Physician here. Those are the pupils of someone who either:
a) Just smoked crack or snorted cocaine
b) Is overdosed on amphetamines or other stimulants
c) Had a dilated eye exam at an ophthalmologist
Which is Stormy?
Physician here. Those are the pupils of someone who either:
a) Just smoked crack or snorted cocaine
b) Is overdosed on amphetamines or other stimulants
c) Had a dilated eye exam at an ophthalmologist
Which is Stormy?
Other urls found in this thread:
How do you know it’s not just the lighting or magic mushrooms?
holy fucking what ? that's insane dilation, especially in a studio setting
Because that's a ridiculous amount of dilation dide
how dilated do you think her cooter is?
>How do you know it’s not just the lighting or magic mushrooms?
Light is directly in her eyes. Studios always have very bright lighting. Anyone with bright light in their face should NEVER have dilated pupils. And Coopers' should be dilated too if it's the lighting.
It’s shooped, idiot.
Probably just the lighting honestly, nothing to get worked up over.
light makes your pupils smaller, user
Hmmm, interesting
My wife LOL'd and thought that was fucking hilarious.
"These are the people you talk to on here- really?"
cocaine is a helluva drug or
ophthalmologism is a helluva specialty
I'm going to go with the former considering her (((films)))
>being a pornstar
>not being on drugs to cope with how much of a mess your life is
Anyone who believes this whore needs a reality check.
>t. Dicklet
this kinda. I think phsychedelics is unlikely as she wouldn't be able to speak.
my pupils are usually very large, why is this
maybe low light in the room??
everyone on live TV in american media is on beta blockers
Keep on shilling in the free world, faggot.
cooper knows well that
>this desperate to do anything to discredit her
bright blue eyed drug user.
>Amphetamines only on high dosages over a long time cause dilated eyes
>mushrooms, lsd causes it more
>mdma won't let you get small pupil at all
>cocaine higher dosage and/or over longer time can cause it
brain damage
story for webm?
some people naturally have large pupils
Shills on suicide watch. Literally just taken from my phone
>Inb4 sideways phone post picture
>Physician here.
I hope there are no real physicians on Sup Forums. I will just assume you are larping.
fuck off, liar
i looked myself
side effect of mkultra mind control techniques
I’m watching the show right now. Looks like a pretty dark room to me except for Andersen Cooper who is bathed in light like an angel.
Bright lights make your pupils smaller ya dingus
bella donna that for sure
ayyy lmao
spics doing what spics do best....what else? have another fire webm thread this time make it charcoal
d) MK ULTRA asset
Discredit her? Who even gives a shit about this """story"""?
Trump fucked a pornwhore a decade ago, so what? Trump's always been an unapologetic sleazeball, this is nothing new.
There's plenty of reasons to be pissed at Trump, but this ain't one.
>b) Is overdosed on amphetamines or other stimulants
Option B for SURE
I bet you every single person on TV is on amphetamines
I use belladonna ointment topically for carpel tunnel and a painful ganglial cust. I use it only at night because the effects can make you really drowsy. I've never gotten pupil dilation like that even when my hand was really swollen and I was applying it every 90 minutes in the evening.
I've been saying from the start, why are people taking the word of a lying druggie whore?
Image related
She is obviously doing this for attention. What president has ever not had a bunch of whores come out of the woodwork after being elected?
None but Obama, but Obama is a flaming faggot and men have come forward with evidence that they fucked each other in the ass.
Not ecstasy, that makes you talkative.
Look how big her forehead is I think she’s an annunaki. Better get your asshole ready for nibiru spaceships conspiritards.
Adderall ding dong
Obviously not in the case of this dried up old skank but I find super dilated pupils so fucking sexy
It's a curved tv and I'm a foot away dumbass
DXM gives mega dilation for a long time as well
Argyll-Robertson pupil, or prostitute's pupil, it's from syphilis
Back in the day that was a sign the LSD had kicked in.
I doubt psychedelics - would meth do this? MDMA?
Or it could be what signs to look for from a whore after she's ridden the phallus coaster and left with a thousand cock stare.
Most psychedelics have this effect, if I remember correctly. I know MDMA does for sure so a large dose of meth should as well
very interesting.. the things you learn on Sup Forums
Think she was an accomplice to a murder or something.
That's not a fucking explanation, pisses me off when people give shitty 'lmao just spics/niggers' as explanations.
Methodist or MDMA
Yes to both.
Trump needs to pick this narrative up if he's to save face. Spread this far and wide guys.
Im not watching because i already know Trump slept with her and paid her for sex... not sure what an hour off my life hearing all the details buys me.
As for the pupils... what do the interviewer's look like for comparison?
Meth. Fucking autocorrect.
damn they are blown the fuck out
I add option
d) is on a manic episode
those are the eyes of someone going nuts for 2-3 days.
Back when I used to take it meth would produce dilation but not that sort of extreme, even large doses
Methodist, meth... same thing. ROFL
Probably a result of the sedative she took to fool the polygraph. A beta blocker wouldn't work because it would have constricted the pupils. But there are other options that would have caused the dilation
The thousand cock stare. Nothing deeper to discover, all cumdumpsters like her carry it.
Horry shit
>My wife LOL'd
gtfo grandpa
dude, i noticed that too. i was wondering if she was on something.
Here is a recent pic, also looks dilated but less dilated
Holy fuck lmao the guy pouring the petrol also ded hahhaha
Dude.... I have diagnosed neurosyphillis before. This isn't that. And anyway syphilis- and early PRIMARY syphillis- is noticeable and treatable as fuck. Have you heard of "Penicillin."
dude. trumps lawyer said he paid her off out of his own pocket. it's time to stop being retarded. she clearly signed that letter because Trump's lawyers threatened to sue her when rumors of the affair started to swirl.
What's happening here isn't a smear campaign, entirely, it's some very deep pockets willing to drag this thing out with the potential to lose millions of dollars to Trump's lawyers for her breaking the NDA contract. The only important thing about that letter is that prior to the day she signed it, she was unwilling to break the contract. and then suddenly she was. that kind of assurance can only come with a hefty price tag.
yeah you could shoot a basketball through those pupils
another recent pic, does not look dilated here
This is still bad considering she is looking fairly directly into light?
Those look about as expected. 4-5mm. In the interview she's 9+mm.
A long life of riding the cock carousel and being slapped upside the brain with hundreds of dicks in bukkake screws up a cunts eyes.
>pisses me off when people give shitty 'lmao just spics/niggers' as explanations
>implying spics/niggers need an explaination to do spic/nigger shit
Yea I'd still say so. Slightly bigger than expected. But not YUUUUGE.
She's a former porn star, she's obviously on meth or some sort of strong amphetamine. I've taken tons of cocaine and it's nowhere near that level of dilation. Nothing makes your eyes get like that except MDMA, methamphetamine, and related compounds. The LSD doesn't even get your pupils that big. Probably off those xans or something too if she wasn't gritting her teeth like a freak and sweating.
Xanax a hell of a drug
Especially with the lights in her eyes.
>sweating kike.jpg
yeah you almost cant tell she has blue eyes
Based mutt wife
>There's plenty of reasons to be pissed at Trump
>spic mad because threw him paper towels and told him to clean up after himself
Yeah, quite a few examples of this, here's a really good one. My guess is MDMA
She walked it off right?
She’s drugged to the gills.
But she’s a porn whore, so I repeat myself.
Oh, absolutely. That's not normal. She's probably tripping acid or some shit.
I'm guessing xanax
It's not tropicamide. Cloudy sclera, distressed tear ducts, heavily dilate pupils- cocaine.
Studios are bright as fuck dude. Shes on drugs.
she did have spaghetti legs walking in...
benzodiazepines don't do that but certain GABAnergics can. Lyrics of Gabapentin can dilate the pupils.
Since she isn't sweating bullets I think it might be Gabapentin
I don't see how that is funny
Are liberals calling a porn actress a champion for women now?