Flat-earther blasts off in homemade rocket in bid to reassure himself world is shaped 'like a Frisbee':

>A self-taught rocket man who believes the earth is flat blasted himself 1,875 feet into the air, in an effort to reach orbit and reassure himself the world is shaped “like a Frisbee
>He reached a speed he estimated to be around 350mph before pulling his parachute.
>The launch is said to have lasted three to four minutes, with the rocket landing about 1,500 feet from the ramp.

A man did this with 20 thousand dollars, why the hell do we pay NASA 18 billion again?

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>1875 ft
Fuck off

Bout 100 ft higher than the sears tower

He could have just chartered a mid to high altitude flight with that money, what a retard.

Jesus fucking Christ.
We were promised flying cars and instead we have retards who have gone back to thinking the world is flat.

So he could have taken a trip to the largest building in the world with greater effect and saved himself 20 grand.

Sounds like a failure to me.

>make your own rocket and parachute down like a beast


>be a nigger and fly a plane next to other niggers

Pick one.

>1,875 feet
Thats not even as high as a bunch of the tallest buildings. It's about a 30th of a plane's cruising altitude. Why didn't he just go up a tall building or get a plane ticket?
>20 thousand dollars
He could've just bought a plane.

>1,875 feet into the air
The idiot could have bought a round trip airline ticket for a couple of hundred bucks and seen the world at 30,000 feet.

>retards who have gone back to thinking the world is flat.
I think it is mostly to get attention.
You have to admit, he got his 15 minutes of fame.

how the fuck did you guys develop the tech to nuke us twice when you have retards like this

Chartering a plane means you basically rent it as a taxi, to carry on you, you nigger.

>1,875 feet into the air,
So not high enough to see the curvature of the earth...

>why the hell do we pay NASA 18 billion again?
Why are you shilling?

Both American geniuses and American retards have this level of drive, it creates some fun things.

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He could have literally hired a private jet to fly him up to 40,000 fucking feet if he wanted for a fraction of what he spent building a rocket.

he could have gotten a mig flight in russia for that cost, and then he could see for himself that, yes, the world is flag

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>20k bucks to go lower than a glider launched off a mountain

go back to /x/ you faggot

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>how the fuck did you guys develop the tech to nuke us twice when you have retards like this
If you don't want to end up like us, Japan, kill all your leftists NOW.

airplane windows are a simulation

NASA was going higher than 1875 feet.

we pay them for actually making it into orbit and landing safely in a repeatable manner.

>1,875 feet

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Question...why does it matter whether the Earth is flat or not? I'm no well versed on the debate, but is there a reason for the debate? As in evidence to the contrary that is significant enough for a rebuttal of the popular conviction?

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>20 thousand dollars
just rent a backhoe for a day and dig to the other side

If this idiot just wanted to go straight up why the fuck did he not just get a hot air balloon

All of these experiments fail to give you an understanding of just how massive the earth is. Here is some pasta that explains why the DogCam footage that is often used to "prove" flat earth is a flawed theory.


Dog Cam flight was 110,000 feet above the earth.

"How can you possibly come to the conclusion that the Earth is flat from a perspective that is only 110,000 feet? Let me do some math for you idiots. The earths diameter is 41,804,400 feet. That is 380 times larger than the altitude that this video was taken at. Take a 10 inch dinner plate and look at the curve of it while holding it 0.668 millimeters from your pupil. That is the same perspective that this video has of the Earth. It's physically impossible to because the distance between your cornea and your pupil is more than that, but just use your imagination. You can not see the curve of the plate at all. Because your perspective of the curve is far too close. Hence why you cannot see a curve in the video above."

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the usual answers are: "muh nasa money" and "muh religion will win over science"

That's extremely weak, he could go to the top floor of some skyscraper and get higher.

Or simply drive up a mountain road... Big Bear California is almost 7000 feet in elevation.

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Again, I lack knowledge in religious reasoning for a flat Earth... do you know of any?

you guys don't get it. This hobby is expensive. What better way to fund it than convincing a bunch of tards to give their money?

Also a very simple debunk of Flat Earth is understanding that the Moon Phases would not be possible on a flat earth model.

You may even see "Flat Earth Moon Phase" models on YouTube but they fail to tell you that the moon in the southern hemisphere is "upside down". This is "Common Man Logic".

Flat Earthers will try to plug this theory hole by saying "The moon rotates like a dinner plate" or "It lights up on it's own". You can go on any moon phase sight on the net and clearly see that the phases in north-vs-south hemisphere are reversed.

Flat Earth is a PsyOp used to pushed conspiracy theory into the fringes and thus discredit ALL conspiracy theory. It's a co-opt to try and destroy credibility.

>why the hell do we pay NASA 18 billion again?
to keep all the diversity hires on payroll duh

>implying the point wasn't to build himself a rocket and launch it for shits a giggles

The flat earth stuff was just flavour.

That is the shadow of a cloud you idiot.

Something something Galileo.

>dipshit misses point entirely
>confederate flag

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The plate is flat.

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I'll give that bait a 7/10 and a bonus point for Comfy Pepe because I honestly can't feel anything....being so autistic and all...and comfy Pepe makes me feel so warm and wholesome inside.

>less than 2,000 feet on a glove with a circumference of 24,000 miles.
>erf flet

You autism is well appreciated I've enjoyed your explanation.

Thank you for the rating.

Stay comfy user.

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Because I could hike a greater vertical distance in an hour.

Until, and unless you are reaching tens of thousands of feet, you aren't going to be proving a thing.

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probably cheaper to buy a plane ticket. or are windows part of the conspiracy

I like how you guys are calling this guy a retard or an idiot. He built a half ass rocket, that's something. You can say what you want about his ideas of reality, but fuck, the old fucker built a damn rocket.

Haha, funny.
>are windows part of the conspiracy

they stole it from us, obviously. and now that all the old nazis are dead, they are getting stupider by the minute- enter f-35

any more silly questions

I fucking told you we would play Space this spring. It's not rocket appliances dip shit.

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>The virgin travel vs. the chad self built rocket.

F35 shits all over the Europoor Typhoon.


lol you can see the curve its slight just extend the line to the edges of the photos

For numerous of things, mainly that rocket can't carry more then ten-twenty pounds, not including the fuel, which carries it's own weight. The things NASA does do is frequently launch satellites to collect data about the Earth, which one of them is called the Soil Moisture Active Passive is currently collect data about soil moisture, which is often used to predict droughts and farming conditions and handing that information for free so agriculturists can see how's the soil doing in one part of the world, compared to another. Another part of that money is going towards asteroid defense, which trying to develop ways that would prevent giant space rocks from hitting your house and maybe wiping out the human race. Not to mention NASA research has lead to numerous of everyday inventions such has solar panels, freeze drying and chemical detection systems.

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