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Go ahead and watch this while the wound is still fresh.
>he doesn't know
Someone post the
>I God-ed
>yfw in the battle against the menace that is Japanese trucks, the little girl comes out on top for once
Fucking omegacringe.
The only Monogatari I've watched is Owari and I really enjoyed it.
How did the second half come across to you? I'm curious how someone would react without the backstory.
Monogatari became shit when it stopped having any lewd loli, while other girls started getting lewder and lewder borderline hentai ecchi.
Alas it is the fate of every title that gets too popular to turn into normalfag catering.
Is this the proper way to greet a 10 year old girl (dead) in Japan?
Owari is one of the worst entrance gataris
Ask Kenshin author
Hand holding cost more than sleeping together?
Did snail write that to make sleeping together for $20 seem like a better deal? That's a clever girl.
>no headpats
I'll take a few KA KAs and then I take my business elsewhere.
She's not a whore. Headpats are only for Araragi.
The Courage to commit a crime.
oppai loli
That was kind of cheap.
Snail's farewell was one of the best moments of the series.
Her leaving in the first place felt like cheap melodrama to me to be honest.
Within the actual plot of the story it worked fine I felt. Hachikuji's exit and return pretty much marked out the period which Araragi consistently kept fucking up at everything he did and nothing going the way he intended.
Also Araragi taking another person with him up some rope out of hell is a reference to some Buddhist fable or some shit IIRC.
The scene was well done even if you think that. Little things like the piano version of the OP playing during the farewell made it memorable, even if it obviously tugged on your heartstrings.
Is he licking her butt?
>Sorry I Flubbed
Hanekawa is best girl, fight me
You wouldn't?
Nothing to fight for, excellent taste my friend.
Hachikuji is truly on a level higher than the other Monogatari girls
she is god
fuck off
Get the fuck out
would snail rape shota araragi?
Nah. Molesting Shotaragi is Shinobu's territory.
Best pink snail here
She already tried.
Literally who?