Gave free will to mankind

>gave free will to mankind
>liberated adam and eve from the slavery of god

remind me again please, why is Lucifer the bad guy?

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Lucifer is a title and he's the good guy who brings the light into this world.

Kek is the bringer in of light

Jesus is the bringer of light

Lucifer is a title for both of these.

Satan was cast out of heaven for his sins, was he not?

If pride is a sin, we are all going to hell my nigga

Satan is a title not a name.

It's very simple. What are we made of? Carbon-12

6 protons

6 neutrons

6 elections

I thought it was the tricky snake who did that?

What about that Greek God who gave fire to mankind? Could he also be related to this?

he left by his own choice

Lucifer plys


Satan, Moloch, and Lucifer are TITLES or designations, NOT names. YHWH, Jesus, and Kek are NAMES, NOT titles.

Satan means adversary, opponent, accuser, or enemy in Hebrew. Lucifer means lightbringer in Latin. Moloch means King. The being designated by the TITLE Satan varies depending on who is speaking. To the Jews, Jesus is Satan and is called such in the Old Testament. To Christians, YHWH is Satan, and is called such in the New Testament.

Lucifer is a title of Jesus/Kek, who are both emissaries of the True God above the demi-urge, sent into YHWH/Saturn's material prison to bring light to specific groups.

Moloch is a title for YHWH

Satan being resister for whichever side, so a resister of natural and resister of synthetic, also from Sanskrit Satanama, truth.

YHWH or "jehovha" is a self actualising meditation, obviously appropriated by the kike god and forgotten.

Lucifer as a good morning light name of Yeshua and Venus

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Yes my pasta bro you are talking about Prometheus and you are right in the money, Lucifer the light bearer is the same allegory as Prometheus sacrificing himself to gives us the spark and being eternally tortured by the Gods for it.

Only thing he brought was shame and bondage

Lucifer hates you. He will use you and then throw you away. You are something detestable to Him. Do not believe his lies or you will pay with your soul


Yeah tear your heart out, degenerate.

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Fuck off kike

fuck off rabbih I'd rather try to be pals with Luci than cut my dick and worship a fake Idol

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same applies for god tho
>adore me or go to hell!!!1

Contradictions in Judaic religions?
You're shitting me.

Interesting. Thanks, senpaitachi

Our universe is built upon vibrations and electricity. Religion is an allegory for this.

Its funny you think a thing like lucifer would want to be friends instead of just absorbing you

Lucifer was his actual name, Lucifer Morning star.
Satan was the title bestowed to him after he was cast into hell.

Your choice, enjoy eternal damnation. I will pray for you

Lucifer IS A TITLE. Light = Knowledge.

Fuck off kike. You Jews sacrifice CHILDREN TO A BULL GOD. YOURE THE EVIL ONES.

Praise Lucifer
Hail the Ancient Ones
Glory to the Divine Chaos

probably because it would have been better for humanity and the world and everything if Adam and Eve would have stayed in Paradise.
Probably our thirts for knowlegde is not even good for us

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Remember to wash yourselves before going out.

he isn't. lucifer = prometheus
statist godcucks hate him

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this god was punished for that by Zeus.
He was tied up to a rock for eternety and every day an eagle would come and eat his liver.
But he wouldn't die, he would heal, so the procedure could be repeated everyday.

Somehow the old Greeks also had a problem with the "awakening" of humans

>Lucifer IS A TITLE. Light = Knowledge.

And titles can be used as names. Lucifer gave himself that name and its used as a point of irony. His real name is Bitterness.

We already had free will. Adam and Eve both ate from the tree on their own accord. Yes Eve may have been coerced by the Snake and Adam by his wife, but it's this choice that angered God.

Lucifer sought to take away agency by granting man pure knowledge. Pure knowledge of god and how things are does not allow choice. You know the end of the beginning. He did this because he wanted to save everyone without them being tested.
The purpose of life is to make choices based on faith to see if you are good or evil. A test of your nature without knowledge.
Although Lucifer provided Adam and Eve knowledge, God placed enmity between Lucifer and the descendants of adam and eve. He would not be able to interact as directly as he did with them.
Thus man's choices could be made to see if they are good or evil.
Lucifer had what he thought was a good intent to save people, but it didn't do what the mortal existence was intended for. A staging ground for people to prove their nature and thus be judged afterwards like a harvest.
Lucifer jumped the gun. Opposed God and was renamed Lucifer.
In my opinion, seeing the modern age and the degenerate nature of man he seeks forgiveness and thus why he will willingly be bound for a thousand years. And then final judgment comes after.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say Lucifer is evil. Lucifer speaks with God and lives in Heaven. Everything about Satan and Hell is fan fiction added by Christians after the Bible was written.

>Humans get cast out (Or really just take the first step toward godhood, The garden of Eden is everywhere on this planet but humans cannot go back to that way of life without some serious de-evolution)

>Snake receives no reprimand

Could you elaborate a bit on this?
also this?
I remember reading this thing somewhere years ago about some old tribe or whatever that used to keep the Ark in a vault and said something like you'd go blind if you look at it. Could it be something to do with electricity or radiation?

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Ancient interpretation of Trans-human technology confirmed

The snake in the Garden of Eden was neither Satan nor Lucifer.

Because morality is not relative and that is Lucifer's entire ideology.

then who was it?

Jesus Christ is lord, and died for our sins.

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It was so nice of prometheus to give men fire to poison the air and burn down the cities of their neighbors. Take mens' eyes off olympus forever. As heroic as his sister in law, Pandora

Lucifer did not give humans free will. The world created out of “liberation from God” will be hell in earth. In fact, it already is. The world is Lucifer’s kingdom. Jesus said “if my kingdom were of this world”. That means Christ’s kingdom is not of this world.

just a snek

>b-but muh ebil christians keepin' us down!

Every known thought…Every known idea… every invention known to man exists in THE ETHER
“The ether is a great cosmic mass of eternal forces of vibration. It is made up of both destructive vibrations and constructive vibrations.The space between the planets is very much alive, that it is the highest form of vibration known, the vibrations of THOUGHT.The Ether is all around us.We access the ether at will through thinking but some people can access it at higher levels.. which we will discuss in the free e-book.When Alexander Graham Bell gave us the telephone, he hinted that it had been done before? “The old devices have been reinvented,” he observed.The Earth

Beautiful earth in her majestic state when formed was nothing as it looks today… We can only now view the earth in the 3 dimensional frequency range but the earth has many dimensions. So now we have established that there was no missing link found simply because there is no such thing as a missing link.

All cultures began suddenly-and fully developed 6000 years ago. They did not rise to their peak.
They were at their peak from the beginning.”

Our ancestors had access to the ether of thought and knew the answers to every question.
Every idea ever known to man is stored in the Ether, some call the AKASHIC RECORDS or the HEALA ARC EHEON.

Every thought are not our own.
Every Inventor in history went with his bio plasmatic body attached to the silver cord and accessed these thoughts.

The inventor knew how to put all these ideas together piece by piece for the invention to come together.Also people in their sleep can acquire great ideas, inventions and mathematical and scientific blue prints that form these inventions.

Great writings are acquired in the same way.Before the deluge this was done so much easier than now as humanity was tuned in to higher frequency of consciousness a direct link to the intelligence source.So no one up to this day has ever discovered nything, just a rediscovery.

Think of the human mind like this : a state of the art computer with a hard drive having access to every possible infinite supply of software programs that’s never ever ending. …That’s the Ether…… The fabricated stories of alien spirits or channeling the dead are all communications of thought in the ether. Channelors channel thoughts from the ether. Every human brain communicates with Infinite Intelligence ..but only a few know how to master it…

Explanation Of The Ether

Is anything faster than the speed of light?

Yes, the speed of thought.

Yes, the speed of thought.

Light is an electromagnetic radiation that travels in a wave form, exciting atom after atom in turn to pass the information on as to the frequency of each particular wavelength, red, blue, yellow, or light may travel in a stream of particles, whatever.

All of this happens fast, in fact, in one year light will travel six million million miles, that is VERY fast but nowhere near as fast as the speed of thought.If you and I were telepathic, and one of us were six million million miles away and I sent you a thought, you would receive it immediately . Now, THAT is fast. The same conversation with flashlight, even a very powerful one picking out Morse code, would take a very long time.

As mentioned earlier, light travels in a coarse zig-zag time-consuming manner as any scientist will tell you but how does thought travel and throughwhat medium? I’ll try to explain. Do you remember the chrome ball bearings, each suspended in a line of 5 or 6 – it makes no difference how many – and when you pull one out from either end and let it go, the one on the other end instantly pops out? That is how thought travels.

It wasn't a who, it was a method of communication

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The use of the ball bearings is only a simile, but what is it that these ball bearings represent? the answer to this is: ether.Not the substance used by doctors for cleansing, but the stuff that is known to modern science as the space between particles. Space between particles? At this point a few well known scientific facts must be stated.

Fact 1. A block of iron is about as solid as you can get but iron, the same as everything else, is composed of atoms. An atom has a nucleus surrounded by protons and electrons that spin around it. The size of the nucleus in proportion to the electrons and protons is about the same as between the Sun and the planets. Scientists know this to be fact.
As you can appreciate, there is a lot of space between these particles. This space is called the ether. Sound waves, radio and TV transmissions all pass quite happily through solid objects because they are at a different frequency – or level of vibration. If we could project ourselves to the frequency of TV, Radio or mobile phones, the air would be full of these signals and we would know what they look like.

Fact 2. Humans – and everything that has ‘life’ – has an etheric body which looks identical to the physical body but functions at a higher frequency. In fact, it is at the same frequency as the ether. Could this be where it derives it’s name? Scientists know that we are electromagnetic in origin. Most advanced medical tests assess electrical impulses in the brain and elsewhere in the body to find areas of activity or lack of it that may be causing a problem. Our thoughts register activity in the brain. This activity can be seen with modern medical equipment but not the ‘thought’ itself. The thought operates at an even higher frequency but it is quite real. The thought registers in the ether. Because Mankind has been denied Spiritual knowledge for so long, this sixth sense has become under developed and under used by most people.

>why is Lucifer the bad guy
Its a dirty job but someone has to do it.

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However, don’t worry, there is no chance of it ‘falling of.’ I say most people because some do develop this awareness. Most Governments have as part of their security department, remote viewers.

These are people who learn and then train how to tune in to this higher vibration by the use of meditation, or other mental protocols, and travel through the ether to spy on each other and on selected targets.

There are many books on this subject written by well-respected people. Many well0known mediums, Doris Stokes, Stephen O’Brian, etc, as well as healers like Harry Edwards, Sia Baba and of course Jesus, all used this facility.

So, where is it? It is here, all around us but we cannot see it because it is at a different vibration or frequency…just like radio or TV signals. So what? you may say.

Back to the speed of thought. In the ether, thought is reality. It is transferred instantly through the ether because everything is ether at that level, including you and your surroundings. Remember the chrome ball bearings? Because the balls are touching, energy is transferred from number 1 to number 7 instantly,there is no loss of time…just as in the ether. The balls don’t go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 – they go 1-7 in-out…step in #1 and step out #7.

In this environment our selves are ether. If we want to go to the planet Mars, we simply think it and it happens. Think Mars 1 and arrive on Mars 2. The
distance doesn’t matter. All this happens because we are in the ether and are part of it… all the same substance.

Moving on to sound…which is found in a much lower vibrational level than light – and therefore travels much slower because it uses a physical medium to travel through: air or solids.

If one could increase the frequency of the sound to closer to that of light, then it could travel at closer to the speed of light…the perfect example is radio. It has happened already, if man can do this with sound then the possibilities for other things are there. The British lad who hacked into U.S. military computers said they were developing a craft that had an engine that worked on VIBRATION. He did not know how, or if, it worked only that it was being developed.

What Is The Ether And How Does It Work?
The article by Sir Oliver Lodge describes the ether as being one million million times more dense than water, and that one cubic inch would weigh a million tons if it were material in atom form that we are familiar with. That brings us to a conclusion that I will expand upon after these following pieces of information.

An article in the Psychic News by an eminent doctor tells us that any – and every – cell in the body has the ability to manufacture any enzyme or hormone that is needed for the well-being of its host. Every body carries the cancer potential but the process is just waiting to be turned on or of. The mechanism that controls these functions is the DNA.

The DNA, acting on instruction from a source of intelligence, instructs the cell to manufacture or activate. It isn’t known weather the cell has the blueprint or is just following the recipe given to it by the D.N.A., the important thing to note is that the cell has access to supreme intelligence and the ability to arrange, at the atomic level, the protons and electrons, etc. in the right order to have the desired effect. In short, creation is taking place courtesy of the intelligence that it has access to. Silver Birch once said “a cell does two trillion things a second, you could not hope to understand.”

Lucifer the bringer of redpill was /ourguy/ that (((yhwh))) propaganda painted him as the bad guy because kikes want us to hate knowledge and want us to remain as blind slaves

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wow you read paradise lost for the first time or something?

One more thing. It is always said “as above, so below.” On a modern computer you can save lots of pictures but comparatively little sound. The reason for this is that pictures contain one dimensional images with little information: this dot is blue that dot is yellow. Sound, on the other hand, is three
dimensional at least, with instrument, definition, volume, and tone depth etc. …and takes up vastly more computer memory.

This is how I believe it works in the ether.
If you were one side of the room and I on the other, the space between us would be filled with air atoms. These atoms are one million million times LESS dense than the ether. The ether is a solid block of intelligence but still a solid block that material bodies do not penetrate. What happens is

Just as on a TV when images move across the screen, the dots or pixels are told what color to be at any given time. And so it is with our bodies…but in three dimensions.

Each ‘molecule’ of ether receives the information from the individual bodily intelligence as to what it will be at any given time. Cells, as we know, can create and change substance at will, and it is this will…this intelligence…that travels through the ether giving the illusion of movement. Physical mass does not move, only the information of the swirling mass of atoms that make it what it is.

This is according to kikes and christcucks...
No reason to believe this narrative when there are far better ones from other religions

As the metal in the electric cable waits for the electricity to pass along it, so, too does the ether wait for energy and intelligence to pass though it.All that exists has life…and a level of intelligence of mind that defines its identity and integrity at an atomic level – be it a stone, a book or a human body. A chair, even though it is ‘inanimate’, is still a swirling mass of atomic mind. All that has form has intelligence that is life itself.

In the article by Sir Oliver Lodge, he describes how light, if it were not to reflect on anything would be invisible at least to the naked eye. All we see is the reaction of light. So it is with matter: we register only the reaction of individual intelligence with our five senses.

Thought and life itself in the spiritual realms transcend these limitations for we then become part of the ether, part of this supreme intelligence that knows all. And if we want to go to the planet Mars, we just think the intention and step out the reaction, however many million miles away.

>To Christians, YHWH is Satan, and is called such in the New Testament

Jesus Christ - ask for forgiveness and repent your sins!
God bless you all!

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Fuck off Jess I love your avatar and concept of unity and all encompassing love but your Dad is a grade A cunt

>kidnap children from parents and drop them off at a random Walmart
>liberate them from the authority of their mom and dad
>Why am I a bad guy freedom's good rite guys xDDD

Abrahamic religions are the ultimate Jewish trick gone too far. It borrows and demonizes all other religions.
All demons in christian dogma are gods of people the jews conquered or took over culturally.

Being overzealous isn't inherently a bad thing. God basically cast him out because he wanted to show him who was boss.

God Bless you, ask for forgiveness, its never to late. Love is eternal.

Holy shit there is some fucked up shot. Satan is a title. Lucifer is poetic licence. Jesus is a mistranslation. YHVH is a Name. Kek and Moloch are both names.

Satan literally means adversary and he did no such nice shit. He has done everything he can to bring ruin upon mankind.

Adam and Eve weren't slaves. They had no work required, everything provided, and had 1 fucking rule.

Moloch kills children. Sick fuck. He is a Satan.

Lucifer was from a poem about Nebuchadnezzar.

Jesus is a Greek mistranslation of Yesu (Josh).

Kek is a primordial.

There are many other Satans such as Sammael, Azrael, Samyaza, Azazel, and many more.

Worship him if you want but in the end he will betray you.

He fucking hates us

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Things get even more confusing with the book of Enoch - canon or not - where fallen angels gift humans with knowledge of metallurgy/astronomy/botany. Everything Satan stands for is more in line with white values of freedom and free thought that cuckstianity. He's basically a ripoff of Prometheus. Regardless it's all the same heeb shit and has no place in white countries.

You know, just like every other god in mankimd history.

Free will and humans always ruin the shit up

>created sin
>no sin existed before
>responsible for all human suffering

Mankind had free will, they were immortal living in paradise and able to do anything they wanted. There was just 1 rule and he convinced them to break it knowing it would result in vast amounts of human suffering.

>bringer of light
>gave eve the fruit of knowledge

god wanted ignorant masses to worship his insecure ass

you're so full of shit

So why didn't (((YHWH))) stop any of this from happening if he's so fucking powerful? All that happened was humans became mortal, and yahweh suddenly turned into a genocidal lunatic vampire and murdered untold millions upon millions of people.

We needed to blame somebody else instead of the Jews

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Not even just the gods and demons, it goes as far as basic stories like the great flood, a blatant ripoff of the epic of Gilgamesh. Or immaculate conception, ie Horus and whatever the other one was, etc. It's just a giant crock of surrounding desert folklore shit.

Be Lucifer. Chillin' in the garden, see Eve, she says "Oh tis' might luvly here, I do luvs it..only problem is YHWH says we can do anything we likes but eat the Apple from the Tree of knowledge, cos' we'll die". Lucifer gives her a sparkling look, then says "Nonsense, my Dear, you won't die, you'll just wake up". Eve tries Apple, doesn't die..gets woke up. Lucifer then gets the blame from the slave-drones that worship YHWH for telling the bleeding truth. Tough job, but someone had to do it.


As above so below is a comment on the fractal nature of reality. The pieces, small or large, are self similar. This is also what it means when people say reality is holographic. Take a hologram, split it in two, and you get two tiny holograms of equal construction.
In other words you can study the tiny or the very large and you will learn the same things.

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Lucy didnt give us free will, he was just a tool, God set all that test to see if the mankind (Adam) could take responsability of his mistakes...he blamed Eve, so he wasnt ready and was casted out of the paradise.

>liberated adam and eve from the slavery of god

We were happy, ya know? But everybody must grow up, and growing up involves testing...we failed with our forces, but we got a chance to succede with the Christ.

Is quite easy to understand, any question?

That's why supposed images of the micro level are so similar to images taken at the macro level. It's also infinite in both directions I presume.

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you say that like this board isn't actively trying to genocide untold millions upon millions.

Because he gave them free will to make their own decisions and mistakes. Thats the whole point of free will. A parent lets their children make mistakes and learn from them.

>and yahweh suddenly turned into a genocidal lunatic vampire and murdered untold millions upon millions of people.

You mean the flood? They were exiled from the garden for eating the fruit. The flood wasnt to punish them for that. The fallen angels came down, had sex with humans and created a hybrid offspring called the Nephelim. The nephelim typically killed the mothers during childbirth and lived enormously long lives and grew to monstrous sizes (15+ feet tall) with superhuman strength, speed, intelligence, durability etc. They enslaved all of mankind and made humans worship them as living Gods, living on mountain tops or in cities at the top of a Ziggarut. They literally bred humans as domesticated animals for food.They ate humans and women served as temple priestesses and were raped to death by the Nephelim or survived the rape to die in child birth to another hybrid. They demanded sacrifice through orgies and human sacrifice, typically of children. This is why the flood was sent to the pre flood world.

If yahweh is omniscient then he already knew exactly what was going to happen. Omniscience and free will are mutually exclusive.

You can do good things for selfish reasons.

If I were to make a guess I would say torus, is a torus infinite? Well I guess in a manner of speaking

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Satan rebelled, because he hated the fact that we, humans, were made in God's image and that we're able to attain salvation. He was full of.pride; the fact that he was the most beautiful angel in heaven gave him means to question why some "inferior" being of clay could have dominion over the entire earth when, in his mind, he should've received that honor.
He's a deceiver and always was. Him and his angels had 1,000s of years to study us and our weaknesses. The fact that some of you people on here are actually sympathizing with him proves this.
His fate is sealed and he knows it. He's taking as many humans down with him.
Odin, Ra, Prometheus, etc.. these gods of old were/are Satan masquerading as a saviour. Don't fall for it.

>kids live in sheltered household
>tell kids about strippers
>they go to stripper place out of curiosity
>lose innocence
>come back home
>parents realize kids aren't innocent anymore
>disown them
Best parents.

Thoughts are wavelength, and our souls are eternal. We exist in not only in this dimention but within a multiverse that is infinte. We all have shards of God within us. Our souls will never die, regardless of our choices or beliefs, God wants us all to live forever like him. Humanity is very complex, we do not give ourselves enough credit. We are high functioning beings that is being guided by God. An accelerated awakening has been happening as of late, humanity is growing closer to the ethereal, but we all must chose our own destiny and come to God on our own terms.

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Free will and omniscience are mutually exclusive. I will repeat this until christcucks accept it.
Do you realize how many instances there are in the scripture where yahweh murders someone outside of the great flood? He's committed multiple counts of genocide and a countless number of murders directly and indirectly.
>great flood
>hey abraham kill your son jk kill this goat instead because i'm a vampire
>turns lot's wife to a pillar of salt
>plagues of egypt including killing every firstborn son, age irrelevant
>murders egyptian army
>murders "many" of moses' followers with venemous snakes for wanting to go back to egypt
>tries to kill moses for forgetting to jewtilate his son
off the top of my head and just in the first few books. He also commanded the murder and exile of people for retarded fucking reasons like collecting firewood on the sabbath, or being fags, or for being an uppity kid, etc etc. It's barbaric bronze age horse shit.

Yes he knew...but then again...we didnt.

The only way, for us to learn to handle our lives whitin the realm of God, being free, and not just mindless kids, was the testing.

God, suffers, God must face challenges, God must take decitions, how would we handle all of that just keeping us as kids?

The testing was needed, he knew we would fail, but the work of the Christ was also already planned.

He is the good guy. God is the Antagonist in this story. God needs to be constantly praised or his short Dick syndrome kicks in. Creates people then floods them because he failed in their design. Just a general asshole. Prometheus.err Lucifer gives man fire and frees him. God in his typical bitch style gets mad.

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>God within us

That is why they distorted christianity to worship JESUS, A FALSE IDOL, as a God. Because they always want you looking OUTWARDS.

We all have the ability to shape reality to what we want.

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How can you possibly be free if yahweh knows exactly what you're going to do? This also means that he creates certain people in full knowledge that they'll go to hell and suffer unspeakable torment for all eternity.