Evil eye gloves at antigun rally

How is Sup Forums not talking about this. Literally the fist thing I noticed during the march for our lives rally was the strange gloves all the people were wearing. How is this not an overt Illuminati signal? Why are conspiritards not talking about this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=israel evil eye&client=firefox-b-1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg3eX49YjaAhUC8WMKHTT4BvQQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=923

First they wear pussy hats - a mark on the head. Now evil eye gloves - a mark on the hand.
While telling people what they can and can't buy.
I'm sure it's nothing.

because it's a non-issue

>Why are conspiritards not talking about this?
mainly because none of us paid attention to the rally. But fuck, we already know the names of the cops that actually did the slaughter in Florida and witnesses that saw them do it, so gloves with eyes on them kind of pale in comparison.

The Evil Eye is from Judaism, not the illuminati.

It's from everywhere


i dont think theyre using the hindu, greek, bulgaria, italian, etc. context user.

google.com/search?q=israel evil eye&client=firefox-b-1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg3eX49YjaAhUC8WMKHTT4BvQQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=923

Also in middle eastern traditions. There is a sacred herb I will not tell you the name of, which when burned keeps away the evil eye in these cultures. Consumption of the herb can be toxic, or produce incredible cognition and intelligence enhancing effects.

I am very, very, curious, why they are latching onto the evil eye at this time. No matter however, as we do have the antidote...

Because they're kikes.

Attached: israel evil eye.jpg (1628x824, 304K)

Implying they arnt the same thing

I mean it’s an odd symbol to latch onto. What does the evil eye have to do with gun control?

All seeing eye of Horus.

Attached: Horus_vs_The_Emperor.jpg (1600x1169, 903K)

That's the least crazy theory about linking current events to Revelation that I've ever seen. Still a reach, but way less crazy than other shit.

>Why are conspiritards not talking about this?
There was a thread about it earlier. What more can we say other than. "Wow, they're not even trying to hide it anymore?" and various shitposts about how magic is real and what they're doing is some kind of energy ritual.

Exactly, the fact they are not hiding it anymore says to me that we are in a new stage in this culture war. They are trying to consolidate support behind symbols similar to say a red star, swastika, or hammer and sickle

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I forget why the fuck serpent scales has the eye on it anyways. I know the fur is from the planet planet with the moon where he got hit by the eldar sword stolen by that faggot Erebus.
Generic off topic bump.

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do tell

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>The Evil Eye is from Judaism, not the illuminati.

>the Illuminati isnt jews

stop mr noseberg, no one believes that illuminatti/bankers/globalists isnt codeword for jews

horus was a allegory for jews/end of times

Best best is to co opt the symbol

Use really evil looking eyes, ones with historic or pop culture references are best (ie saurons eye)

Attached: radicalcentrist.jpg (571x613, 113K)

I could be but the blue eye it's actually a magical symbol that's wide spread in Turkey, Greece, Levante, Mid East and some parts of Italy.
Eye of Nazar. It protects the one who carry it from the evil eye (cursing someone) and will bring you fortune