This is Freddie, the strongest character in Chaika. Say something kind

This is Freddie, the strongest character in Chaika. Say something kind.

She has cute feet.

Literally every problem could've been easily solved or skipped over were it not for her mental retardation

I like it when she was killed multiple times

I said kind words.

she knows her seafood


Socks with swimsuits is my fetish.

Why is she called Freddie?
Aside from that she is cute.

dragoon night scans never

Why not?

Isn't she japanese and a female?
Freddie is a male western/european name, desu.


Freddie is definitely not asian

It's short for Frederika.


Nobody likes Fred. People only like Chaika

I like Fred.

No, you don't. You like Chaika

Daddy fucked her up hard though.
She is a qt though.

She has incredible drills

No one actually likes Chaika, they just like front page memes.

Freddie brings all the Anons to the thread. Freddie makes the memes.

biggest jobber in the anime

People only like Chaikass.

I can't believe someone else remembers this

Freddie is not for lewd.

tell me more