Do you prefer left or right Sup Forums?

Do you prefer left or right Sup Forums?


Why is this on dust 2?

de_dust best girl.

I usually preferred to go B in de_dust because I disliked door penetration shenanigans and if you secured B I could take the position atop the boxes to defend it

Right on left. Rin would dyke out on Akiha.

See I prefer going cat towards A, I think its much easier to push towards to point without having to rely too much on flashes or smoke

Double if half your team pushes Long


I prefer TF2 anyway


I prefer to telehop, get mad speed, and do awp2awp

Who the fuck even plays counter strike these days? All the cool kids are over at R6 siege.


Left is attached, right is a thot, so left.

I prefer girls that aren't bitches.
This question really needs to be answered.

>dust 2
I can still hear the sound of AWPs being shot from the terrorist spawn, years after I stopped playing this shit

Left, obviously.
>playing "tactical" shooters
Grow some balls and join the big boys playing Arena Shooters.

Is that what PTSD is like?

but quake champion is shit

More like withdrawal, games change brain chemistry because of rewards and adrenalin and shit.

the third path

Too loving. I wouldn't know what to do with her, the only way I can show love is by making indecent and rapey remarks.

buy p90 and rush b cyka blyat

then Rin is the girl for you it sounds like