Three more days until epiisode 1. Is Sup Forums ready?

Three more days until epiisode 1. Is Sup Forums ready?

Other urls found in this thread:愛-奉文-x-聖子

>rewatching 50 Shades of Taiga
Fuck off.

toradora is an embarrassment

I thought it already started

That doesn’t even make sense.

Typically starts on the 6th so it ends on the 30th.

is it worth watching?

Unless you're talking about something other than what I'm thinking of, we had episode 3 yesterday

Starting on the 1st makes the Christmas episodes out of synch doesn’t it?

Do you want to watch a spineless cuckold get physically and verbally abused by a midget cunt for 18 episodes until the plot makes her magically fall in love with him in order to justify a "romance" tag?
if that sounds appealing to you, then sure

>That doesn’t even make sense.
Rewatching this schlock doesn't, indeed.

yes. i rewatch it every year.

Get the fuck out of Sup Forums.

agreed, I regret watching it.

I tried to watch it years ago and dropped it because of how insufferable Taiga was.
I recently gave it a second chance and enjoyed it for the most part except for the last couple of episodes which were a mess.

Taiga and Ryuuji are sluts, they suddenly drop their love interest for each other like it was nothing.
If they did it once, what's preventing them from doing it again? I'm sure they'd break up in the sequel.

>toracuck trying to drive anyone away
Back you go, toracuck.

Every time I appreciate Ami more.
The anime doesn't do her or her motivations enough justice.

It was literally about the difference between silly highschool crushes and actual love. They make it pretty clear as early as episode 2 that Taiga really loved Ryuuji and her love for Kitamura was just a silly crush, and Kitamura recognises that which is why he rejects her. I thought it was pretty obvious, how could you miss that?

Taiga loved Ryuji like a family member
They have 0 chemistry as a couple and are honestly doomed to fail, but since it's the anime world Ryuji will keep getting abused like a little bitch for the rest of his life and Taiga will love him anyway because who cares about how actual human beings work

It might be worth going into a philosophical debate to determine whether or not their "silly crush" were real love or not, but let's not.

I get it, but it still gives them a real slutty vibe to suddenly go from loving other people to each other with no real change of character in anyone.

This show is just as shitty as Scum's Wish but somehow actually liked by Sup Forums. It's confusing, really.

The original inspiration for Sup Forums's greatest meme!

>This show is just as shitty as Scum's Wish
I know you're baiting but Scum's Wish was unlikable by any sense.

Main girl was a wishy washy crybaby. Main male was a fool that only cared about being accepted by a character so self destructive that it breaks suspension of belief. Male teacher was unbelievably nice guy until the apparent fetish for whores, and female teacher was someone that was just made to stir contempt in otakus. Also Lesbians.

streams already on episode 3 I dont know what you're smoking

He rejected her because he was already in love with the President girl, while recognizing his first confession to Taiga was hollow as fuck.
Him rejecting her due to realizing her feelings for someone she met less than a week ago as love is idiotic as fuck. Taiga at first wasn't attracted to Ryuuji, she was just attracted to the idea of having a family. Which Ryuuji had in his mom. That and simple childish possessiveness. Her feelings didn't evolve into love until way later, probably after her father left her again. And that's me making a big assumption, since the Kitamura arc came immediately after and she still seemed interested.
What I didn't like about Toradora is that they were basically forced to end up with each other. Fucking everyone thought they were already a thing, or had hidden agendas to push them together, and acted accordingly. Kitamura pretty much threw Taiga into Ryuuji's arms. Minori did the fucking same thing despite liking Ryuuji, out of some stupid sense of duty and an inferiority complex.


Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子

Always finds a way!


Toradora is a shitty anime and the Christmas episode is a cheap ripoff of the Love Hina special. I liked Taiga better when she was every other rehashed loli taundere voiced by Kugimiya Rie ever.

4/10, would not watch again.

Keit-Ai has been made into:

>a wiki
>a fanfic
>a fictionpress story
>a manga
>a meme
>a series recognized by TV Tropes
>an anime preview
>an anime episode
>an anime series
>an honest-to-goodness anime movie
>Oscar considered
>a critically acclaimed box office success in Japan
>a worldwide hit
>the no. 1 highest grossing anime film of all time
>a certified fresh movie on Rotten Tomatoes
>a live-action film

Meme magic is amazing.

First time watching it, figured it should be with Sup Forums. Taiga is adorable and Ryuuji is a cool dude.
I'm just wondering what Taiga sees in the glasses dude.

EP 1:

Ami a bro

>thinking the Toradora stream is supposed to line up with Christmas

Found the redditor

>he doesn't know
25 days of autism. enough said.

Yeah it’s kind of dumb

>not lining the Christmas episode up with Christmas

That has always been Reddits thing
If you prefer it that way you're always welcome to go back

Maybe if I watch it for the fifth time, Minori will win.

I already watched this with Sup Forums years ago and I didn't enjoy it.

It's pretty popular and decently written for pure rabukome, no way that neo-Sup Forums would ever like it.

It should of been the daily life of a nice guy always getting mistaken for a delinquent, like the first episode implied.

The romance ruined it.

Its already been streaming for 2 days, but the streamers are asshats and play a really shitty show after Toradora so I'll gladly accept an alternate stream.

I think im going to watch Dissappearance on Christmas.

No thanks.

>There people on Sup Forums posting right now who haven't seen Toradora

This. Toradora is garbage and anyone who likes it objectively has shit taste.

Is fun but very meaningless, the whole series could have been reduced to a 3 OVA series and it wouldn't have missed any important content, is just as stale as your regular comedy anime.

This is the current state of Sup Forums.
12 year olds.

HAHAHAHA do you think the mods will allow it on current Sup Forums. Where even Christmas countdown yui was banned?

They had fucking better. It's one of the few Christmas traditions I actually give a shit about


I’ve never watched it. I torrented the whole series to watch it with Sup Forums cause fuck it, what else do I have to do?

I never went into Toradora threads so how exactly does this work? Are we watching a steam together at a designated time, or do we watch one episode per day at our leisure and then discuss it?
We're at ep4 already though.

>t. a 13 year old