Backlog Time

ITT: Anime, that you've yet to watch

Don't bother. You'll only be disappointed because of how much it's been hyped up.

Too many

Kamina dies.

I just keep watching seasonals, doesn't look like winter 2018 will be any different

If you are male, Golden Boy is mandatory viewing.


Are you implying that women better taste in comedy than men?

Boku no Pico Academia

Kitan too.

I do intend to watch though for the cute bunny.

Both only after Yoko kisses them.

Someday I'll watch moot's favourite anime in Planetes

What funny is that even if you spoil this for someone, it actually doesnt take much away except the pure shock value of the death. Everything else regarding the buildup and execution is fantastic even if you know what going to happen.

What completely ruins the scene is having watched Ashita no Joe before it

Get on XRA, boy.

Stop sexualizing 14 year olds.

Maybe if you watched it literally right after Ashita no Joe. Otherwise its a nice reference to an extremely influential anime. Doesn't ruin anything for me.

It takes one of the most important moments in the story directly from another anime. It's not a reference, Gainax was just too lazy to present the scene in another way.

Same. The depth-less artstyle triggers my autism.

I guess. It's just that last still though, which seemed like more of an homage to me vs a blatant lazy rip off. The rest of the scene is pretty surprising and well done, at least thats what I remember thinking when I saw it.

I admit that Kamina probably could have had his own iconic pose, but the fact they killed him when they did was pretty original on its own. Youre right that its a pretty big moment to decide to do an homage to another series, but I kinda see what they were going for. Maybe they were just lazy shits who knows.

Boku no pico


Have an uproot for batman, berserk and ds9.

this board isnt for you buddy