New episode soon
Himouto Umaru-chan
Other urls found in this thread:
last ep was too cute
Will Hikari be able to steal away Onii-chan?
>white floor
>wood floor
Why does she like some retarded hamster so much?
because umaru is the meaning of life
I really like that image and subtitle.
Walking like this really accentuates Sylphyn's breasts desu wa
Man, the department store scene felt a lot like watching some GameCenter CX.
With this as BGM it would have been perfect:
Stating the obvious.
Weird fucking hamsters.
I'm so glad they had this in. My favorite chapter
>oniichan ahegao'd in front of camera
What a slut.
>make characters
>can barely give them development because "muh archtypes"
>introduce a poochie after you run out of ideas
This entire season is character development, you mong.
how can a years old girl be so happy?
Truck-kun strikes again.
That department store go a family darnnit!
That's their table.
Hikari a best
Sylphin’s breast are perfect: not disgusting udders like Ebina’s, not a flat board like Kirie, not a chestlet like Umaru.
I didnt ask for this.
Shit nigga, really?
Literally me.
You don't eat square eggs?
I thought Umara was good at everything. Apparently she's retarded at cooking.
>pre-built pc
I'm a barbarian, only sunny side up and scrambled (with onion/chillies/etc) or boiled.
user, that shown in S1 already.
TSF is an angel.
She is a professional, look at her flambe skills here.
Japanese pre built pc folded over 9999 times
you can't understand
Umaru has an oppai kemonomimi as desktop pic, I was never this bold
Simply ebin.
>windows xp
She's a good girl
15ft tall vending machine
God damn it, when will they sell Gendo hands like this?
>lusting over a salaryman
>TFW you will never run Windows XP on your Doll Home Computer System
Hold up.
Was bread day just something like "pork chop night" in the Doma household or is it an actual Holiday in Japan?
Well shit, knowing japan I thought they would've covered this already.
This episode hurt my soul.
I didn't need to be reminded of the death of arcades and malls. 30+ is hell. Watching my childhood slowly die.
The former I guess.
A hamster girl falls in love with her oniichan.
Unable to confess, Umaru Doma is gifted by a deus ex machina with the boy's other phone number. Never minding the strange area code, she immediately calls Taihei Doma, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on her as well.
But, the next day, when she recounts the previous day's confessions to her oniichan, he only looks at her with a perplexed expression on his bespectacled face. After some investigation, she finds out that the big bro she called is not the same big bro she fell in love with. In fact, this Taihei doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is the alternate universe counterpart of her crush, who has fallen in love with his sister as well, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.
Hijinks ensue as they strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip each other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of CORA and JUMPU.
Time for some warm-ups!
Always finds a way!
Don't worry, that truck being there means the arcade is going to a better world.
RIP in peace.
It's okay. Cancer takes a while to kill.
inb4 404
Been a while since I've seen this pasta.
Taihei is too good a person
sauce on Inuko?
When will the truck come for me?
Nice episode.
This imouto has one of the most appalling designs I have ever seen.
Bomber is literary me, too many good damn hobbies
Isn't that a tamagoyaki pan which are literally used for nothing but frying eggs?
According to the latest chapter, Hikari isn't the only one trying to woo nii-chan
How could anyone pick a steam-filled titcow over this qt cake?
TSF a shit, A SHIT!
This isn't Fuuka
>Foreshadowing that Umaru will kill the hamsters.
When you're thinking what you'd like to do with Ebina's big ol' bag of rice
What's the anime poster on the left parodying? I know the other is Street Fighter IV
My guess is Kemono Friends
I think it's The Simpsons
It's a mystery
So we can all agree that Umaru is Mexican, right?
Pepita fits perfectly
She is a nugget without a country. She lives for us all.