Red Pill me on WWI

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waste of white life

white people killed and enslaved billions of innocent blacks and jews.

people were going to find out the royal family were blood drinking german jews so they had a duke killed to start a war

one of the many reasons why white people are nihilistic and hedonistic

Germany wanted war with russia and lost

just whites doing what they do best, killing each other. Stupid crackers lmao

WW1= germans figthting jews
WW2= germans fighting jews 2: Revenge of Adolf

just another german made war that ruined europe

I'll let Benjamin Freedman do it:

I love this trilogy.

It was the jews

the last medieval war. there was no real antagonism between sides, it was just another 'sport of kings' skirmish between frenemy royal families. originally called 'the summer war', it was mostly to be the devastation of a region that had been experiencing too much anarchist activity (put the fear of god back into the serfs there). unfortunately due to the advancing technology which was first deployed in this war it turned into the incomprehensible horror and dragged out for years.

WWII was direct fallout from this war. In a sense these two wars can be read as the death throes of royalism in Europe. WWI solidified anarchism, distrust/disdain/disregard and hatred for Royalty, in the populace at large. WWII saw the first serious attempted rise of a new royal power, making plain the unbridled idiocy of the whole concept, and the major anarchist states/philosophies (USA and USSR, Capitalism and Communism) rise as the heroes who defeated it while all of Royal Europe got raped into the ground.

Post-WWII has been the time to see the anarchist USA and USSR collapse under their own weight and completely regress to generic empires. USSR won the race by a mile but USA is finally catching up.

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According to Battefield 1, over 25% of the German forces were niggers.
Seems legit.

>last medieval war

Are you a fucking idiot? The continent underwent a few bloody revolutions. Not the least of which was a certain Napoleon Bonaparte who re-wrote the map. Which set the metaphorical stage for the conflict.

Jews, beta whites, and white women (naturally) all ganked up and mindraped the whites with warrior DNA into killing each other.

And of course now they all bitch that their enslaved ancestors go MGTOW instead of sacrificing themselves to save an unnatural society they hate.

I guess WW3 is germans fighting jews with a vengance?

Well, they had to have a reason they lost

was just like that game 9.8/10

You're retarded

A small part of the war

Germans posted add in USA newspapers warning not to go on the Lusitania. At the time the US populous didn't want to go to WW1. Boat gets shot down by U-Boats, public outcry, next thing you know we are in WW1(think pearl harbour). Decades later, Lusitania is found underwater with an insane amount of ammo, headed for England, all American made. Lusitania was sent to get shot down to foster the USA participation in an international conflict to support the military industrial complex. Anyone who says otherwise is a shill.

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