Aikatsu & Pripara

Truly, Elza-sama's perfection is anything but idle!

Other urls found in this thread:

>Elza-sama's perfection is so perfect that Sup Forums LITERALLY cannot handle it

Well okay then.


I wish Jululu would stop by.

She is fucking dead just like the subs, so never.

I see Stars already started the Rebellion Arc.





RIP Onee-chan


Happy FLUFFday Kii!




We love live now

I want to fuck Lala.


Ako WILL protect Kirara's smile.


Hi, senpai!

>I want a Michiru and sister OVA
>I want a Splash OVA
>I want a second Stars Movie
Will Santa-san give me any of these things for Christmas?


But has Elza ever experienced something as simple as a hug?


It's gonna be a long night again.

You're going to be a long night!



Which Kasumi do you want for Christmas?

Watch the opening.

They see your Otona Mode.



What a fucking cutie.



like is there any need for this? It's literally "laura" tier-retarded



Long time no see, Yayoi-chan.


I want to die

Me too, friend.








Looks like Asahi got a lot of love from fan artists for his birthday.

Saw this, what do


Kill yourself.

I can't believe Yume and Subaru have actually married

>ywn carry Akari
why live



Is this futa?

I need to have my butt touched like this.

Come here.

This SHiN or an impostor?

Best Stars boy deserves cute fanart.


Is this Aoi?

Of course, that jacket is clearly from Futuring Girl.

This is pretty nice.

>it actually is

Ew, old hag.

Ew, an user.



Literally me

This is an interesting pic. What does it say?

The pleasure of cumming inside Ichigo's butt.

I want Ichigo to cum inside me.

Imagine being pregnant with Ichigo's child.

Imagine Pripara with new songs.

Imagine being pregnant with a Pripara song.

Imagine Ichigo being pregnant with your child.

Imagine being Ichigo pregnant with Aoi's child.

Imagine Lala being pregnant with a Aikatsu song.

Imagine a good post.



Jesus this thread is a mess, no wonder "he" just went ahead and made one of his own.

Laura is a mistake.

Go join him.

This thread is just like my life.

Everybody's DED

Isn't this the secret lolicon hangout?

I'm alive but I will die soon without subs.

Totally forget subs aren't out yet. Still can't believe jymmy got arrested.

>216 days since the last subs for Miracle Tunes



>short hair yume on twitter
I want to puke.

I want the sisters together and the brother can go die somewhere.


The face of successful NTR.