Is it just a coincidence that JS/JC characters are the most attractive?
Is it just a coincidence that JS/JC characters are the most attractive?
>Is it just a coincidence that JS characters are the most attractive?
But cakes are superior
What are you talking about? Are you saying your dick gets hard looking at this picture?
Jesus, that's so sexy.
So could someone explain what this manga has to do with peeing?
This is not a manga but an LN adaptation.
I believe someone in the previous threads said there would be peeing in the first episode or something.
No they aren't. I remember when we used to call lolis "lolis" and old hags "old hags" only based on their body types. Those were the best times.
Now every next retard replaced those two for these stupid abbreviations and use them to mean the same thing which is wrong.
Blame the faggots calling midgets with cowtits "oppai lolis".
Loli threads were being deleted not so long ago while JS/JC threads weren't, so that probably has something to do with it as well.
Either way I think saying JS is fine in this case because it's all over the promo art.
>there would be peeing in the first episode or something.
Not that user but how and why?
>Not that user
That much is clear, tripfaggot.
you mean JD
I’m sexually attracted to children
Why do you try so hard to bring unwanted attention on a shogi show?
No idea. Might have just been some user's optimism.
I like Shirobako, but fuck off, faggot.
I'd say yes, but after watching so much anime where the loli characters are always the hottest and sexiest girls in the show, well I really have to wonder if it is just a coincidence or not.
t. faggot who keeps making the same thread over and over to bring in all kind of cancer
MC getting outed as a lolicon on stream
Like you, user?
Is that basically their way of saying Reported?
yeah it literally means reported.
Called the cops.
Calm down Watsuki!
PV for this show.
Waste of loli
Lolis make everything better.
Especially lolis with berets.
Especially loli NTR.
>FGO got another loli witch that summons cthulhu
I'm going to starve trying to roll her.
damn, and here I thought I was only weird kid who did this. Never managed to keep it from popping till the end thought
Another LN reader here. Yes there be peeing. Author likes to start volumes off with impact. 2nd volume kicks off with one of the more creative uses of novel illustrations I've seen in a LN.
That's what he gets for being unfaithful to his loliwife with a hag.
Based Project No.9 keeping the JS genre alive.
MC's teacher gets butthurt he loses to MC in a title match and pisses out the window.
What? Did they turn lovecraft into a little girl too?
>MC's teacher
So not one of the lolis? That's a bit disappointing.