>greek (european) mythology >a nigger Pick one and only one.
Adam Miller
Even at that time North Africans weren't black. Aside from that, he would've had olive skin similar to modern Greeks, seeing as they're the ones who created the story, a hero created in their image.
Adam Thomas
Ancient Greeks were not white, they were more similar to modern north africans, so were probably mullatic in appearance.
Matthew Martin
Lenin, Mao Zedong, and Castro were also black.
Jason Martinez
From the reconstructions made by historians they did look pretty white, although slightly weird for us.
Clueless burgers, pathetic as always. Ancient greeks like modern greeks are white (caucasoid) europeans. related to modern balkan populations and central or south italians
Nolan Davis
Blackwashing is every bit as bad as whitewashing, get bent
Austin Jackson
you don't know what white is you stupid cunt. White means european. >Lenin was black You fucking burgers need to KYS with your idiotic comments.
Ayden Reyes
No one will watch this. It's the shame of western capitalism that their money for propaganda like this but not for affordable housing and wage growth. The west is actively working against growth in inflation adjusted income while we are awash in money.