Falling for soap Jew

Why are you still using soap Sup Forums?

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Fuck off and take a shower, stinky!

He's a nigger tho, soap won't clean the shit off his skin so why use it?

And niggers stink anyway

i shower three times a day on average
once after work because i do manual labor, then after the gym because my gym has niggers in it and if i do go heavy i will secrete sweat, and then after a dump
one shower definitely uses the 3-in-1 bottle on the loofa, some are just water (mostly the post-dump showers)
i never stink, never get BO, and never feel sticky. i wash my comforter maybe once a year because it catches no odor whatsoever and no oil. same goes for the pillow case
if you don't cleanse yourself daily you are a piece of shit and should be murdered ESPECIALLY if you are white

Already been doing this for a year at least

Wash your sheets you disgusting faggot

Why are you still here? Go back into the woods and stop using everything made by Jews.

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>if you don't cleanse yourself daily you are a piece of shit and should be murdered ESPECIALLY if you are white

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Lol. Sometimes people actually enjoy each other's natural pheromones and smells, it's not inherently degenerate unless your definition of 'cleanliness' is very strict. Why not condition yourself to survive?


>Why are you still using soap Sup Forums?
Because it's made with Jews.

Fuck off Dirty Hippy.

I only shower with the finest antique Polish soaps.

i do
i said comforter. don't use it much anyway. my sheets get washed regularly when my chick dismounts and leaks cum out
comforter is for colder months. it's not sheets

I use soap in those needed areas (armpits, crotch) daily. Rest of the body every few days. Hair about once a week.

Keep in mind, how often to clean yourself is really a function of how dirty you get. Someone shoveling cow shit and working a dusty-dirty site is going to need to get a good clean on much more frequently and thoroughly than those of us who stare at a computer screen for a living.

I believe such daily and thorough bathing, especially for those not working out or doing dirty work, is a very new phenomena.

Wash your balls, ass and pits every day and your hair every other.

lol @ 3-1 soap. You know that's what they give to people who are incarcerated to wash with, right?

you must have a lot of chainlink

I hope you moisturise your skin i can only imagine the pain

this is all you need

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using soap on a body part that is hairy is fucking stupid
cock arms chest butt and thighs
fuck everything else

And when you are in the military because you dont have time to juggle 5 different bottles to wash your cunthairs.

This is infact true. I smell lovley because I flush my pores in a hot shower, not because I use soap that gets washed off regardless. Haven't used body soap in about 7 weeks.

(I still use facial wash though, fuck being a spotty freak)

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1000$ EOY

>not using soap free wash
I hope you enjoy drying the shit out of your skin...

you sound like a faggot

personal hygiene has been linked to right wing beliefs...
are you trying to make us filthy to turn us left wing? not gonna happen shitstain go take a shower.
cleanliness next to godliness

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ProTip. Replace toilet paper with baby whipes. You'll feel a lot cleaner. Found out on accident after my daughter was born and ran out of paper. Used baby whipes instead. I was done with paper after that for good.

Sup Forums doesn't even use water. fnar fnar

>not shaving all your body hair so you can run and swim super fast

For years I have been using hot water only for cleaning and shaving

If you don’t wash of your skins natural oils with soap you don’t need to moisturize.

1btc says youre a fatty

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If I lived in the southern part of america, I would probably shower 2-3 times a day as well. but here in northern europe, its hard to work up a sweat because its not that warm.

Average temperature in august in ireland is 64F and thats our hottest month.

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got to get the flushable ones tho, others RIP pipes

This. You can use one pack of wipes for like a week as opposed to one roll of TP every other day. Also if you wipe your dick with them you pretty much never need to shower, maybe just soak ur feet every other day.

>one roll of TP every other day.
You should see a doctor.

>Also if you wipe your dick with them you pretty much never need to shower
And Jesus.

>one roll of TP every other day
do you live with women or something
wtf are you doing

lmao i wouldn t want to be your skin .