Previous bread/hilo/faden
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First for fuck nu/pol/

>inb4 they blame iran
>inb4 war with iran
As long as the US doesn't get involved... although we (((might)))


Attached: patriot strikes home.webm (368x640, 647K)

let me know when it gets to the point where i dont have to go to my job flipping burgers tmw

When will be forced to die for israel?

Amazing how the videographer was able to stay focused on the moving rocket even up until impact. Makes you almost forgive the vertical video.

What was that lile a 8 oz payload lol. """""""Missile""""""" More like glorified roman candle

right when trump announces it

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>Amerishart missile defence system

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Thanks for buying our weapons, Saudis! You totally needed to shoot 10 missiles to take down 1
>t. not trump

Lame thread

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Attached: new footage.webm (414x720, 2.82M)


Is Yemem the Arab North Korea?

another boring night on pol

Missile? Isn't that just a firework?

jemen, semen

Kek we should've gone with the Chinese

yeah man

No refunds

I live near an airbase it's 2 am and fighters are scrambling. Not normal.

>be American chad missile
>BTFO Russian virgin missile
>BTFO Saudi Arabian virgin goat fuckers

Dude it's fucking late who would they bomb, I'm out of the loop sorry, your majesty.

Proofs Rashid, proofs!

*drafts you to fight for Israel*

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The orange man conned us. Can you at least send his Playboy mistress as a gesture of goodwill?

I'm not doxxing myself Alejandro nice try.


wew what a pussy.
makes sense.

so these are the false flags we're using to start a war with Iran over the petro-yuan launch tomorrow?

I don't know but the F15s are making a lot of noise...

I don't want this outside my door

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Can we make a global agreement among men not to fight at night like niggers?

Fuck saudi arabia worst country in the world.

A terrorist shithole

But how would you fight niggers then?

You're probably going to be dead soon anyway what's it matter

Oh come on, don't be like Puigdemont, your King and my former King are brothers!

Might be a counter attack. They also might know the direction or location the missiles came from, and investigating these locations

You shouldn't fight niggers at night. How would you see them?

Oh shit,, tomorrow?

Islam needs to be destroyed anyway, let them get bombed.

Two words.
Thermal Sights


These are tiny. Is this the new Israel/Palestine thing where Hamas sends over 3 bottle rockets and Israel responds with a 5 week invasion, airstrikes, and white phosphorous bombardment?

Which former king?

Three words cia

oh crap

Juan Carlos is considered a brother by your king, Rashid.

Shit this makes sense

You think a somali has any infrared signature?

OYYY VEYYY!!!!!111

anything live?

Remember when the American people stood up and demanded another Jewish war in the Middle East?

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How about make yourself worth a better job than burger flipping? No one will do it for you.

The Saudis invaded back in 2015 to try and put their guy back in charge of Yemen, since then it's been 3 long years of the Houthis slaughtering Saudi mercenaries and lobbing ballistic missiles at their cities while America provides bombs and shitty missile systems to the Saudis

uuuuuh... shit
true dat

Gee, I wonder why anyone would launch missiles against the wonderful governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia?


What's the story behind it?

Haven't these two been at war for a while now?

Don't really know.
We just know that shit over here, but don't really understand why.
But hey, it's money for Spain thanks to that high-speed train thing over Mecca n shit, so... idk

its quite amazing how fucking goat farmers constantly fuck over the saudi mercs with basically nothing more than their sandales and aks.

According to my uncle
You smell them before you see them anyway

hey this stupid thread is still there
put me in the screencrap

The Houthis typically aren't able to launch missiles into Saud land. Represents an escalation in their ability/willpower.

Wish Saudi would stop sucking Jewish butt hole, with their wealth they could really fuck Israel up.

Are they... dare I say it... /ourslimes/?

Spain is alright. Better you than certain neighbors of yours.

the petrodollar binds them

Sounds like there be a war brewin’

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>Previous bread/hilo/faden
it's called thread not bread you sad retard.
check your spelling set up

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Lol Patriot missile trying to kill it's Arab masters.

A. Fucking. Leaf.
How the fuck did you manage to extract a laugh from me?


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Saudi Arabia says 1 person killed, 2 wounded in ballistic missile attack on kingdom's capital by Yemen rebels



muhammad can't even fire a rocket
or maybe the rocket thought hey, there's a sandnigger already. let's get that

imagine Israel declares war and not a single American is going.

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Your right. The pussys that stay home aren't real Americans.

>70 INT Great Heavy Soul Arrow

Haha would be hilarious! Imagine everyone boycotts the war and they hAve to sue for peace!

large if valid

You dont need a huge payload to disable somting as fast/fragile as a missle

Same principle as AAA batteries, make a decent sized explosion with a decent amount of shrapnel close enough to the target and if you nick SOMETHING the missile/aircraft is done.

a collection of a bunch of videos of the failure counter launch and the actual interception


Real Americans die instantaneously for israel. Preemptively even! Ohhhhhhhh say can you seeeeeeeeeee!

Or are they? They could literally wake up one morning and be all like "Allah Ackbar my niggas" and start developing nukes to wipe (Name Redacted) of the face of the Earth. Could send billions of dollars to (Name redacted starts with an H).

Time to stop this petty sectarian shit and initiate some eschatological warfare.

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>being a weeb in 2018

And people say that there's no point in the 2nd amendment because the government has bombs and drones, etc.

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I fucking hate Saudis, fuck them all. I’m rooting for Yemen. Houthis kill the Saudis.

it's on

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Sad, would have been better if more Saudis died.

>be american
>will go down without war
>will go down when war lost
>support yemen
the absolute state

Are you guys and the jews going to go to war together against Iran?