Japanese person is transported to another world

>Japanese person is transported to another world
>Everyone is amazed by his cooking and praises Japanese food

>Japanese person goes to a country famous for its haute cuisine, usually France
>The locals and critics alike are amazed by his cooking and praise Japanese food

>A literal deity visits earth
>The Japanese equivalent to a microwave meal is literally the best food he ever had

Is this an anime only thing, or do Nips actually believe the rest of the planet just eats bricks and sandpaper?

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i like it

Are we going to have another culinary shitposting?

Fuck sushi. Shit was disgusting.

Japanese people generally think that most of the world doens't or can't eat their food. If you go there, expect people to be amazed at you eating sushi, or that you can use chopsticks (I had a girl literally bring a fork to dinner with her, because she was worried I wouldn't be able to use chopsticks).

Also, don't be a dick about it, let them have their fun.

Act like you've never had sushi before and that it's a wierd idea RAW FISH!? and then when you eat it, everyone'll be laughing and clapping, it's a good time.

"Why did you come to Japan?" don't fucking say anything about Anime. "I love women with black hair", you'll get least get a laugh.

the japanese are a bunch of arrogant shitheads but tokyo itself has more michelin stars than like 5 of the biggest european capitals together and osaka and nara follow

>Paris has 134 stars
>Tokyo has 304 stars
>Paris isn't even in second place, it's behind another Japanese city (Kyoto)
This isn't Justice!

I love Japan but Chinese food is just miles better. Japanese food sucks.

Have you been to Japan? Food quality in Japan is leagues ahead of China unless you're paying through the fucking nose.

Service is lightyears better too.

3. Kyoto, Japan — 138 stars
2. Paris, France — 141 stars
(29th November, 2017 by Edith Hancock)

No but ive been to China. The food there is cheap(if you avoid tourist spots) and tastes amazing.

That's because Japan makes more cars than France so the Michelin guys spend more time in Japan

The first and thord of those points is basically someone not used to our worlds modern food would have to think it's amazing. The idea behind that is that in the past spices were way more expensive and people were happy to not starve so taste was only a secondary concern. That's not a Japanese thing at all and you can find it in Western media as well.

The second point is something I can't remember ever seeing.

Narrow victory.

>restaurant episode
>always japanese food

>France has the shittiest food in the world
>Japan has the shittiest food in the world
>Both first and second

The fuck?

>t. Brit
Shouldn't you be preparing a toast sandwich?

>LONDON has 6th most michelin stars


The reason I don't buy it is because Japanese cooking is focused on ingredient quality and freshness. They use the best possible methods to cultivate crops and meats and their cooking is meant to let the ingredients shine.

Sword and magic land wouldn't have any of that, the crops would be a worse due to the lack of sufficient selective breeding and most of the meats would be packed completely with salt to preserve it. There's no way Japanese chef's would accel in that context.

London has the only four 3 star restaurants in Britain.
Two of those restaurants are owned by Frenchman.
The other one is Gordon Ramsey's restaurant, Ramsay trained under one of the French chefs who owns one of the other two 3-star restaurants in Paris, effectively making him a product of French culinary tradition.
Britain/London only "truly" has one 3-star restaurant.


The Michelin Guide literally gave asian places more stores to try and market their shitty books in asia.
They gave a random food stall a star in Hong Kong.

im not a giant fan of jap food but i would have zero confidence in eating cheap food purchased in china

>only four 3 star restaurants in Britain.

There's also The Fat Duck in Berkshite, you dumb frogposter!



my local chippy is better than all of them

>that spoiler
someone post that webm about the guy who moved there because of himecuts

This is a different thing.
They gave that stall a star because it represents the street food culture of hong-kong, and they wanted to diversify their choice.
In Japan there are even french-cuisine restaurants with 3 stars.
And 3 stars is not nearly in the same league as 1.
Japan has a really great food culture, and they deserve the stars in my opinion.
Visiting is worth it even if it is just for the food.

You should study French cuisine history. Protip. It's mostly English. The problem is, back when large parts of France were rightful English clay, there was lots of cuisine shit going back and forth because the average pleb doesn't care about borders. Anyway, after the English parts of France created all these amazing dishes, nobody had a problem. Post Hundred Years War, however, the French started a propaganda campaign to attack the English and claim the food they had created as their own. Fast-forward to this very day and people believe that Britain's food is 'shit' because literal fucking memes created it. The food 'is shit' is literally 1940's memes from American GI's who came to a starving Britain which had to make stupid amounts of changes to food in order to survive. The same American GI's spread the 'UK has bad teeth' meme when UK now has the healthiest teeth by the time the person is 12. It's memes. Just like 'all of UK is ugly' and 'all of USA is hot' despite 2/3rd of the USA being fat. USA controls the worlds media so it controls the narrative. This includes repeating memes for Americans to clap at.

>I love Japan but Chinese food is just miles better. Japanese food sucks.
no, you love AMERICAN chinese food. real chinese food doesn't really taste anything like that. it's absolutely disgusting. By the same case, I've yet to have nip food stateside that's 1/4 as good as nip food in japan. Nips have a lot of weird ass food, but it's usually pretty good. just don't eat the pizza over there.

>not putting mayo on your pizza


Honestly I find they have very low opinions of us, it comes out a lot in interviews for games or movies or stuff. Muv Luv comes to mind where the creator thought so many themes were completely uniquely japanese and was amazed that so many foreigners were able to understand it perfectly fine.

I feel like they think we're all extremely loud, brash, burger eaters that shoot guns for fun and can't grasp the concept of soy sauce.

>This is a different thing.
It's not. They are far more free with stars in asia to try and build brand and foothold.
>They gave that stall a star because it represents the street food culture of hong-kong, and they wanted to diversify their choice.
Something they've done nowhere else.

>Something they've done nowhere else.
Proving you wrong would take too long, since I don't want to look through that huge list.
Think what you want.
If you visit Japan and try the food you will change your mind.

>Just like 'all of UK is ugly'
Lets not get ahead of ourselves now


>Proving you wrong would take too long, since I don't want to look through that huge list.
Because they haven't. Call me when they give a NYC hot dog stand or random London fish and chips shop a star.
>If you visit Japan and try the food you will change your mind.
I'm not saying it's bad but it's not some amazing cuisine above everyone else in the world. Using Michelin as evidence is dumb when it's just marketing gimmick especially their generous star giving in Japan.

>>Just like 'all of UK is ugly'
>Lets not get ahead of ourselves now
There are some real qts there

yeah, that's it, a great thinker of our age

Meanwhile chinese cartoon girls wet themselves when they eat hanbaagaa.

>literally mascara on the eyelashes

Do you have any examples?

that's because red meat is insanely expensive in Area 11.

Eating steak, hamburgers or "hamburger steak" is seen as a "luxury" for the rich. And to be savored.

I've seen people with thicker eyelashes like that, it's not far-fetched
>pointy elbows would not bang

>was amazed that so many foreigners were able to understand it perfectly fine
is this what causes shitty subs



It was stuff like the concept of being spiritually attached to the land you live on itself, as if that was a uniquely japanese thing

It struck me as extremely arrogant

>country of xenophobes that isolated themselves for 200 years
Who woulda thunk it.

The standards for Muchelin stars are completely different vetween France and Japan. Here you need your restaurant to have perfect service, food, wine, location, seats, waiters who speak 4 languages and a ton of different criteria. In Japan a random sushi stall where you eat at the bar and are served directly by the chef can get a star. It isn't really comparable.

Not anime or manga.

Michelin is a tyre company and gives Japan stars easily to advertise against Yokohama tyres

Megumi is so cute.

Sorry fun police

is this a meme sub? if not where is it from?

>Japanese person is transported to another world
>never talks about his old world

I've been to England. You don't fool me for a second.

Fine dining is about atmosphere and presentation not the actual food.

Myucel a cute!
