Am I supposed to actually side with this edge ball duck?

Am I supposed to actually side with this edge ball duck?

She literally admits they don't believe in God because they think as long as they're happy now there's no reason to care about any existentialist fears.

Sounds about right

You're not expected to take sides nor she admits that at any point

I just wanna fuck her

Honestly I'm only following the series to see if Tanya takes the dick.


Existentialism is meaningless.

When she's paused in time she says there's no point to cling to God because as a salary man things are great and she's well provided for by science.

She has fully accepted the archetype of the dragon. The stronger she is, the stronger the world around her will become. She is the hard time that breeds strong men. She is the wall that the hero must overcome.

I honestly want to see her turning religious

Jeez, is it too much for you to view things from an objective standpoint?
If you don't feel like you can empathise with the MC then don't.

After the first two episodes I honestly expected this but given the tone and the 'fuck sonsai X' rants every few episodes I doubt she will

I hope at the end that she will. I mean thats how I would like to see the ending, and the empire winning the war.

Not really "being X" is pretty clearly a god of some description.

It's known that the empire lost the war though, in the manga there are some chapters that happen several years after the war ended, and they say the empire lost.
We just don't know what happened to Tanya.




She is already pretty religious. She knows that god exists and wants to kill him.


good luck little duck

If you're into the most violent femdom or want to mindbreak her then sure.


>not siding with duck
Are you some kind of faggot? god isn't real.

What if Tanya devises a plan where she betrays the empire and lets them lose so the Russians can win and spread their communism and atheism around the world just to fuck with Sonsai X? Meanwhile, as her reward from the ruskies, she gets a comfy and easy life deep inside the russian federation?

She is right though. How do you know Sonzai X is actually God and not some super powerful Alien or Satan trying to deceive her?

Someone a while back posted that Tanya gets almost raped by the russy leader/whatever because of X's meddling, in the novel.
They won't be on good terms.

This. In the LN there is a chapter where X has a "meeting" with other beings like him, he's not alone and surely not their leader either.

>Satan is deceiving her into praying for God
Honestly if an alien was that powerful I don't see the harm in calling it God.

You are a dirty heathen. Your punishment will come.

Russian leader wants to fuck Tanya badly, won't work well for Tanya.

It takes a lot more than one empire falling to effect Russian world domination.
Also, people thought atheism was the thing of the future after WW2 even under American hegemony and completely ignored all matters of religion for a while, because they'd just disappear in the near future anyway.
Now they are slowly starting to realize that their world models and predictions for the future are fucked because religion does not die quite that easily.

In the end, what's the difference? The biblical God tortured (and killed) humans, sometimes for fun, sometimes to teach them lessons. It's usually explained away with "God's ways are mysterious". It's clear that Sonzai X has godlike powers. Therefore, he's a God. Whether accepting him as a rightful ruler is sensible is a different question.

I thought that the blond-haired girl in the thumbnail was actually an anthropomorphic dog because I mistook her mouth for a dog nose.

It's more like
>Satan deceiving her into calling Satan God
>what's the difference
The christian God is omniscient and omnipotent, Sonzai X is clearly not. Christians always say that the omniscient aspects makes G-d know the best alternative, so they close their eyes and trust his leading hand.
Sonzai X isn't perfect which means he can be hated and can be mistrust. Tanya does everything right.

If he actually is an Alien then there must be a God above him that created him.

>The christian God is omniscient and omnipotent
Which brings us to the old argument of Epicurus, which describes the Christian God pretty well:
>Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
>Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
>Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
>Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
So again, what's the difference?
>Christians always say that the omniscient aspects makes G-d know the best alternative,
Yes, the Europeans were pretty adamant about living in the best of all possible worlds for a while, until they had to give that up because of some catastrophes that just did not seem just. By the time of WW1, that idea had been pretty much abandoned.

>>Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Or there could be some other reason why he's not willing.
And even if he's malevolent, do you REALLY want to anger a malevolent omnipotent god?

Lever dood as Slav.

Translation: better to be dead than to be a slave
A northern German slogan.

You can't escape your nature.

Tanya found the solution on how the Reich can lose the war without getting fucked over like what happened to Germany after WW1

Empire ended up just paying money for war damages to its neighboring countries but territories in Dakia and Republic are still under Empire's control

>it's going to take at least a year until English translations of the ln catch up with the anime.
This sucks

I'm going to take a stab and buy this.

If Yen Press follows CR's shitty translation and translate Anson/Mary's family name as Sioux instead of Sue I will burn this shitty book immediately

How do you mindbreak someone like her?

Scientific evidence that anarchist capitalism does not work.
Circumstantial evidence that welfare states are not bound to fail and that state-controlled economies can outperform free market economies.
Finally, to finish her off, argue that love is more important than money.

First impression led me to believe that Yen Press version is unquestionably superior to Skythewood's translation

It's already out? Do you have a link, user?

But what if even after death you're still in the power of that omnpotent being and there is no escape? Sure, he can probably erase you, but will he, if he wants to punish you and make you suffer more (or, if he sees it that way, make you finally learn the lesson)? Then by opposing Sonzai X you are just being edge for the sake of edge, with no positive outcome possible, which is just irrational. Sararyman should see it, if he is really as intelligent and rational as he pretends to be.

Anyone know if Restaurant has started yet?

>implying being x even wants tanya to worship him
>implying he doesn't make her hate him on purpose
>implying he is omnipotent

This is just the free prologue preview from Yen Press

>You're not expected to take sides
Pretty much this. Both Tanya and God are extremely petty when dealing with each other wich for me is the biggest charm of the series.
It's just fun seeing a highly capable person and super powerful supernatural being constantly escalating what's essentially a childish slapfight.

The argument is that no being who would willingly make another suffer is worthy of being called god. Salaryman's position is entirely rational. If sonzai X wants to be called god then he should act accordingly, and not like a spoiled brat.

It's RAW

Tanya went over to not-USA for shelter.

>three things that are literally impossible
You may as well have just said "prove the existence of god to her".

That was in the WN, and someone said in a previous thread that a lot of stuff is being changed for the light novels.

What if God makes people suffer unwillingly, understanding that it's for their own good? Like a parent who disciplines a child? You wouldn't call parents evil when they punish children for misbehaving, would you? I'll admit it doesn't always make sense in the Christian doctrine where people only have one life, especially if suffering ends with death. But here we are clearly dealing with a setting that allows reincarnation and also has the concept of karma, and so it makes perfect sense actually. If you are shit in one life, you suffer in the next one, until you either learn to do something differently or get 'demoted' until you spend all your lives as an animal or even something inanimate.

The only change I know of is Visha did not exist in WN

That in itself is a large change

X is the only one who is actually petty, because he's so powerful yet is bothered by things that should not be an issue for him whatsoever. Tanya's perspective on the other hand deals with no small amount of existential and psychological horror, not to mention all the general horror of being a child soldier in a world war setting, literally being the plaything of an omnipotent yet paradoxically inept autist.

It's actually pretty impressive how it makes such grave human issues seem petty in the face of a godlike existence, while simultaneously making said godlike existence seem petty as well.

Also one could argue that Sararyman was already 'demoted' to an inanimate object, because essentially for her country and her superiors Tanya is just a sentient weapon. Only 'that other duckface girl' cares for her on some sort of personal level. Ohters just fear her, want to use her, or both.

Then god is a really shitty parent.
If he had a near 100% accuracy rate in punishing the wicked in life then there would be some merit. As it is, children die in terror, while hedonistic fat cats live good long lives at the expense of others. Also wasn't salaryman's reincarnation a special event?

>What if God makes people suffer unwillingly, understanding that it's for their own good?
and what the fuck does this have to do with youjo senki? because being x not only doesn't care if tanya worships him, he wants her to hate him. he makes her suffer on purpose, even though he does it indirectly, through tanya's own actions

>What if Tanya refuses to worship Sonzai X, understanding that it's for its own good? Like a parent who disciplines a child? You wouldn't call parents evil when they punish children for misbehaving, would you? I'll admit it doesn't always make sense when Salaryman refuses to give worship before even knowing Sonzai X, especially if worship is the default. But here we are clearly dealing with a setting with a bratty and undisciplined "God" that needs disciplining, and so it makes perfect sense actually. If you are shit at being a God, you get a yandere loli, until you do right or just give up.

Consider that godlike beings have infinite time and energy at their disposal, so they can afford to go into as much 'petty' problems' as they like to, without sacrificing working on 'big problems' or whatever else. Actually, that means there can be no 'petty' and 'non-issue' things for them.

Cool reverse, but I don't see how a single yandere loli can hurt or 'discipline' God. Sure, she can annoy him probably, a but, but that's it.

Yeah but here you run into the problem of if he's omnipotent and all powerful, why even have petty problems in the first place? There's an absolute assload of moral quandaries when you start playing with omnipotence.

So many years of punishment and so little to show for it?
This "parent" sucks at its job of disciplining its "children".

>Consider that godlike beings have infinite time and energy at their disposal, so they can afford to go into as much 'petty' problems' as they like to, without sacrificing working on 'big problems' or whatever else.

>Soldiers desperately praying to god to give them strength to smite the evil Devil of the Rhine
>Prayers get ignored and the soldiers get slaughtered because 'god' is too busy with its pet project of making a euphoric atheist religious


I can deal with a salaryman becoming a tactic since she gone to College and such but I still don't get how in the hell magic gives her super strengh to best a man in hand to hand combat.

>I still don't get how in the hell magic gives her super strengh
It's magic.

its magic dude, aint gotta explain jackshit
like your quints

Learn English, retard.

What if sonzai x isn't the god of that world?
What if it's literally just a bunch of Q's trolling each other. That one's going to get back from the bathroom all "the fuck is this devil of the rhine shit?"

If murricans doen't need to learn proper english I don't need either

> I still don't get how in the hell magic gives her super strengh to best a man in hand to hand combat
i think you might be retarded, you should check with your doctor

You don't even know what proper English is.
>I don't need either
Nice toddler-level argument you got there. Will you kill yourself too then? Do it.


I don't even care about her being aggressively atheist - that is the LEAST of the show's problems.

Rather than go into more detail than I feel this shitshow deserves, I'mma just say I hope Tanya gets bayonetted.

>Will you kill yourself too then?
No, you come here and kill me, don't be lazy.

Download a rip before buying, if it sucks let us know.
Import the original in japanese instead of giving free money to Yen Press, they're the same who ruined Danmachi.

Why do people still say "Fan translations are better than localized professional translations" as though it's the rule and not the exception? Actual good fan translations like js06's or Teh_Ping's are by far the minority, most of them are rubbish and even slower than Yen Press, or the translator's flaky and unreliable and has exams or IRL problems, or just gives up because they aren't getting enough epeen. At least most of Yen Press's translations are serviceable, with a handful of excellent translations and a couple of lemons; J-Novel Club's are high-tier to excellent across the board, and Vertical swings back and forth between stellar and merely okay.

Meanwhile fan translations have a handful of good and reliable translators like Ping and js06 sitting atop a mountain of MTL, J-C-E by SEAmonkey ESLs, and epeen or Patreon whores.

>unironically shilling for YP on Sup Forums of all places
Do you faggots actually read translated LNs or just repeat what other people say?

even Skythewood talks shit about weebs who think his Konosuba translation is better than Kevin Steinbach's, as if mildly broken "Nah, nah" Chinglish is supposed to be part of the comedy.

>Import the original in japanese instead of giving free money to Yen Press
i would do that, but unfortunately I'm lazy, so for the sake of convenience i have already pre-ordered 2 volumes

Oh well. Your money, your choice.


>unironically thinking Baka-Tsuki was ever good for anything that wasn't translated by

>free money
it's technically not free because they had to pay for the license, pay two translators, pay the printers, pay royalties to the Japanese publisher who will pay a fraction of that to the author etc there's shitloads of middlemen taking a cut, not just YP

YP can go suck a bag of dicks for taking literally a year between announcement to actual release during which all the hype has been killed, and they can go burn in a furnace for letting some literally who jackasses translate Danmachi, Log Horizon and NGNL, and their stringent anti-honorific policy is brain-dead and tone-deaf, but even so on average they still manage to be better and more reliable than 90% of the barely readable garbage that Baka Tsuki has hosted over the years from which translators randomly appear and disappear and translate from Chinese with machines and don't even speak good English, and still somehow faster than Nanodesu who takes on a billion projects and puts out about a fifth of a chapter per project per month, and lightyears ahead of the modern crop of WN translator wordpress blogs that take in hundreds of dollars a month in Patreon contributions to edit machine translation.

They did really speed-draw the anime version after all.
Not a coincidence, they skipped OP/ED in the first 2 episodes.

He definitely has supernatural powers, but not really omnipotent god tier. Maybe he is just her guardian angel who gets bullied at work for supervising a fedora tipper, so he lets out his frustration on the only person he has power over.

Season 2 when?

*wasn't translated by js06, Ping, and a small handful of other one-offs like Warnis or Frozen or the guy who translated all of Tokyo Ravens

Seriously, the majority of translation projects over the years just sucked, never left teaser status, died when the translator left, etc.

I don't doubt the fanmade version of many series have grammatical issues, but there's also the fact that the fanmade translations don't get time to go through polishing and updating because YP gets the license for them and DMCAs the shit out of all sites who don't stop translating them.
People who translate content without making profit from it should not be subject to DMCA takedown requests.

>People who translate content without making profit from it should not be subject to DMCA takedown requests.
or you know, you could just stop being a fucking poorfag

Articulate. How does me being poorfag have anything to do with YP ruining fanbases?

funny enough the explanation they gave for giving tanya a duck face and visha a potato face was because they hoped it would prevent people from making porn of them.

ahh, so thats what you call stealing nowadays. you see in 2000s we used to call it 'private property', like private game servers, or private translations

Rather than shilling for YP, it's more stating the fact that, objectively speaking YP has a better translation in the case of the preview posted. There are two translators for this one it seems, but one of them was the translator of Goblin Slayer, Konosuba, Re:Zero EX, Outbreak Company, and Bluesteel Blasphemer; the other is the translator of Overlord. The parts done by the former will probably be higher quality than the parts done by the latter, the important part is whether or not this is noticeably the case.

>but there's also the fact that the fanmade translations don't get time to go through polishing and updating
Alright firstly many of the fan translations existed for quite some time before any takedown requests were made, long enough to build up a stable of anywhere from three to ten volumes, and they weren't exactly hurting for time to edit and polish translations that was suddenly taken from them by a C&D.

Secondly Yen Press DMCA requests are actually very rare. Teh_Ping has gone on record as to this fact, the only DMCA takedowns BT ever received were from Hachette back in the ancient days of Haruhi and Spice and Wolf, and from Kadokawa and Shueisha in the great 2015 double nuke. Nanodesu and Sky were also hit by DMCA from Kadokawa and Shueisha in this double nuke, not from YP. Project removal by BT since 2011 is done by BT themselves according to their own internal policy without the need for DMCA takedown. However I'd also like to point out all the projects that are up that YP never bothered to go after like SAO by tap and defan, or Accel World by burstlinkers, Maou-sama by mittens, Kumo by Raising the Dead, and all the "fanfics" that let's be honest aren't really fooling anybody because Novel updates indexes them. They did C&D Danmachi back in 2013 or so but that was an unusual move for them.

tl;dr YP is nowhere near as DMCA-happy as portrayed when looking at the actual events

Does YP sell time machines too? like, a time machine I can use to go 4 years in the future where they finally caught up with translating?

Seriously, with so many new series being released every month, if you can't catch up you're just going to damage the fanbase (who cannot continue following the series because you DMCA'd the fan blog who translated half of the series already and already moved their interest somewhere else) and the image of the series overseas.
Besides, if there's request for a certain series in the first place is thanks to the fans translating shit for free and making possible for other fans to talk about it, otherwise nobody would give a shit about LNs over here.

How much does YP pay for shilling on Sup Forums? I hope it's enough to pay the bills.

>many of the fan translations existed for quite some time before any takedown requests were made, long enough to build up a stable of anywhere from three to ten volumes
BT is a wiki, anyone can contribute but this doesn't mean it will be perfect, still, in the long run any active series will get more contributors than discontinued ones (who aren't even present on the site anymore).

>Yen Press DMCA requests are actually very rare.
Duh who the hell waits for the DMCA complaint to actually arrive in their inbox? it's still a matter of facts that if people don't willing stop translating, the complaint would still come and in 90% of cases a site shut down follows the complaint.

>Accel World
That project has been dead for years.

Except the Yahweh is neither omniscient nor omnipotent, as repeatedly shown in the OT.

>(who cannot continue following the series because you DMCA'd the fan blog who translated half of the series already and already moved their interest somewhere else)
How often has this actually happened? Can you name five? All the translations with fanbases who actually gave a shit (Haruhi, Spice and Wolf, Sword Art Online, Overlord, Kobosuba, Asterisk, Mahouka, Mahoiku, Re:Zero, Oregairu, NGNL, Maou-sama) all continued on (most of that list weren't even DMCAed on the first place). Are you thinking about the mass takedown order from Kadokawa in 2015 (before the YP acquisition) that took out series which weren't even licensed like Campione, DAL, and Oda Nobuna? The fans made their own arrangements for those.
Before complaining about paid shilling, please think about your own arguments first and whether they are backed by evidence instead of just feelings.

Accel World fan translators were still active until only a few months ago. They just released volume 9 in March 2017, and disbanded because YP was actually faster than them.

> (You)
>>many of the fan translations existed for quite some time before any takedown requests were made, long enough to build up a stable of anywhere from three to ten volumes
>BT is a wiki, anyone can contribute but this doesn't mean it will be perfect, still, in the long run any active series will get more contributors than discontinued ones (who aren't even present on the site anymore).
>>Yen Press DMCA requests are actually very rare.
>it's still a matter of facts that if people don't willing stop translating, the complaint would still come and in 90% of cases a site shut down follows the complaint.
Did you even read the long list of fan translators who weren't fucking pussies, never gave a shit about licenses, continued on, and to this day still haven't been DMCAed? Where is this 90% figure coming from?