QUALITY thread

QUALITY thread

posting CLAMPs is cheating isn't it ?




What the fuck

What is the Flamenco of this season?

Posting anything Toei is cheating.

I still can't believe this shit has threads reach bump limit in a few hours
fucking spics


The twist is probably coming in the final episode, though.

My favorite kind of thread.


their fault for keeping the same scene for the whole thing. usually tou just put some cracks over the painted background then you change the angle and maybe do a serie of quick shots or something.

Earthquake was so bad it killed off most of the animators.





they cant afford a stroller so they have to push their kid around on a chair, dont judge

haha holy shit

Sousei no Aquarion episode 19.

Holy shit.




Im not a fucking spic you cocksucker bitch

these are artsy in a way


Berserk 2016/7 is so cheating, that being said, post the apostle soldier transformations

What Zelda game is this?

Quality parking

Why are they walking into a wall?

haha the core doesn't move at all

It's Flamingo, I an't gonna explain shit


Because they're ghosts.


What in the FUCK
Was this a botched transition or someone's prank filled last day at a job they hated?

T-they're just saving the budget for the big race, r-right?


this is inferno cop right?



That show was a real trainwreck


What's wrong with this one?

nothing, which is what's wrong with the industry

Fucking hell man, I knew they were bad, but this is their modern state?

The amount of production fuckups in that show was astounding. I don't get how any of that shit made it through