem yourself by telling us, what where you off by one from?
I'll try to do another one
dumb frogposter
Heres the vid.
This has great potential !!
Oh shit, another user who's taken the octarine pill. We're few and far between off of /x/
>Be White
>Live far north
>50'000 years ago
>Its cold
>Its winter
>Trees bare, no fruit
>Hunt and skin Mammoth, to get fur and food
>Take my arrow through your heart, you fat hairy cunt
6 months earlier
>I should collect these fruit and veg and store them for when the cold comes
>I should build a hut
>make the walls thick to keep the cold away and an area for fire to keep warm
>Need to plan ahead for my family
>For my people
Rinse and repeat for 50'000 years
Environmental pressure.
quads newfriend
but he was 5 away
find the extended version on his podcast if you so smaht
Guys. Nazis are Jews. Dont believe me? You are not paying attention.
FYI when people say Jews, not only do they mean Jews but they mean also the ones who created Judaism.
Dont be a fucking retard. People call eachother shills while the history channel and the entertainment industry has been shilling nothing but violence, sex, drugs, music AND aliens.
Humanity does not remember our ancient past. The reason why is because the (((kings/rulers)))made it a crime for people to read and write.
This stems from people depicting the ancient aliens and getting punished by those who the aliens chose to rule us.
Jesus is still /ourguy but Christ is just a man who is in balance and had no fear to speak the truth. The truth of his time was that people were being ritually murdered and otherwise just enslaved by cults with soldiers.
Its all over the place. Think about how dead and asleep people are inside. This has always been a spiritual war where its soldiers must deny false authority with force