Why are white people acting so passive? If any christian terrorists ever killed hundreds of muslims in their countries, the muslims would probably completely ethnically cleanse them out of their countries.
Why are white people acting so passive? If any christian terrorists ever killed hundreds of muslims in their countries...
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Mossad did that bombing.
We're not passive look at all the posting we do.
definitely has nothing to do with the fluoride in our water or the pharmaceutical drug cartel keeping everybody doped up.
Someone's got to fund all these welfare benefits.
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
we're a population under hostile occupation
Christian countries, i.e. USA, France, Eternal A*glo and their neocolonial project Israel, have been assraping Mudslimes for centuries.. we're just too stupid to let those assholes enter our lands due to "humanism"
I’m surprised as well. But when you put it on perspective. World wars were not that long ago (all my grandparents + relatives fought in it some way, some were wounded etc.). Think of how many young men died in it. We are still living in aftermath of it all. At least in Europe.
I feel like we’re just waiting for all the browns and Jews to overstep so much that no country on earth can deny it. When everybody sees we’re justified, the cleanse will begin. And what a cleanse it will be.
christians are violent too. Are you saying the florida school shooting and austin bombing didn't happen? The only reason there aren't christian terror attacks in muslim countries is because christians don't live there.
getting shit done round here
So glad you asked!
>Why are white people acting so passive?
We are an occupied population worldwide. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. We are all just waiting for somebody to stand up and unite around. Waiting.
People need their community approval to to something. But their immediate community is not enough : the State, the legal system and the Media must also be in line. And on the international scale, you better had countries that believe in the legitimacy of your cause or won't bother you in your internal affairs.
You need : local support, legal support, state or army support, and regional or international support.
None of these parameters are fulfilled as of today.
Muslims ethnically cleansed christians even if they don’t do anything bad to them.
How the fuck do blood and good rhyme.
the Muslims ethnically cleanse Christians regardless of any terrorism
It needs to be a majority nationwide. Otherwise that somebody will just be called a "weirdo lunatic" by the media and it will remain an isolated case.
Were those religiously motivated? Did the perpetrators shout deus vult? No? Then go fuck yourself shariablue piece of shit.
>and it will remain an isolated case.
Not if he doesn't get arrested tho
kek, I am stealing that
are you claiming the autist who shot up the school in Florida was a church going Christian or are you just assuming that because of his perceived skin color?
he was raised under a christian doctrine. everyone wants to vilify muslims but the truth is that people who commit murder aren't muslim.
They do it for Islam. You are nothing but evil.
That was Rhodesia and currently South Africa, faggot. No one cares.
You are most welcome
Well if ur gonna blame Christians for everything anyway it might be time to crusade since the only change in consequences would saving our people.
Cucked by Christinsanity. They think hate and being aggressive is evil, we are supposed to be meek and love our enemies.
The BS that we are dealing with is either one of two things.
Degeneracy of our humanity through western culture.
Actually dealing with this problem implies more problems for our society by the enrichment of the Jewish Banksters who are the global elite. They think they can bully us into a war which will enrich them through the spread of degeneracy of our familial values. They would win in any war that we wage. The only option we have that doesn't involve enriching the elite is to remain passive. Allow degeneracy to burn people out passively.
Seriously. Christ got it right. Go to church. Forgive others. Remain prepared. Kill the ZOG through passivity. Hold true to your values. Find a wife. Learn to establish boundaries. If you have any power to stop the spread of degeneracy. There might be a time to stop forgiving. But that should only be something you deal with in passivity.
Disease is spreading. Let the cleanse happen on it's own.
Rudyard Kipling knows more about poetry than you, brainlet.
Egypt and Syria are 10% christian. Anyway there are criminals in every group, but you can't just let one minority group specifically continuously attack and murder the majority group at numbers seeming like it's war time, without the majority group retaliating. Also there's zero question muslims would kill all non muslims in Europe if they had the power, they march down the streets now in huge numbers burning european flags and talking about beheading people, massacring them and islam taking over the world. They need to be removed before it's too late is all.
That will never happen because the steps are so tiny they're indiscernible.
Raising kids with good values is hard in a society with so much brainwashing. The disease has already taken over our churches who are now accelerating the problem. God blessed bloodlines for killing race-mixers and those who abandoned belief in God. The only non-violent solution is forming communities shielded from the degeneracy, but the liberal elites know this and are shielding their communities from exposure to right wing views while forcing goblin invasions on white areas. We'll die unless we start using winning tactics.
"zero question muslims would kill all non muslims in Europe if they had the power", stfu you kike, you're the reason the world is what it is. You jew cunts need to be removed you kike
>everyone wants to vilify muslims but the truth is that people who commit murder aren't muslim
>Its not murder if I call it holy war
neck yerself Ahmed
Time for a Christian Reconquista lads
Crusades will come back
>acts like white people aren't literally bombing Muslim nations to smithereens
Raising kids with good values in this society is also a good way to get visits from social services
no ones praying anymore
Because we are an ethically superior people and Muslims are subhuman inbreds.
No Mr. CIA, I don't plan on killing anyone.
Are you a muslim.
>If any christian terrorists ever killed hundreds of muslims in their countries, the muslims would probably completely ethnically cleanse them out of their countries.
says who? There are dozens of times more terrorist attacks in muslim countries and they don't give a shit, they don't retaliate against anyone despite the fact that sunnites and shiites hate each other more than they hate whites, neither do the russians or the turkish and they're both militaristic, nationalist countries with basically dictators at their head.
Those terror attacks are all by muslims, against muslims and non muslims. Who are the muslims going to retaliate against, other muslims like themselves?
Muslims are not one single religion.
Like I said, sunni and shia muslims genuinely hate each other. Many other branches do too.
>the muslims would probably completely ethnically cleanse them out of their countries.
They're doing it anyway. See: Egypt
>why does a prosperous 1st world nation react differently toward hostile minorities than an impoverished 3rd world one?
I don't like it either, but be realistic. no one's gonna stick their neck out when they have so much to lose. don't let it blackpill you. our side is more prominent than ever. we just need to keep at it.
also: about half of white people want you and yours dead. its a bit tonedeaf to include self hating privileged shitlibs in the group we identify with. this is a fundamental problem with blanket white nationalism.
They do you fucking mong, they throw terrorist attacks at each other and there was the entire iran-iraq war.
>they throw terrorist attacks at each other
So then they do retaliate.
Yeah, they don't genocide each other though, because terrorism isn't a viable enough justification.
Do you think we don't retaliate? A country got invaded for 9/11, Lybia got bombed back to the third world, Syria got attacked, all kinds of shit happens. But it's not like you can just do a pogrom at an entire race/religion for terrorism.
Everyone in the white world tried to break and control the millenial white male, EVERYONE, including millenial white women. As it so happens those millenial white men are in the ideal fighting age. There are those who were broken and those who went MGTOW.
In short millenial white males are passive because it is more cost-effective and because it is a better display of power to those that wronged them than for millenial men to activelly start killing the rest of the white world.
too civilised and domesticated. we've been too comfy for too long. the inroads (((they))) have made is just a symptom of our apathy.
Muslims tried to genocide the yazidis and there's many more instances. Anyway attacking muslims in muslim countries is stupid, the ones in the muslim countries didn't do anything and they're thousands of miles away so they can't do anything, the ones who need to be being attacked and killed are the ones in white countries. That's retaliation.
Because we could easily deal with this problem. We have countless options to neutralize this threat with ease, so nobody bothers. Once the options start to run out they will think back "maybe we should have done that when we had the chance", right before torture and death awaits them. Keep them well fed and occupied to stay well fed and they will ignore most if not all threats.
You are a traitor.
Raw power is the solution. The solution is very straightforward, which is extermination+displacement. Of course you'll be seen as a lunatic when you can't provide the means for the end.
Our race is obviously not full of saints either. Several millions of people need to be taken care of as well, since they are just a byproduct that will never recover, they are a worse version of us.
But the very first thing that stops the immune system to power up? Traitors.