Anyone interested in a dump of photos from inside? Got yelled at and called a fascist a lot. Some Antifa got their moms to bring them too!
Attached: Yelly Face.jpg (5472x3072, 2.67M)
Nuh uh you.
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Antifa lurkers.
Attached: Antifa Gathering.jpg (5472x3072, 2.64M)
Surely it'll work this time if we just give up our weapons.
Attached: Not now mom seizing the means.jpg (5474x3072, 2.17M)
I wish so many hadn't showed up in school shooter core :-(
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Ham planet was yelling about whites.
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This memelord was sure Hitler was hiding in our midst.
Attached: Fascists Go Home.jpg (5472x3072, 2.01M)
Soy intensifies.
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Attached: Edgy Look.jpg (5472x3072, 2.08M)
She's serious you guys.
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How many of those "kids" are 17 year old gang members?
Mostly parents with bored kids who they hung signs on.
That better dead than red patch is pretty cool.
There were some good moments I got on video too, just too lazy to edit that rn.
This ham planet was yelling "Boo hoo you're white!!".
Attached: Racial Stuff.jpg (5472x3072, 2.51M)
Friendly normal guy
Attached: Normal Guy.jpg (5472x3072, 2.49M)
Grr nationalism
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Can't bash the fash without keeping a respectful distance lads
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Antifa stared very angrily for several hours.
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This dude came with bongos and drummed the whole time, he was great.
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Ninjas hate guns.
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This guy kept yelling about faggots and jews... Had to ask him to not ruin the whole protest by creating a headline about his thoughts on the jews.
Attached: Bullhorn Shitposting.jpg (5472x3072, 2.59M)
Didn't say a word, just angry staring.
Attached: Ginger Ninja.jpg (5472x3072, 1.68M)