Who's you're waifu Sup Forums?

Who's you're waifu Sup Forums?

Who's waifu am I?!


What an entry level waifu!



Don't bully Bully-chan.


The one and only.

>Who's you're waifu Sup Forums?
What did he mean by this?

I'm the guy with OC waifu. 3D model of her is finally good enough for posing with avatar me. I'm so satisfied.

He meant lurk more

easy one



I just have a lot of reaction images of her.
It was a coincidence.

Mine, and only mine.


I am not an original man


who is this brand new meme girl?


All results from looking for this picture in Google Images are in Korean. Is she a character from some manhwa?

Try iqdb.
As far as I can tell she's just some anime tiddy OC that got kinda popular.

>you will never see Asuka and Shinji eventually give in to desire and repopulate the planet

Does you're waifu watches porn?

Literal and ultimate waifu here.


Are you doing this on purpose?

Pm2 best pm

3 years this month.

never forget

user you married a shark!






She doesn't need to, it happens around her all the time, and she often takes the role of observer.

But you're my waifu?!


you and the rest of reddit seem to have the same taste.

My waifu is (you) of course!

user [Female]


Fuck off. Lurk two years before posting.

No one even knows who my waifu is anymore since she's from an anime from the 2000s from early Shaft.

Going to actually work on scanlating her series to english with a friend since the old group dropped it a few years ago.

Eat my ass

PPD isn't obscure.

Top tier taste, I haven't seen anyone waifu a character from PPD, let alone Miyako.

My Russian angel.



inaba himeko

yes, user. he is. and you fell for it like a retard

Probably. I'd like to watch porn together with her, I'd love to know what makes her tick. Of course she'd sit in my lap.

Congratulations! I wish I knew our exact anniversary but it just kind of happened one late summer like 8 years ago.

lmao why did she have a clock installed in her eyeball?

she can't even tell the time without a mirror


Mine and only mine

this is my're waifu

Pic related for almost 20 years

I love this snek

Her game is closing on 31 dec. It may be sad, but she deserves something better than a mobage. I'll build my own Shizuru RPG!

This bitch


Good taste.

+25 years and still strong

>ywn work at NERV

Soon to be six years.


youre the guy who posts her in "post waifu do push ups" threads right?

A very underrated one

Man of culture

Finally someone acknowledges the True and Only best eva girl

Literal normie/reddit tier taste but I don't give a fuck.
She's perfect.

Serika Onoe was breddy gud too. Shame the adaptation was utter dogshit

You're waifu was the first and best route I got in KW.

Just kidding, I actually got the manly picnic the first time but still.

I don't really have one

Naruto, go home.

She's a Gundam.


I think she might be one of the top three most popular girls in that franchise on this board.

since april of 2007. かがみは俺の嫁だっ!


>best route
When will this meme end?

Shinji >>>>>>>>>>***(Emi > Lilly > Hanako > Shizune > a different game >>> Rin

Every route is interchangeable on the above based on personal taste, but nothing can change how Rin's character was so poorly overwritten by some dipshit wannabe intellectual, so she shall always be securely seated at the bottom of all route rating hierarchies.

Don't think so
The most populars in any website are Rachnera, Cerea and Miia.

Fuck me at least pretend to lurk before posting

My waifu. It's been years.

Mine is the greatest.

>Probably. I'd like to watch porn together with her, I'd love to know what makes her tick. Of course she'd sit in my lap.
Sounds pretty cuckish to me
are you a cuck ?

How does wanting to watch porn with his waifu make him a cuck? I'd do it too.

Hell no she's pure.

no, she just watches saber




Why does she sit like that?


S-shut up and look the coin you titty monster

Does you're waifu would make a good mother?

>fingering and fondling waifu while she watches porn
>bumping and grinding her with my dick
>eventually fucking her
Yeah, all it needs is the part where someone else is there and I'm not the one fucking her.

It's almost like you're some kind of simpleton or something.

I got the best one
