I-it isn't poorly drawn i-it's an intentional style

>I-it isn't poorly drawn i-it's an intentional style
Fukumoto fans everyone

Other urls found in this thread:


go read generic moe shit.

it is an intentional style, and its very good

Still more contours and better shading than most of the shit airs in every season

Well I agree, it is an intentional style because he CANNOT draw

but what does that matter? he makes the best stories out there

...just sayin in your pic he receives needles under his nails.

Have a (You) and go about your day, don't make shit threads like these user.

It's not intentional if it'ls only style Fukumoto can draw in.

Personally, whatever gets him shitting some of the best manga since 80's on weekly basis with no breaks going.

Fukumoto is an excellent artist, it's just his cartoon characters are jarring.

why nonewchapter

how is that poorly drawn
that has way more detail than most shows, and much more emotion is conveyed

OP here, take a look at this pic.

That's how it's done.

I think the OP is full of shit but "more detail" by itself doesn't make it good/better.

This is the worst bait in the history of baits, maybe ever.

then what does, opinion?
how well it communicates to the viewer?

OP pic is in-between, more details for a short lasting shot is definitely unquestionably undeniably "good".

The thing is you want every single character to be fujo standards.
I would never, ever, forget Kaiji's face but i already forgot your generic guy.

Why is Akagi cosplaying
>part 2 Kaiji
>part 3 Kaiji
>that blind jew

Fukumoto has a style that truly shows when character is having a mental breakdown.

>Fukumoto is an excellent artist, it's just his cartoon characters are jarring.

That was not always the case

His recent manga is great, but you can tell he started off very bad

because nobody knows what akagi is doing
because nochapter
also the hobo is penchan

You can see it in Ten. The first 2 or 3 volumes have pretty bad drawings and even writing/storyboarding. The next ones are much better and the last 3 have the "mastered" FKMT style that's hard to forget and convey a lot of things

Honestly the art style is what made me pick up Kaiji. The characters just seemed so expressive. And I'm fucking glad I did pick it up.

Nothing wrong with manly men being w i d e.


>muh edgy jew cartoons

FKMT? Stands for Fuck, Kill Me Thanks

Now back to washing my eyes with K-On!


alright hands in the air bub you're goin down.

>guys, popular and beloved thing is actually bad!
>pay attention to me!


It's ugly and sharp intentionally for you to feel in a specific way.

I can't remember which chapters but i think it was One Poker where he drew the goddess of victory lifting Kaiji and was astounding with detail, he's drawn Jesus as well, although that was more traced.


Disgusted with kikes?


I think the assistants draw this

Is it 3,5?

It's 7 * sqrt(2)/2, I believe.
Or a little short of five.

The real question: Is there any other anime that conveys human suffering as well as Kaiji does?

Holy shit, user. Have you not heard of a wise pedophile named Pythagoras?

>doesn't know basic trig
underage detected

Strongest Man Kurosawa from the same author, manga only though

Sorry, got my angles mixed up.

>His recent manga is great, but you can tell he started off very bad
But that's proof that he's been steadily improving into a great artist. If it were truly just him being awful at drawing and not a style then it would look the same.

The author has a real sympathy for people.

It shows out in his writing about underdogs, failures, the have nots.

Even Akagi, is a product of post-WW2 Japanese slums, he's almost a working class hero.


Come across this one and thought Kurosawa should have gone for used tires armor instead of his wooden one.

Akagi is about depression when you read between the lines

There's actually plenty of manga I could list off. The challenge is when it makes the jump to animation. I don't think they could have done a better job with Kaiji.

There's something sympathetic and noble about it though.

suck my dick

Come on user, if this 10 years old anime only bullshit was true he'd roast the fuck out of Yasuoka after you-know-which fuck up. It's cute but horribly off. I mean it's good to convey the atmosphere of the scenery, shitty 50s, 60s are shitty as a whole but it's not about Akagi at all.

I hate to mention it but Akagi in Ten, which is what I think you're talking about is starting to display early symptoms of alzheimers.

There are physical reasons why he wasn't on his game.

Probably because of the human aspect most FKMT works have, but also because despite living quite literally on the edge Akagi is a good guy with a much more mundane day-to-day side. It helps that we get to see his whole life too.

>he'd roast the fuck out of Yasuoka after you-know-which fuck up
Why? The lyrics only evoke depression, the passing of time and end with a more optimistic note. It's easy to draw parallels between this and Akagi's situation and way of thinking.

? if you still aren't up to date with complete Washizu - Akagi battle you better read that shit. My example is how Akagi behaves way too benevolent for a supposedly depressed person. Also crowd favorite Ten parts came out after the animation as well.

Once again he's not simply depressed, he's the spirit of the times, allowing myself to be a little pretentious he's kind of a personification of attitudes at the time, depressed at the dreary circumstances but ultimately moving towards the future dauntlessly because that's what he has to do, it's what Japan had to do.


In fact, Washizu is...

So perfectly also a spirit of the times himself.

It's such an era-piece, he really makes us feel the weariness of Japan at that time, the monotony of it. Ashita No Joe is the only thing I can compare it to.

>Not read Akagi or even finished the anime
>Always come to these threads anyway since the discussions FMKT fans have about the series are always pretty fascinating.
You guys are neat.

There's also Rainbow, it's like Gai but it was a whole crew of gais and most of them didn't end well.

I read that and forgot that I read that entirely.

Good story.

They all have a weird stand-by-me vibe.

It's anime only but I like this visual symbolism with the tower. But of course FKMT didn't choose the time period aimlessly, the story does begin by highlighting the spirit of the rebuilding country in parallel with Akagi's "descent into darkness". After everything he goes through, old Akagi living in the 90s is a lot more cheerful. I don't know if FKMT did this on purpose but it's pretty neat.

God the series is so quietly hopeful and sympathetic.

It has some of the most depressing plotlines ever but it always leaves you with a warm feeling.

>says he's a stranger standing alone
>ends up being a lot closer to his humanity/consciousness than the other characters and helps them reveal what they truly are/want (Washizu, everyone in Ten)
>everyone think highly of him as a result

So ironical

Because it's accurate. The setting is unforgiving and ugly, so the characters can be challenged harshly: loneliness, poverty, lack of direction, regret. They all deal with it in their own more or less successful way, whether it's Kurosawa, Kaiji, Akagi, Gai or Hiroyuki, but all seem to be valid and correct, even when they end in failure or even death. I think the most reassuring part of FKMT's writing is that no matter what happens, it's okay. Kaiji and Hiroyuki lost years of their lives, Gai overly relied on himself, Akagi and Kurosawa never had the chance to get a family. But they manage to keep their heads up.

Nanto Kanare.

It'll be fine.

To live without shame or guilt.

It's called an art style.

>you will never be happy
>but it's okay you'll make it to the end
fuck you fukumoto that doesn't make me feel better at all

You always have yourself user.

Honestly, FKMT's works have changed my views on life
It's amazing what this writer can accomplish with his dumb sharply nosed characters

Agreed. Saikyou Densetsu Kurosawa had to be the most emotional piece of manga I've ever read aside from Oyasumi Punpun.
Ended up crying like a bitch numerous times while reading it.

Same. Wish I could share it irl but those noses man.

Pretty sure if you are going to hang out with mahjongfags you'll see more nosefans around as comparing to just Sup Forums crowd like me and the next guy.

FKMT wrote other manga without that artstyle and they're ok
I appreciate making the OP bait so that the thread doesn't die though

Why is he such a little bitch?

he can draw in different styles when he wants to

I just got up to date with the kaiji manga, what's the release schedule like?

Is he really just jealous or is he plotting something?

2 chapters monday night, american time

New Akagi chapter when

i miss washizu

First and hopefully last time that I'll ask for help from you shitters, but can I watch Akagi without any knowledge of mahjong, or should I read up on it a bit before doing so? Animes usually have some kind of tutorial for the topic in question, but mahjong might be too common sense in Japan to require that.

Help pwes.

you might be able to get through it alright since there is some explanation, but heres what I did

>watched first 2 episodes
>read up about mahjong, watched some actual games
>watched the rest
>read the manga

thus I conclude for maximum enjoyment understand how mahjong works and basic game flow by watching a real match, then you can appreciate the insane bullshit akagi actually pulls off

>then you can appreciate the insane bullshit akagi actually pulls off
Yeah, that's my main concern. Thanks bub.

Keep this picture with you if you don't recognize a tile because some are written in moon.

You can always play it against computer on gamedesign.jp/flash/mahjong/mahjong_e.html if you want to get a good idea of how a game goes.

It's a pastebin from /jp/ mahjong thread. The game is not hard, just bloated with ching chong. It also isn't obscure at all: there are tons of mobile apps, pc and console games, there's an actual multiplayer around, like 5 complete english wikis and so on. There was an irl championship with commentators two months ago in Vegas of all places, just a week after that shooting incident, should be still on twitch.


Mahjong is just a tool for the real meat of Akagi which is how his opponents deal with psychological pressure. Obviously you do quite an additional bit of appreciation when fully knowing the game, but you can do entirely fine with just very basic understanding of the rules. The Triad subs also give you tidy bits of information about mahjong so you're not entirely lost either.

If Akagi is to your liking, the other stuff FKMT regarding mahjong does require technical knowledge, especially Ten. If you don't feel confident, FKMTkrazy did a short but effective guide of the game during their translation of Kaiji Part 3 (which is about a mahjong game)


>make 4 triplets and 1 pair
you just learned mahjong friend




That makes sense. Chitoi is making 7 pairs, Lipeikou is making two identical triplets.

Took me 1 month to get. Felt stupid.

It's ii though not li
1 ii, 2 ryan, 3 san, 4 suu
I never saw a suuanko in muh life (vs bots) and somehow I think with people it's even harder. derp

Remember when Washizu blacked out from losing too much blood and hallucinated that he went to Asian hell, where he proceeded to make Asian satan his bitch in spite of being tiny and armed only with a toothpick?

that was some fucking shit huh

I don't think it'd be much harder with people since suu ankou means no calling at all. Maybe they'd try to end the game faster if they saw you discarding the dora but outside of that it seems like a relatively stealthy impossible to get yaku.

Dai Sangen and Tsuu lisou are the only yakuman worth trying anyway.

I thought it's interesting how hell remembering went in case of Akagi and Washizu.
tfw Akagi's memory contained no Washizus at all