Why did the world exempt American from this war crime? They literally killed tens of thousands of innocent people.
Why did the world exempt American from this war crime? They literally killed tens of thousands of innocent people
The actual state of Britbong education
This bait is old and stale. Babby's first troll?
Because Japan was asking for it.
After pulling a sneak attack on Russia during the Russo-Japanese war, no one stopped them.
After brutalizing the people of Manchuria, no one stopped them.
After a sneak attack at Pearl Harbor, it was out turn.
We stopped them.
War is hell.
They won.
Winners don't do war crimes, by definition.
And for some strange reason, the good guys ALWAYS wins, every damned time.
Funny how that works. Almost as if it was all bullshit.
Because we needed to intimidate the damn commies. They were influencing the rest of Asia and we needed to send a message and end the war THEN in order for us to maintain complete control.
Although we didn't have to purposefully bomb civilian centers
Doesn't matter how you rationalize it, murdering tens of thousands of innocent people is a war crime.
winner gets to decide what crime and justice mean
both essentially mean killing people
Maybe we should have nuked the commies right?
Because the world was on our side and aided in doing it
How many times did London burn down?
You're not going to change that user's mind. Totally lack the concept of objectivity and fairness.
Probably not white, or his genes are fucked up where the doesn't have the capacity for self reflection.
>Because the Satanic Bankers were on our side and aided in doing it.
We made the world safe for communism by taking out the Anti-Communist International Pact. Stalin could murder his 20 million in peace. Mao could murder his 60 million.
>kill people
You'd be speaking German right now you limey faggot if we didn't get involved.
Many more would have died as a result of the war had we not dropped the bomb. Also, I think the world has a general consensus that everything the IJA was doing was horrible. (Also not to mention their war crimes against the Chinese) Literally google japanese war crimes WWII
Instead we can all speak arabic! Yay thanks faggot! Really saved Europe hurrr durrr
If they were speaking German right now Europe would not have been invaded by hordes of baby raping 3rd world shit.
No we speak an Amerindian bastardized version of Spanish here paco.
When will Japan apologize for the war crimes it committed
>Rape of Nanking
>Bombing of hospital ships
>Comfort women
>Cannibalism of wounded Australian soldiers during the kokoda trail campaign
>Murders of merchant Marines captured after their ships were sunk
I can go on and on so due us a favor and kill yourself OP
I am entirely convinced that any pro ww2 allies/American posters in this year are halfrican mutts
You are the same type that shames libtards for not thinking, whereas you are just as brainwashed to just accept the things that were shoved down your throat by your media and educational system. "US is the best country ever we never did anything wrong. We are the good guys. We never messed with other countries. We bring peace and democracy to oppressed countries. We defeated the nazis." Sorry m8 it was the russians. Compared to them the US and England barely made a dent.
Punishment is for losers. Speaking of which, remember you people used to have an empire?
Because America won.
Because they have the nukes. You can complain all you want but what are you gonna do about the worlds strongest military power?
It was absolutely a war crime.
Not because they killed people, but because they knowingly and intentionally destroyed hospital facilities in a clear breach of the 1929 Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field.
There's been no such thing as an innocent civilian since 1792.
It was a war faggot.
Is uncle same still going to be pictured as a white man in 20 years when America is lost to the brown hordes?
The victor writes history and the victor is the one who determines who is bad and who is good
It was their war they started it, we finished it.
We dropped one to show we were serious, they didnt do jack shit about it, so we dropped another, they seemed to have gotten the message that time.
Had they not gotten the message we would have used those bombs as made ready, so a 3rd one and a 4th one and so on.