Kikes funded the Bolshevik Revolution


Post proof of opinion

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So did Germans because they wanted Russia pre-occupied during WW1.

This. Germans are the real kikes

They still lead boycotts on Israel, the only true nationalistic white ethnostate, to this day

Germans literally gave Lenin a first class train ticket to Russia to start his revolution

>Post proof of opinion
One look at Stalins' real name should be enough, around 70% of bolshevics were jewish
Also these

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I didnt know it was a secret.

Read a theory where Russia was promised Istanbul, so the Brits & wall st waited until the war as almost done, and then funded the Revolution so Russia doesn't gain a promised Istanbul,

This theory suggests the allies worked against Russia so they wouldn't take Istanbul and this makes sense today as if Russia had access to the Turksih ports, Russian navy would have access to the Mediterranean Sea and therefore their nuclear subs would be free to roam the worlds oceans via Mediterranean.
Step 1: win back Crimea so you have access to Black Sea

A potential step2
Take over turkey and have access to med sea.

Imo I don't see Russia taking over turkey until ww3 already kicked off

>Imo I don't see Russia taking over turkey until ww3 already kicked off
they don't need to take it over, they're already allied

Attached: german revolution 1918.jpg (2004x1713, 922K)

>what are German Jews

The real Redpill.


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Lots of banks/investors made loans (financed) to the Bolsheviks. This is what banks do. Many were non-jews, many were jews. Jews were probably heavily overrepresented, as they were heavily overrepresenting in banking/investing as a whole.

>Schiff family is a Jewish financial dynasty in the United States, who came to prominence with the rise of Jacob Schiff. Their ancestors were bankers and rabbinical ideologues in Frankfurt, tracing back to the 14th century.
>From his base in Wall Street, Schiff became the leader of Kuhn, Loeb & Co, a Jewish investment bank and rivals of J.P. Morgan & Co which primarily funded the railways and growth companies, such as Western Union and Westinghouse.
>Jacob Schiff, a Zionist, was ultra-ethnocentric in worldview and worked tirelessly to destroy Tsar Nicholas II and the Russian Empire.
>During the Russo-Japanese War he loaned the Japanese, $200 million through Kuhn, Loeb & Co. He also funded the Russian Revolution (1917) to the amount of $20 million.

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1. Lenin
2. Trotzki (Bronstein)
3. Sinowjew (Apfelbaum)
4. Lunatscharski
5. Kamenew (Rosenfeld)
6. Swerdlow

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Ummm no they didn't.
Lenin was at best 25% Jewish (so its irrelevant), Stalin was Georgian

Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili?

Gruzinskaya Yebanashka

every name ending with "ili" is Georgian.

>Time to lie like the last time.
Shut up kike.

Kikes and the Rockefellers, yeah.

Provide evidence

So why was anti semitism prohibited with Lenin. Why did Stalin create the Jewish Autononous Oblast?

Because antisemitism is horrible and should be punished with death penalty

>So why was anti semitism prohibited with Lenin.
Because the bolsheviks believed people should be treated equally, and there was lots of blatant anti-semitism pre-revolution.

>Why did Stalin create the Jewish Autononous Oblast?
Because he wanted to send jews to siberia.

Are you fucking retarded turkey is a NATO base, and that's so Russia don't fucking rape the world through the use of Turkish ports

Awkward when Putin is allied with a Muslim nation
You fucking 12 IQ inbred from the south

>What is Lenin
>What is Trotsky

Lenin was Central Asian, one of the Turkic-Mongol ethnicities
Trotsky, well yeah he was a Jew but that's just one guy lol

Remember when Trotsky went to NYC
And came back with JP Morgan money to fucking fund a Marxist Revolution funded by capitalism you can't make this shit up kek

It's common knowledge Zionist kikes funded Bolsheviks so russia doesn't get Istanbul

As with virtually all of the Soviet leaders who weren't 100% ethnic Jews, Lenin's wife was a Jew.

Trotsky was a political rival of lenin
>Jews, Lenin's wife was a Jew.
LOL no

Lenin was 25% Jewish at best and it was from a paternal grandparent who converted to Orthodoxy so he wasn't in any way a Jew. As for Trotsky, ethnically Jewish but not practicing in any way and opposed to the actual Jewish Socialist movement, the Bund, because it tried to preserve Jewish culture.

No, Trotsky was a political rival of Stalin
Lenin wanted Trotsky as his successor.

Lenin always called Trotsky a fucking scoundrel, or an idiot who helped more the right than the left

lenin and trotsky met the jewsih funders and the british diplomats. no way they would do it without foreign help.

communism is yet another problems brits created to feed their greed.

Trotsky was the good guy in the Stalin vs Trotsky competition. If Trotsky was running USSR we'd be in a very different world today. But as usual, the goy takes over and turns everything to shit.

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Lenin still wanted Trotsky to be his successor, instead of Stalin

There's not evidence of this

Stalin killed like 20 million "White people" like Sup Forums says
That would not be the case under Trotsky

There's even less evidence for what you said, lol

There's also no evidence that lenin was a german spy either

Lenin always trashed trotsky at every chance, and Stalin got him ice picked in my country

Jews always fund both sides. Are you retarded?

I never claimed he was
lel I know about it
Stalin killed many Old Bolsheviks

I knew this thread would get shilled fast before I even clicked on it. They are afraid.

>get istanbul

Are you fucking dumb by 1917 the Russian army was in complete collapse on all fronts and the Americans hadn't seriously moved in yet, there was no way Russia was getting Istanbul

>JP Morgan money

Where the fuck did you source this? Also he was arrested by the British and held in a prison-camp in Sherbrooke for months in an effort to stop him from starting a revolution in Russia. There are no records he had any money with him. They eventually released him because the Provisional Government needed to make amends with the left due to the rising power of the Kornilovist right and because he was converting all his fellow prisoners (German u-boat sailors) to Communism.

Trotsky and Lenin had a difficult relationship but ultimately they agreed on most policy and worked together. It was more about the fact that they were both highly egotistical men gifted in organizing and naturally hated each other's guts.

>lenin's wife a Jew

Old-money Russian noble family of the kind where flirting a Jew gets you castrated and put in a monastery.

>Trotsky and Lenin had a difficult relationship but ultimately they agreed on most policy and worked together.
you are wrong too

pick ONE

Trotsky was a brutal fucking guy and sometimes used tactics that even Stalin wouldn't condone. Of course, he was also both more competent in terms of international organizing and was more willing to make truces with moderate socialists, so you're right. Communism would have gone further worldwide and the KPD might have prevented the Nazis from coming to power. Don't have any illusions, though - Trotsky was a military man and a professional revolutionary. He would have been just as merciless, if more competent about it.

Leon trotsky was a british spy paid by this kike banker named jacob schiff

People thought it was America

The threat it's very explicit, this are proxy wars.

USSR backed Iran vs Kike/american Saudi Arabia.

Now it's all up to the prince, to save the world and the internet

Then why did they work together in October? Why did they pursue the same party line right to the end? How did Trotsky end up leading the most important organs of the Party through October? Why did he organize MilRevKom and take lead in the party when Lenin fled to Finland? Why did he make so many famous speeches advocating Lenin's position in the Petrograd Soviet? How did Trotsky end up leading the Red Army to victory? If he'd been fighting with Lenin and really was his enemy, he would have stayed with his own independent group instead of merging it with the Bolsheviks or would have used his often superior prestige to get Lenin removed from the Party or killed.

"As long as I breathe I hope. As long as I breathe I shall fight for the future, that radiant future, in which man, strong and beautiful, will become master of the drifting stream of his history and will direct it towards the boundless horizons of beauty, joy and happiness." --Leon Trotsky

Trotsky was based as fuck. Stalin had this hero of the revolution beat to death with a fucking icepick. As you can imagine, it just went downhill from there.

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Given Istanbul by the brits you fags, they used it as a carrot and then funded Lenin to fuck Russia up so they had to pull out.

Literally all you need is a computer and more than 68 IQ to work out Western Jewish money funded the Bolshevik Revolution

>Fell for the British captured him so no way they could fund him meme

Literally your lack of IQ hurts my head
It's obvious Churchill funded Lenin as well as Wall Street

>Lenin and really was his enemy, he would have stayed with his own independent group instead of merging it with the Bolsheviks
he did it with the mensheviks, and all of his followers were just a bunch of pricks.
and many in the west were expecting him to replace Lenin?
you know why, because he was just their puppet

>It's obvious Churchill funded Lenin as well as Wall Street
brainlet post

>given Istanbul by the Brits

Why the fuck do you think this? There were secret treaties which said the Russians would have Istanbul, but it was assumed from the beginning that the Russians were gonna be able to take it from the failing Turks on their own. When the Russians very quickly showed they couldn't take a fucking anthill, it quickly became clear that someone else would get it. There was no chance the Russians would get Istanbul and that was clear from Tannenberg onwards.

tfw such a brainlet you take the Great Purge trial testimony as fact


t. chaim goldstein

Russians couldn't take an anthill because Churchill, France and Unlimited kike money funded the Bolshevik Revolution you turbo brainlet

Lenin was right when he said that trotsky was more dangerous than the enemy

Attached: TROTSKY.jpg (350x314, 60K)

Wait how is Israel a White ethnostate?

Point is Stalin was not a Jew, he had the biggest Jew in the revolution killed. There was also an undercurrent of antisemitism in USSR under Stalin, never as extreme as Hitler, but still there none the less. He also encouraged Jews to move to Siberia.

Right? You can't be an ethnostate if over a quarter of your population is a minority group. Silly hebes.

It isn't about the ar*b minorities, friend. It's about Jews, we're Middle Eastern not European lol.
And also, over a quarter of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) is Jewish because of settlements.

point is that Trotsky and his gangsters were the ones supported by jewish bankers

I think everyone here knows about your land grabbing.

>your land grabbing.
What you mean?

What didn't you understand?

It's not called land grabbing.
I mean, a Jew goes to live in JUDEA
How dare he, right?!

Do you know that Karl Marx was a “German” Jew?

Taking something that isn't yours is wrong, kike.

>Judea is not Jewish
ok that's just retarded

The poor’s resentment of those who have the money is what “funded” the Bolshevik revolution.

Where there is profit to be made there is investment to get made.

Everyone funds each other. Do not forget the inevitable logic of markets.

>but some people I might be tenuously related to were here once in the past at some point therefore gibs me dat
Are jews really niggers?

Jews didn't fund bolchevism. They WERE bolchevism.

>Judea is not Jewish territory
You're still not making sense, goy

Khazarians belong in Judea

To be fair, they probably didn't expect to lose to the Western Allies afterwards. Or were making a final gamble to not lose to them. They likely had no reason to want Russia to stay commie forever.

Of course, that makes communists the ultimate cobra problem. And boy are they.

Khazarians belong in today's Georgia or Kazakhstan, nothing to do with Jews

I make much more sense than a silly yid without concepts of property.

Also first time noticing this.

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Good goy

Nobody cares, Judea and Samaria will be taken back and then pic related will happen

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What do you mean (((they))) funded it? The bolsheviks were mostly jews you moron! Oh wait, you must be a lying subversive jew yourself so you already knew that. Nice try Schlomo!

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Lenin really disliked Jewish nationalism, because it was an idea or rabbis

Why are people even bothering to seriously reply to these threads? Oh wait they arent its just kike shills talking to other niggers, talking to marxist shitposter.

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