1) Globe warming.
2) . . . (?)
Biggest Scams in the world being pedaled
Obama being born a US citizen
more gun control being bad
Crypto currency
immigrants increasing GDP
usery is ok
>as opposed to (((fiat currency)))
good goy
property ownership
America has more gun parts then guns, not hard to make a frame either. pulse, they might just move to nail bombs or just bomb instead of guns.
lol this
gold is fiat, just ancienter
they do
I think he means importing the 3rd world is not a benefit. other then cheap labor. GDP increase don't mean life gets better for all.
I don't really know i'm just a sandnigger. rapin and jihading
(im not )
(1) Climate change denial
(2) “Abortion is a women’s rights issue”
(3) Over-prescription of ADHD medication
(4) Every single word that comes out of Betsy Devos’ mouth, but mostly the viability of charter schools
(5) The idea that it is racist to honestly compare black and white intelligence
(6) “STEM majors and jobs should be 50% women”
(7) “Opiods should be prescribed for things less serious than terminal cancers”
(8) The entire American culture of advertising prescription drugs on TV and bus windows
(9) LifeChurch.TV
(10) Micropurchases in apps and console games
Betsy Devos ?
>1) Globe warming.
At least use modern terms in your baseless arguments.
Jew are good and nazis are bad.
>extremely volatile
>mainly used for speculation
>value crashed over 60% from ATH and never recovered
You're the goy here.
Israel, 9/11, JFK and MLK's assassinations, TV being a form of nlp brainwashing, our governments attempted control of us and our beliefs.
2) holohoax
3) fiat currency, central banks, inter-generational debt-slavery
4) patriarchy
5) income tax
diversity is our strength
all men are created equal
pee is actually stored in the balls
Fuck their word salad, it's all the same bullshit.
You're all over the place bruv
Oh damn I'm fucking redpilled now.
Yeah, the goal posts have been moved, in case you weren't aware.
1. Holocaust
2. college
3. 9/11
4. vaccines
5. entertainment
6. new cars
Are you fucking kidding me? Every scientist In the world has PROVEN global warming is real yet people like you still exist?
Give me a fucking break... Even fucking bill nye the science guy teaches this in grade 4