The second amendment was written
1. In a time when single shot muskets were used
2. Americans were forced to join a militia
Food for though
The second amendment was written
1. In a time when single shot muskets were used
2. Americans were forced to join a militia
Food for though
Other urls found in this thread:
1. People still use single shot muskets to hunt
2. I'm still required to join the draft
Checkmate liberals.
Back to your general Stop spamming the same threads
Thanks for proving you're retarded. You didn't join a Militia back then you dipshit. It was anyone from the ages of 15-45.
Stop spamming this shitty shop you people look like retards.
So when are you going to give up the first amendment, since it was written
1. in a time when writing with quill and ink was state of the art
2. non whites had no say in anything whatsoever
Your first amendment needs to be modified then since it was written in a time when there was no internet and no telephones
Also all protests need to be banned because they cause violence
Blocks your path
Thought...... Ugh..
>I-It's fake goys! (though it's secretly what we desire!)
1. Proportional force. the government gets muskets/ we get muskets. they get m4's/ we get m4's
>muh nukes
>muh army
Not mindless droids and the military is sworn to defend the constitution. (this includes the second amendment) If the government wants to abolish the constitution the military will fight them tooth and nail. remember they're made up of US.
2. some probably were. But they were used to fight the GOVERNMENT. Both things mentioned are to restrain GOVERNMENT.
>food for though
>The absolute state of phone posters
Oh please. If you're looking to counter the musket argument, go with the Girandoni Air Rifle. It was the first repeating firearm in military service and it used compressed air instead of gunpowder. One tank allowed for 30 rounds to be fired in rapid succession, and if someone had the backpack for it they could fire all damn day.
They also used cannons. The most powerful weapon available, capable of leveling buildings. Citizens were permitted to own them.
desire to know more intensifies.
i used to shoot muzzleloaders when i was a kid..
also loved playing paintball every weekend...
they have blood on their hands, terrible it must feel
>But muh healthcare
I genuinely do not care if people die, people will always keep dying until the last human on earth is dead.
I think the only thing society has actually learned is that if your gonna shoot up a school, make sure you kill the SJWS first.
Your disagreement with a piece of paper doesn't give you the right to remove someone's self defense
Cannons are also a very good counter to that argument, yeah. People think it was some primitive force v force dumbassery that won America. It was the deployment of some vicious shit. The US deployed 50 cal rifles that had double the range of British muskets and sniped the shit out of them.
>desire to know more intensifies.
Girardoni. My bad.
>you didn't know that freak
>he should have been ostracized
>the toxic social environment at the school justifies us being cunts to him
guns are to blame
If you outlaw drugs, people will just stop doing drugs.
Childish argument. Next is the 1st amendment was when we only had printing press sooooook lets silence conservatives on the internet. Go back to school.
Also, I was wrong about the backpack. Though that would've been cool. I mixed up a back-mounted tank for the accoutrements bag. Still. 22 round repeating rifle. 1779. 2A was 1791.
Really revs up my helicopters.
Your options:
move your ass to south africa you shill
fuck off back to redd1+ you fake nazi scum
fight the us military and if you win, you get to write your own constitution
If you're a fascist you should know that every male citizen is part of the militia.
>blood on their hands they have
>terrible it must feel hmmm?
fuck off yoda
>Americans were forced to join a militia
Ah, you're actually a communist hiding behind the flag that you think is the opposite of your political views.
Hows your avocado toast?
How did they compress the air into the tank, a pump of some sort, just curious and lazy
yfw when a meme is too successful
Leftwing damage control.
I understand they pumped up the tanks the night before a fight, and kept swapping them out as they fought. I hear the thing was a deadly beast - early rapid fire.
Why cant we burn people at the stake anymore?
>be sten
Oh no the badly woman ripped the shitrag
Have this gif.
Because the it is bad for the environment.
I know this is a slide thread but what if someone shoots up a school with a single shot 18th century musket?
I guess you won't be allowed to talk about gun control then because they're using a gun from the time the constitution was written
stop replying to these fucking threads, you are the problem