I've been educated at Yale, was part of Skull and Bones, 100% Neocon and support Trumps appointment of Bolton. Debate me if you can.
I'm a Neocon, Debate Me
Other urls found in this thread:
cool story bro
You're in the right side.
I am the opposite of a cuck. I've fucked many girls, very hot ones as well, I'm the one who cucks.
did your parents have someone strap you down to a table and rip off part of your penis while you were an infant?
CIA gave Bolton bad Intel to use him as scapegoat of iraw war when WMDs didn't turn up
pls go
Why do you support George Soros and terrorism?
John Bolton is a Soros plant.
>Previously recognized by the U.S. government as a terrorist organization, the MEK spent vast sums paying high profile U.S. politicians to speak in favor of its cause. Bolton has spoken for the group on numerous occasions and one source tells me he was paid significantly for doing so.
>Like too many organizations that claim to represent the best interests of the nation of Iran and Iranian-Americans, the NIAC is tightly connected with and known to be funded at least in part by the George Soros empire.
>Small wonder NIAC advice on dealing with Iran was replete with claims that Israeli propaganda was responsible for the negative image imposed on otherwise peace-loving, misunderstood Iranian mullahs. Not exactly a friend of Israel is George Soros.
>“Court documents show the NIAC was guilty of: lying to members of Congress, fraudulent membership numbers, tax law violations and evasions, Lobbying Disclosure Act violation, the Foreign Agents Registration Act violations, foreign bank accounts, defrauding of federal funds, bribing of eye witnesses, etc…”
>First,NIAC is a Soros-backed group. Soros is of course the money behind MoveOn.org and got J Street up and running. He is also paying “the $90,000 annual salary of the NIAC staffer, Patrick Disney.” The Left’s moneyman is plainly in the mullah’s corner.
Yes. I am circumcised, but I'm not Jewish
Nice conspiracy theory. The Iraq war was planned long before 9/11
Violation of the first amendment, i am not in favor of this.
We oppose terrorism. We support the detainment and enhanced interrogation of terrorists.
We support nationalism for America and Israel but globalism for the rest. We want a globalized American-run world with a global common market.
>John Bolton is a Soros plant.
this claim makes absolutely no sense and the links you provided do not support this idea. You have a very foggy illuminati-Soros-zionism-globalism idea in your head and you associate everybody in the establishment to this weird set. Bolton is pro-war, anti-UN, anti-immigration, Soros is anti-Russia, pro-UN, pro-immigration. Different people with different ideas.
Why do you hate Iran so much?
They execute homosexuals, they don't given women rights, they hang dogs, they have no free speech, they are threatening Israel, they hate America, they are a state sponsor of terrorism around the globe, they are a very primitive and backwards country.
... as opposed to any of our Gulf allies?
You sound an awful lot like the LARPing faggot kike with a sub-90 IQ who claimed his dad was a US Representative who told you the Deep State does not exist. Come back to spread more of your disinfo, faggot kike LARPer?
Remember kids, SAGE goes in all fields.
So any proof?
Short term geopolitical prediction will do.
Guys, I think Trump is trying to teach his base to call out bad picks and tell him what we want. We need to be better about disseminating information.
Avg price of house around 1998 before globalisation and free-trade went full swing
>$180k in NYC (boros)
>$170k in SF
>$150k in LA
>$120k in DC
>$140k in Sydney
>$120k in Melbourne
>$140k in Toronto
>$130k in Vancouver
>£50k in London
Avg price of house after 2004 massive free-trade/open-borders
>$800k in NYC (boros)
>$1m in SF
>$600k in LA
>$500k in DC
>$900k in Sydney
>$700k in Melbourne
>$600k in Toronto
>$1m in Vancouver
>£1m in London
before free trade:
>domestic production of goods
>goods were affordable and of high quality
>lowest cost of living
>affordable housing (house costs only 2 times the annual salary)
>90% white
after free trade:
>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>highest cost of living
>unaffordable housing (10-20 times the annual salary)
>plummeting life expectance
>shit quality products that kill you
>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites
Have fun getting lined up against a wall
>implying China would be colonizing the planet without the help of US and Nixon/R'feller since the 70s
Rockefeller/Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
would china be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology?
US is China's greatest ally. if it was not for the US, China would still be a country based on subsistence farming.
US literally created superpower China...
Nixon/Rockefeller birthed superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
china would not be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology
China's rise was due to a transfer of wealth from the west.
>murica transfer of wealth/technology/industry to poor rural china
>murica create power strong china
>murica claim a strong china a problem
>murica plans on fighting strong china with totalitarian TTP eroding more citizen rights
>not creating a scapegoat to implement totalitarianism
the power brokers transferred:
-literally all the financial funds of US workers to China,
-transferred technology and jobs to China
-hyperinflated the housing so that only the Chinese (recipients of western funds) could afford the housing
the transfer of funds was done involuntarily without the consent of the owners of the funds
the power brokers took western funds sitting in banks and invested all of that in China.
all that wealth transfer was from your pockets. the private funds in bank accounts, the housing assets, the jobs, all transferred by corporate USA without your agreement...
>economy collapses every 5 years (planned by globalists)
>massive layoffs every 5 years
>import millions of shitskins to replace those natives layed off
>impoverished natives get health issues
>get bankrupt by medical bills
>go homeless
>get on heroin
white genocide was never as easy as this
meanwhile trafficked poojeets/chinks are now the highest stolen income earners from the whites that perished under the globalist white genocide scheme
what's best for all humanity is more important
the nativists left behind have no value, no rights, no future, no property.
this is best for all humanity.
nativists are worthless, unprofitable, wasteful, hateful, and hopeless. they deserve no charity, just more punishment.
he's a terrible singer, why would trump hire him?
Late 1990s:
>White Canadians were a 90%+ majority until the 2000s and Canada was conservative, no LGBTQ+ bullshit
>All of a sudden, start seeing Africans, Muslims, Pakis, Chinks, etc everywhere
>Multiculturalism expands to hyper levels, every school/university/work place/govt agency starts ramming diversity down our throats
>House prices start accelerating
>Wages start decreasing
Fast Forward 2017
>Toronto 30% white
>Vancouver Syrian Refugees 24/7 on TV/news
>White people can't find work, it's all non-whites getting jobs
>Average house price is $1M+ while salaries are 50K-60K max
>Refugees driving BMW and Mercedes
>Most Universities have non-white majorities
>Whites down to 65-68%
>Whites will be Nobody really knows why this is happening so fast, govt always touts (((250-300k))) "reasonable" immigration a year
>But nobody has ever heard of a white person immigrating in the last 20 years
>Turns out Canada is letting in 750K on permanent residency a year via various immigration schemes not publicized
>Canada lets in 1.2M a year on "temporary immigration" that's 10 year work/live visas that lead to citizenship that aren't even counted in public statistics
>Turns out secret GBA+ (Gender Based Analysis Plus) program is forced down every govt decision maker including immigration officers to discriminate against straight whites
>Turns out 97% of immigrants are poor non-whites
>Turns out there is a secret organization called the Metropolis Project that holds an annual conference of 1,000+ govt bureaucrats with the sole objective of letting in as many poor non-white migrants a year
>Turns out this organization started in 1996, around the time of the change
>Turns out George Soros started and funded the Metropolis Project through his Open Societies Foundation
>govt passed M-103 anti-Islamophobia motion, setting road to criminalize any criticism of migration policy
You are here.
what's best for all humanity is more important
the globalists left behind have no value, no rights, no future, no property.
this is best for all humanity.
>what's best for all humanity is more important
>the nativists left behind have no value, no rights, no future, no property.
>this is best for all humanity.
globalization is the correction between 3rd world supremacy and 1st world wastefulness
>what's best for all humanity is more important
>the globalists left behind have no value, no rights, no future, no property.
>this is best for all humanity.
Jidf is scared of pol
Fuck those kikes
USSR wouldnt have been the monster it was if the US industrialists didnt transfer their industry to USSR ~100 years ago. Ford, GM... all setup factories in USSR thinking it was good for business.
the Soviets then kicked out and gulag'd the americans and kept the industries for free without paying a cent to the western industrialists
globalism: pretty fuckin retarded
How America Helped Build The Soviet Machine
How We Built the Soviet Might
the Great Divergence (en.wikipedia.org
is what separated civilizations.
Now technology is creating the Great Convergence.
Social Networks DEFEAT nation-states!
Your "nativism" is the result of EVIL, SATAN worshipping colonization, slavery, segregation, exploitation, discrimination, apartheid, and marginalization
your nativist "culture" is illegitimate based on Evil, except being a fun costume to wear and tourism.
globalists are thrusting the west to destruction yet again
China is the dream of the globalist. Full totalitarian despotism and pro-censorship of anything the government deems 'hateful'. Oh, they would just loooove China.
It even has all the starvation, shortages, famines, fake food and corruption they love too!
protip: Rockefeller created China
US Middle Class Still Suffering from Rockefeller-Kissinger Industrial Transfer Scheme to China
founded by non other, than our Mr. John D. Rockefeller III in 1954
do you like the taste of faeces
oh so youre a literal retard cuckolded useful idiot who dont even know what youre doing
good thing we got that out of the way
ussr was unproductive because it became run by gangsters.
>implying asia was anything but a copy-paste civilization
This is China's (asias) history
>farm rice for all of human history
>have incredible amount of resources but no intuition to do anything with them
>get addicted to a shit tier drug
>cry and kill a bunch of their own people
>communism, kill more of their own people
>"what if we copy white people?"
>steal idea's, reach 2 billion locusts, but most of them are that stupid that they can only do factory work.
>we wuz invetardz n shiet
takeaway: yea so join the globalist party or rot
>nazi germany was unproductive because it became run by globalists.
why do we ignore and tolerate the fatal, genocidal dictatorship of globalists?
>General Motors and Ford creates the motorized nazi war machine
>IBM partners with nazis to efficiently run the extermination of millions in Europe with IBM systems
>The Carnegie Institution and its sponsored movement spent millions to propagate American eugenic theories in post-WWI Germany, financing and directing race science programs in universities and official institutions. These included the idea that Jews must be eliminated.
>Rockefeller funded Hitler’s chief raceologist Otmar Verschuer and his insatiable twin experimentation programs.
U.S. oil companies sold oil to Nazi Germany
the Rockfeller literally allowing Hitler to keep killing millions of Europeans by selling them oil (and being their main if not only provider for a while).
globalism- NOT EVEN ONCE!
5000 year old culture of creativity
japan and china never wanted to open trade because they were utopias, middle ages in the West were hell because of feudalism.
also the Monarchies exploited western peasants all day, everyday
Wasps and Jews have been making money with Chinese since America's founding (en.wikipedia.org
the nativists imported from Europe became whiny and expensive, whereas the 3rd world is grateful, hard-working, motivated, and sacrificing for the future of their children.
you and this trotskyite OP have more in common than you think
Globalism has pulled the most people out of poverty of anytime in history.
This global capitalism promotes global cooperation to address challenges facing all of humanity
>GM's Opel was the largest car and truck maker in the Third Reich. When Hitler came to power, his nation was still primarily a horse-drawn country. From the outset, GM consciously mass produced cars and truck for the German military, becoming a major and indispensable spear of Nazi rearmament. This included the Blitz truck which became the mainstay of the Blitzkrieg that conquered Europe. GM concealed its American control of Opel through special executives committees and board directorates. After the War, GM took all the profit, including that gained from slave labor. After a Congressional investigation, GM tried to obscure the facts and pressured Washington about a special report on the company's activities. To this day, the company frustrates research efforts into its protracted and profitable involvement in Nazi genocide
>General Motors, James D. Mooney, received the Grand Cross of the German Eagle for his distinguished service to the Reich. "Nazi armaments chief Albert Speer told a congressional investigator that Germany could not have attempted its September 1939 Blitzkrieg of Poland without the performance-boosting additive technology provided by Alfred P. Sloan and General Motors".[20][21][22] During the war, GM's Opel Brandenburg facilities produced bombers JU-88, trucks, land mines and torpedo detonators for Nazi Germany
As said by the fucking weirdo
Your ideas are trash. Who fucking wants to manage a bunch of retards & their retard countries? No cognizant American, especially not the young fighting arm of our millennial population, aka the ones who get to decide tomorrow, want to do that. We have enough to fix in our own country, fuck the others it's their country they can have it
I wouldn't have such hatred for neocons if you guys would just stop claiming you're "spreading democracy" or "fighting terrorism". Just tell people the truth. You're doing this for economic dominance on the global scale. Force everyone into submission.
I wouldn't even have a problem with that agenda if the US itself weren't being eroded and destroyed. You're off fighting wars playing cloak and dagger arming people while the US is crumbling.
Tell me who the US should go to war with next and why
Why should the United States fund Israel's military ($3 billion per year) if we have to go to the Middle East to keep the peace ourselves?
If it's more cost-efficient to have Israeli fight, then why are we going there are at all?
And if it's more cost-efficient to fight the war ourselves, then why are we giving them a single dime?
And lastly, why did we go to Iraq when there is brazen evidence that the 9/11 attacks was perpetrated by Al Qaeda which is financially supported by Saudi Arabia? Why did we go to Iraq and not Saudi Arabia? Where are the weapons of mass destruction that Prime Minister Netanyahu promised were in Iraq in Sept 2002? (6 months before we went into Iraq)
>Source: youtube.com
Post-script: Since Netanyahu was wrong, what does he owe us for lying to us?
>confiscate Jewish assets. IBM solution: all banks and financial institutions were run by IBM cards which were programmed to seek out the Jewish names and their accounts for seizure. Fourth: ghettoize the Jews. IBM Solution: cross-match families from their existing residences into crowded dilapidated slums so that in a single day, thousands of people could be efficiently transferred from point A to point B. Fifth, deport the Jews to camps. IBM solution: most of the railroads in Europe were routed by IBM punch cards. Create special depots to ensure that trains with cattle cars were made available to transport Jews to camps. Inbound, these trains were crowded with helpless humans. Returning, they were empty.
>IBM systems efficiently identify, track, manage, transport, and route millions of prisoners to extermination
>IBM systems maintained efficient scheduling of trains transporting millions to camps
I'm easily swayed and hold very few serious convictions. Debate me.
All Chinese inventions are jokes.
China did not invent paper, printing, gunpowder, compass.
1) Egypt invented paper(papyrus) 5000 years ago.
Papyrus is defined as paper.
The English word paper was derived from the word papyrus.
Papyrus - Wikipedia
China started to use animal bones as "paper" 3000 years ago.
Oracle bone - Wikipedia
There were a number of civilizations invented paper, example, Maya.
Maya codices - Wikipedia
2) Middle East invented writing 5000 years ago.
Middle East invented printing 5000 years ago.
It was before the Chinese history.
Johannes Gutenberg invented Printing press, (the machine).
3) Greece invented gunpowder.
Greek fire, its chief ingredient was saltpeter and sulfur, making it an early form of gunpowder.
China was ruled by Manchurian tribe for 300 years till 1911.
The population rate was 1 million Manchus VS 100 million Chinese.
Manchu conquest of China - Wikipedia
Manchus had the right of the first night in China.
Queue Order
When the Manchus defeated China, Chinese men were forced to wear a queue or they would be killed.
globalism creations:
>superpower china
>al qaeda
>white genocide
chinks are literally nigger tier...the only reason they have money is because we allowed them to make our junk now they are like an international version of the beverly hillbillies
you have to rmember is that one generatiosn ago 90% of chinks were rice farming peasants. then (((globalists))) transfered our wealth to homo erectus pekingese. You cant thrust an archaic homo species into modernity, but you can't thrust modernity into the homo erectus pekingese.
>meme flag
the eiites do not transfer their own wealth, they actually get richer by transferring (investing) the wealth of the private citizens to china. just like they did in japan, taiwan, korea etc..
the private citizens lose wealth and become 3rd class citizens to the newly minted asian millionaires.
this resulted in the extinction of the white middle class
You mean like an empire with colonies and shit?
I could maybe be into that.... throw in gassing the left and I might be sold.
where were saddams wmds?
>The Iraq war was planned long before 9/11
why did you invade iraq?
>America and Israel
>and Israel
>Whites becoming minorities in their own countries all over western Europe and in the US
>Anti-white policies have begun in countries like South Africa (taking land away from whites)
>Crimes spike in European countries as they take up more and more migrants
>Debt increases since niggers live off welfare state
>Healthcare expenditures increase as migrants suffer from medieval diseases that we aren't prepared for (i.e. the plague)
>(((higher education))) recruits more women, but absolutely none of them go into STEM fields, all go into liberal arts fields
>result is that they have no productive value but become hard feminists and leftists
>white men see the state of white women, which openly hate them for "crimes" committed against them, even though white women enjoy the most liberty of any other race of women
>white men give up on white women, either going with asian women to create a subrace of mutt freaks, or start using sexbots
>white birth rates drop
>white race goes extinct
>globalism has succeeded, moves on to the asian races until there are nothing but niggers in the world.
For those of you who have played the Dead Space series, globalism, marxism and leftism in general reminds me a lot of the Unitology church. They are a group of self-hating, suicidal retards who, rather than simply killing themselves, bring death to everyone around them prior to committing suicide.
so why're you allies with saudi arabia?
>kekistani meme flag
very believable
You're either a normie idiot or a LARPer, either way go fuck yourself.
>locusts swarm comfortable white cunts via globalist open border/h1b scam
>locusts buy up all houses, businesses, and jobs
>whites cant buy houses, businesses, or get jobs
>whites cant settle down and raise families
>white declining birthrate happens thanks to locusts hoarding all the white-created resources
>whites go homeless
>whites get a heroin gift from the locust
China was very backward in history.
1) China entered metal age 1000 years later than Middle East, Europe, South Asia.
Bronze Age, Wikipedia
2) China entered Iron age 600 years later than Europe and Near East.
At the time, European used iron tools, Chinese used primitive tools.
Iron Age - Wikipedia
3) Glass was invented 5500 years ago, it was before the Chinese history.
History of glass, Wikipedia
4) When European and Middle Eastern built stone/brick houses, Chinese kings lived in a mud palace.
The Great Pyramid of Giza was built 4500 years ago.
Erlitou, the capital of China(2100 BC – 1600 BC) was built by mud.
Erlitou culture - Wikipedia
5)China was the last of the "ancient" civilizations to develop writing.
China invented writing about 3500 years ago,
Oracle bone - Wikipedia
Middle East invented writing 5000 years ago.
European invented writing 7000 years ago, Vinca Script.
Vinca symbols - Wikipedia
There are many Chinese " square characters" in Vinca Script.
Did Chinese invented their own writing 3500 years later, or they copied?
[spoiler]asia sucks erectus cock[/spoiler]
The Hundred Schools of Thought (Chinese: 諸子百家; pinyin: zhūzǐ bǎijiā) were philosophies and schools that flourished from the 6th century to 221 BC, during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period of ancient China.[1]
An era of great cultural and intellectual expansion in China,[2] it was fraught with chaos and bloody battles, but it was also known as the Golden Age of Chinese philosophy because a broad range of thoughts and ideas were developed and discussed freely. This phenomenon has been called the Contention of a Hundred Schools of Thought (百家爭鳴/百家争鸣; bǎijiā zhēngmíng; pai-chia cheng-ming; "hundred schools contend"). The thoughts and ideas discussed and refined during this period have profoundly influenced lifestyles and social consciousness up to the present day in East Asian countries and the East Asian diaspora around the world. The intellectual society of this era was characterized by itinerant scholars, who were often employed by various state rulers as advisers on the methods of government, war, and diplomacy.
This period ended with the rise of the imperial Qin Dynasty and the subsequent purge of dissent.
give me a break, china was into philosophy before you could even wipe your ass
He’s a literal Mossad agent. Nice try JIDF
>haha im not mad ur mad lol I just had sex im not even mad
That's incredibly ignorant.
Your civilization has accomplished nothing. Zero Asian countries ever hit an industrial revolution in their own. China was given industrial tech when they were humiliated for having a famine in the 1960s. The 1960s!!!!! That's worse than your nigger brethren!!! And you're STILL not caught up to the west after merely INITIATING your industry 200 years after Britain. Remember when a white man discovered electricity? Remember when a white man invented the telephone? The automobile? The airplane? Guns? The real gun powder recipe that China falsely claims as theirs?
What are your so called great inventions? The printing press? I don't think so your language doesn't allow for that, especially back then. White Germans invented that. Your compass was useless with the sextant and the Vikings used a solar compass to explore long before your unusable wet compass.
Your language also disables the possibility of inventing a computer.
What else China man? Come at me. Tell me about how you jerk off to posters of your government officials. I'll tell you why they're not what you think.
Or anything else your ever so proud of
This, Soros is part of the “flood Western countries with refugees” camp, whereas Bolton is part of the “devote all American military resources to destroying the rivals of the precious Jewish state” camp
Chinese economic expansion is solely funded by us outsourcing our entire Industrial base to China
The "solution" in TPP was to outsource the rest of our Industrial base to other asian countries
Personally, I think capitalism and globalism are both respectable methodologies when applied fairly...but that doesn't happen. It's proven on this board time and time again that shit seems to flow up stream, for whatever reason and silence is all that is heard back. 1% of the U.S. make up a large chunk of exports and imports (like 30-40%) or so). How much would you wager that amount is dedicated to human trafficking? The game is rigged Skull and Cuck member. It also probably didn't help that the Romans ransacked and burned downs the Jews holy temples and cities and shit too. Its an endless cycle of hatred that keeps being propagated and your cucked cult is not about making the world a better place. Cuck.
Or MKUltra succeeded and no one knows what the fuck anyone is fucking talking about. Good day.
Oxford commas are lame, and useless 99.5% of the time, but no one gets through university without knowing to use one. Just sayin’...not trying to kill your larp bro.
So uh, what are the other secret societies at Yale.
>muh based postmodernist concrete jungle
yes, europe was a technology powerhouse for the last 3 centuries but other than that your civilization is shit. exhibit: you
You talk like a commie
>huurr durr muh technology
yes, you're gadget chimps. i concede that
thanks globalists
if gookland is so great why are you eating burgershit out of whiteman's toilet bowl?
China did not invent paper, you fucking idiot. It's named for PAPYRUS, invented by whites in Egypt long before China thought of it.
China did NOT invent cast iron. There are ZERO extant samples. It's pure bullshit.
China did not invent the horse harness. They go back in Europe and the ancient Middle East as far back as history goes.
China did not invent printing. Printing was invented in Sumeria for clay, in India for ink on cloth, both white civilizations. China learned printing from whites, and showed absolutely no recognition of it when we introduced them to it.
China did not invent the rudder. China didn't even know how to travel the open seas, and was utterly ignorant of the nature of the world when Marco Polo arrived.
China did not invent the compass. The supposed illustrations of them are fake.
China did not invent guns. Projectile weapons were invented by whites and used Greek fire, a recipe that almost certainly was the starting point for gun powder.
China may have invented porcelain, but whites invented the finer previous stoneware and the later and finer bone porcelain.
Rather than sucking kikes' dicks, how about you crack open a book and read what the SKEPTICS have to say about these claims some time, faggot?
And for every Chinese FAKE invention you can list, I can give you THEN THOUSAND REAL WHITE INVENTIONS.
Suck it, bitch!
What is your IG?
you okay?
Why do you think Libertarian ideals will be carried on for your, presumably white, future generations when non-Whites not only don't vote for it, but actively vote against it?
Heritability of political views is placed at .4 according to twin studies and a simple look at voter exit polls tells you that Minorities will never, ever vote for White ideals(that only manifest themselves in the west).
Wealth redistribution and socialism, as they percieve it, is in their(non-white's) best interests. In the long term it's unsustainable and oppressive, but they're going to vote for it anyway all while portraying Whites as a new Bourgeoisie(they do it now).
Your white offspring will be oppressed and killed if white nationalism is not adopted.
No better argument against conservatism of the last 60 years can be articulated than it's abject failures in the culture war against Postmodern, Neo-Marxism.
Abandon cuckservatism, it has failed.
dude, your civilization is so shit that you find it painful to breed with your own women. and btw, you can thank muslims and indians for much for your (((inventions)))
sage in all fields
All your other points are irrelevant. This argument is only about the historic contributions to humanity that China has made. Gutter oil, dog eating. Thats it. Your points about increasing land mass? Irrelevant, every empire waxes and wanes, even those within Europe. Your point about global population shrinking? Affected everyone, globally. Smallpox outbreak? Congratulations, even if it killed a third of your population, you'd still have a greater population than Europe.
China has historically produced two notable contributions inventions, and no notable scientific contributions, which is why that graph shows what it does, despite all the irrelevant bullshit justifications you come out with.
BTFO again, Zhao. Enjoy being a vassal of a perpetually underachieving state. :^)
he's just jealous
what's the point? it's like explaining metaphysics to a cow
> muslims
> inventions
Exactly what needed to be said!
>was part of Skull and Bones
fake and gay
go suck a circumcised cock, larper
A powerful red-haired Caucasoid from the Western frontier uses Western inventions such as the chariot to invade the East and conquers all the yellow-skinned submissive Mongoloids and rules over them. He institutes strict laws and standards throughout his empire to dominate and control his subjects and this leads to the Chinese cultural identity.
Chinese Mongoloid peasants rebel and oust their Caucasoid masters and make a peasant their supreme emperor. Thanks to all the technology and culture brought to them by their Western conquerors, the Chinese experience a golden age.
>3 Kingdoms
Constant warfare between a bunch of peasants who want to be emperor. Someone writes a bullshit novel about them 1000 years later making them superheroes.
>Sui then Tang
A northern Turkic people called the Xianbei conquer all of China. Tang is another golden age where Western culture is prevalent. For instance, the beauty standard is imported from Caucasoid Turkic northerners and fat lewd chicks are seen as the ultimate sex symbol.
>Liao then Jin
Northern steppe warriors invade and conquer half of China and enslave the Chinese population.
The remaining southern half of China.
Founded by Genghis Khan (who had red hair according to historical documents) and his Mongolian descendants. They first conquer Jin, which is already foreign-occupied, and then they conquer Song and rape all the Chinese women. Chinese are relegated to the lowest social class in the multi-ethnic Yuan empire.
Chinese peasants rebel and oust the Mongols. They once again make a peasant their supreme emperor.
Northern steppe warriors called the Manchu invade and conquer all of China and subjugate the entire population. They force all Chinese men to shave half their head and massacre 30 million Chinese.
Japan defeats Qing in a war and liberates the Chinese from 300 years of Manchu domination. Later, Japan weakens the KMT, and Communist peasants take over China.
Top Five Missions by Israel's Sayeret Matkal
>the first victim of 9/11, Daniel Lewin, was an elite captain in Israel's Sayeret Matkal
>he was allegedly stabbed to death with boxcutters on Flight 11, the first plane to hit the WTC, after being seated between two alleged hijackers
>but his seat number 9B is cited as a hijacker in the official 9/11 transcript by attendant Betty Ong
>notice how Sayeret missions frequently target airports, airplanes, and occur behind enemy lines, using disguises, including as airport staff and Muslims
>Benjamin Netanyahu is ex-Sayeret. He once disguised himself as an airport technician to kill Muslim hijackers; his brother died raiding an airport for Sayeret in Operation Thunderbolt, also called Operation Jonathan in his memory
>Lewin's father was a Zionist Israeli poet who hated America. He refused to visit Daniel...until the week before 9/11. He literally departed back to Israel on 9/10
>Lewin's company Akamai is responsible for handling US Internet traffic on 9/11, and now has offices in Israel
>Lewin was an alum of Technion aka Mossad University
Pure coincidence? Or was 9/11 a Sayeret/Mossad operation? What did Daniel Lewin know? Why is he never celebrated as a hero if he attempted to kill hijackers as reported?
Flight 11 is the plane the "Dancing Israelis" of Urban Moving Systems were arrested for celebrating and photographing as it crashed. They were ordered deported to Israel, after 71 days of FBI interrogation, by Zionist Homeland Security head Michael Chertoff. Their employer Dominik Suter entirely abandoned the UMSystems business and fled to Israel, before it was raided by FBI.
Do your research Sup Forumsaks. A Sayeret Zio-commando just happens to be seated b/t two alleged Muslims hijackers on the first plane to hit the WTC, and Netanyahu and Jews are mum? Yeah right. Bolton and his Israel sayanim are plotting 9/11 '18 to invade Iran and Syria. Redpill everyone on Daniel Lewin.