All darkies want blood always.
Never relax
I never wear headphones when I'm in downtown Oslo
don't turn your back on these fuckers
blacks are savage animals
always be on guard if you find yourself around them, just like you would be on guard if you got dropped into the gorilla enclosure at a zoo
it's the same surroundings and the same threat level
why are white people so weak?
kek at all those tolerant respectful individuals not grabbing that monkey's leg. And you wonder why darkie doesn't respect you. LRN2GRAPPLE Monkey heads love the pavement just help them out.
OP is so fucking racist
talk shit... well you know the rest
>blacks are savage animals
>always be on guard if you find yourself around them,
2018 and people still think this is a racist joke and not verifiable truth
>talk shit.
This is an old jew that got what he deserved for bringing these animals here in the first place.
I think it goes a little something like this
>Talk shit, get arrested for battery and leave your kids to walk the same fate
he's stabbing him with a screwdriver or something
And this is why I conceal carry.
who is this dude
>can't leave tips on tables because niggers
Niggers are just animals.
What's the deal with black people? They're not black and they're not people!
jesus fuck. random attack or words were exchanged first? wtf.
dude was out cold & still being attacked. every random black is possibly a straight senseless murderer?
Literally why I carry a gun everywhere I go. I dare a nigger to touch me.
>black is beautiful shirt
never give up your 2nd amendment, ameribros
Yes. 100%
love the filenames friend
Never will. Looking into buying properties near the woods so I can limit my reliance on the modern world. I just want to own my guns, raise my food, grow my crops, and live freely.
>love the filenames friend
Fucking 1984.
Fucking 1984.
Fuck surveillance cameras!
Black people should be able to do crime in peace from investigators!!!
Fuck surveillance cameras!
Nog hate general
We should only have surveilance cameras in low income areas where the niggers are. They're the ones that cause societies problems. They're the ones that need someone always watching their useless asses.
I always grew up thinking the Klan were the bad guys.
Now I realize they were a needed response to a real problem.
Fuck that. We should just send them to Liberia.
Score one for the good guys.
>grew up mil brat on coast guard bases
>"blacks are people too"
>move to Mississippi
>Knock yo bitchass into next year faggot
This is why you deserve to be crippled by "unidentified black man" who's not stupid to rob in low income areas.
niggers cant fight worth a shit
What useless sack of shit employees.
>Be scared white cracker
>You big weak white bitch
One more for the home team
They are born evil and without morals, literal demons in the flesh without souls.
>How this fist taste?
Based brah.
Head on a swivel.
Good job.
why is this dumb faggot just counting his fucking money and holding it in his mouth and shit
that guy got what he deserved
Love that FINISH HIM! moment.
kek niggers don't pull this kind of shit in stand your ground states because they know one day it'll be their last
>Have some of this and this and that
>Overeem is half white
>Has a glass jaw
Wow, you are right.
if you are hanging out in this room then you deserve whatever happens to you
>There is no solution for Black Power
take your we wuz kangs ass somewhere else you little faggot
Underrated and true
>bigfoot silva
you're failing at shitposting dog
>Turn your face into ground beef you weak faggot
this ones funny
Holy shit .45 stopping power isn't a meme.
>Look at the fear in their eyes
Are these supposed to be human?
>Shhhh go to sleep now
Wow, don't know how that qualified as "assault" or why that nog got a 20 yr plea deal
lol the tip was actually $5
>tfw I live in Alabama but its a mostly white town
>Why can't whites fight?
Baby's first driveby.
Every know and then they'll get ornery and try something but a good white man with a gun will always be there to show dem da wey.
Just one of many toll payments to be made.
>Tiger uppercut
What?? Who even leaves their car running?
Barely waited for the bitches to get up. This defines black culture 100%. And they fucking wonder why they are profiled. This is actually considered and taught as good behavior because whitey.
>What?? Who even leaves their car running?
I always get so turned on when i see an alphamale put a betaboi in his place. I want to get beat up but i'm sure it would hurt.
That nigger got what he fucking deserved.
>Get rekt white cracker
>she just stands therected doing nothing
Was fun watching thin George Lucas kill a nig with a .45.
I love how he cares more about her glasses than face. Everyone knows if you gonna beat a bitch leave he face clean so no one knows. Fuck dis nigga.
B-b-but Koscheck is half black....
>sitting with friend in empty diner
>waitress seats a couple of color directly across from you
no, wouldn't want anybody never mind
dumb ass bitch in her stupid mink hood coat drunk as fuck
>Pound yo ass doggystyle
you don't have the IQ required to be a shill. Forgot to change flag again. You're fired nigger.
pretty sure it's called jail you fatherless stinkskin.
LMAO that other nigga had a gopro on his head
None of these clips of Woodley are nearly as beautiful as Marquardt's absolute destruction of him, and their is no comparison
why was that nigger wearing a go pro? Was he also playing pokemon go and live streaming it?
for how long are we meant to pretend that these are peaceful creatures?
Hot, i wish i was the whiteboii....