What are some fucked up facts about the UK, Sup Forums?

What are some fucked up facts about the UK, Sup Forums?

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the mayor of london is a muslim brown 5'2 immigrant


the royal family are german jews that consume blood because they have Tay-Sachs

So are they inbred?

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Here's one that most don't know about: The UK had almost half a million German slave laborers after WWII. Up to one-fifth of all agricultural work was being done by interned German slave laborers after the war.

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Every year the parliament must send one of the representatives to the palace and sit in the dungeon when the queen goes to parliament. It is to make sure parliament doesn't kill the queen.

The like beans on toast.

They brexited over vacuum cleaners and wanting degenerate bendy bananas to be available again.

They have clothes washing machines in the kitchen.

Aren't you a fountain of knowledge!

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Everyone there is a Cheddar Man nigger.

The royal family is a gang of pedophilic cannibals.

Not all of us are burgers.


The UK has a massive pedo that is unsolvable.

They insist on using 240V outlets, but wiring their homes with what could be considered christmas light wiring.

They have bad teeth, but their chocolate is so bitter. How is that possible?

They view ice in beverages as degenerate.

Khazar-Christblood Masonic Jews and yes very much genetically fucked from it

1: Yes, but you have Hollywood
2: Nigga my electronics work fine, so I don't care.
3: We have better teeth than you, think of something new.
4: What

Jesus wept. Were there really people in England that didn't know Jimmy Saville was a kiddy diddler? I'm an American and I never saw him on TV, but that picture just screams nonce.

How are your vacuum cleaners under the EU rules? Not powerful enough due to shitastic wiring?

>They view ice in beverages as degenerate.
Why would you want to put ice on beverages wit such a shitty climate?

kek. The real reason is that freezers are too small to use for food and ice in GB so they call ice degenerate. It makes them feel better about their tiny freezers.

Dude. This seems too surreal.

yeah whats up with all the "BIGGEST CHILD TRAFFICKING SCANDAL YET!" that comes up every week.

And the royals are German.

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I think they're tryna cover up something even more bigger