Houseki no Kuni

Why are they trying to take away Phos' feminine attributes?

Because muh stronk is for men.

Yeah, figures.

Because this show is literal trash.


Because she's more attractive without them.

Maybe if you're gay.

That fucking giraffe neck.

There is absolutely nothing un-feminine about NuPhos.

As long as she has that butt it doesn't matter what else they change.

Is that really phos?


That's a bait as big as a fucking house

They did? I didn't notice.

She finally got a good head on her shoulders.

fuck this new Phos, the old one was adorable. Now she's the same as the others only even more autistic

on one hand phos' track record makes it a guarantee that this plan is gonna backfire but on the other hand phos and her suffering is getting kind of old. it can only get so much worse before it starts getting redundant

>manipulative lying bitch
>really mad at her father figure
That's the most feminine Phos has ever been.

To be fair Phos doesn't fuck up for a long stretch after winter.

Those are much more masculine characteristics than feminine, desu.

You've been reading too much BL user.

I want to make babies with her.

Will someone make a real thread or are we using this meme ridden one

You must not know most bishonen love interests in shoujo manga

I agree

This metaposting has assuredly raised the thread's quality. Thanks, user.

Yeah I'll make one. On Saturday.

Quality posts make the thread "real", you autist.

ghost was her fuck up and she gets punished for it by cairn
she gets MUCH better after acquiring lapis' head tho

I can agree with that.

So, what are you expecting from the next chapter?

Moon chapter or Earth chapter? I think Aechmea will threat to grind the gems if Phos' plan doesn't give results initially. Sensei isn't really "alone", but there will be a degree of unrest now on Earth. One thing I like of this development is that it gives room for other character to be protagonist while Phos and the rest are on the moon, but how will both sides of the story link together?

Phos really hit the jackpot there with Ghost and Cairn, and losing his head specifically.

>chapter 57

Christ, she's retarded even with Lapis' head.

He only fucks up his relationship with Shinsha even more.

>we want the fujo audience

She reminds me of webm related spoilered bc 3dpg

I think Moon We'll no doubt get some more information about what happens when Sensei prays maybe even from Sensei himself, how they'll do this I have no idea though.

Phos was still really suspicious of Sensei and prince gave her the answers she wanted to hear, I agree though she's heading in to this in completely the wrong way.

>next chapter
>chapter focuses on the gems that stayed
>getting absolutely blueballed about the fate of the mooncrew
Pls no

Moon. It rarely leaves Phos's perspective, there's no reason to linger on what's happening on earth when the moon is much more interesting. We never even saw the earth once last time. There's no way they can expect results immediately. The chapter will be largely focused on the other gems reactions to the moon. Maybe there'll be hints at something darker towards the end, but they're not just going to instantly dump the gems into the grinder. People have been spoiled reading the manga in one go that they expect major developments to happen suddenly.

This pretty much

Hopefully they expand on the human particle a bit more.
Do you think the moonies might actually be able to fix Pads? Would be nice for her to be up and walking

This. The show has gone to shit.
I was optimistic at first, but they're screwing the characters over.

Ichikawa is so unpredictable and the tragedy so neatly set to happen I'm almost 100% they'll all be fine for a while. I wouldn't even be surprised if they have a tea party or some shit.

what time of the month do new chapters come out anyway

>Alex has to walk around with the blindfold on at all times while on the moon

>everything going smoothly
>it falls off by accident

25th of each month. 63 will come out on the same day episode 12 airs.

Pho's real plan is to betray moon prince and release berryl to go nuclear on the moon killing them so bad they cant revive

Chapter might literally release on Christmas. Scanlation a few days after. Happy Holidays.

Oh, Christmas. That's nice. Is that how long the show is gonna be, 12 episodes? I wanna watch it but only when it's done.

I was wondering when the moonies are killed on Earth, they just respawn on the moon right?

How could they even escape from the moon at this point? Or how could someone influence the story from Earth?
It really seems like Euc's suspicions and the Amethyst faking sleep were Chekhov's Guns that weren't fired, but I can't possibly imagine how this will affect this current arc.

how did the not antarc gem go from disliking phos to liking them so much they're willing to give up their partners head for their sake?

12 episodes yeah. Not really sure about a 2nd season but CGI only gets cheaper the longer it goes so I guess only time will tell.

>how could they escape
hijack one of the "ships" perhaps?

Probably because of what Ghost said, she wanted to keep the promise of protecting Phos.

You just convinced me to watch guardians of the galaxy. Oh my god she's beautiful. I want to lick the ground she steps on.

How does an anime get green lit to continue exactly? BD sales? Manga makes more $? I know these has been talked about extensively already and understood but I cant remember shit.

>How could they even escape from the moon at this point?

With absolutely no help? No idea. It would be quite the asspull if any of them knew how to operate whatever mechanism/technology the Lunarians use to get to Earth. Even Phos' understanding of it was rudimentary at best.

With help, quite easily. Cicada in particular seems rather close to Phos for whatever reason. But yeah, the lack of an escape route is part of what makes the plan so fucking dumb.

It's a combination of the above, obviously there has to be demand for it as well.

Does anyone know where I can find complete transcriptions of all the episodes so far?

>3DPD fags
God these threads are fucking cancer.

>and the Amethyst faking sleep
The other one knew what the other was up too?


>watching capeshit because of some thot
Leave Sup Forums and never return.

Manga sales increase sure has a big impact, but nowadays unofficial translations and well known sites to read manga online gets monitored too.
Also, other than BD sales, TV ratings for each episode have an impact too.
Not to mention social media contents and interactions.

Last time(s) i asked something similar on /wsr/, i was redirected here on Sup Forums

Euc's suspicions are what convinced Phos to stop reaching out to the others and put her plan into motion with the people she'd already spoken to.

As for Amethyst pretending to be asleep, who knows. It could mean they were in cahoots and the one Amethyst being with Phos is part of some plan. Though this seems unlikely since the other Amethyst seems genuinely concerned in the last chapter. Could just be a more personal thing. Never trust twins.


Will the expensive merch singlehandedly fund season 2?

8 million Yen though. Who has that kind of money to burn.

Probably, the manga is selling well and the promoted gems too.

gem enthusiasts
also, lots of rich foreigners are anime fans

Shouldn't it cost less than S1 since it being CGI means all(or most) assets are already available and also due to the less time needed considering the animations have already been settled?

Yeah it would cost less. I was referring to the collection of 28? Gems that were on sale for a whopping 8mil

Be an unmarried, childless middle-class working adult with a desk job and little to no expense beyond rent, food and maybe a car.

Was it the whole collection? Thought it was enough for a single gem, I mean, the Phos necklace was around 3mil.

Yeah whole collection, at least that's what the price tag said. They're fairly small gems but come in a nice little stand with the HnK print on it.

Do you have any pics of the collection? Would be nice to have them.

I don't on hand but should be in a few threads back if you check the archive.



I'm going to need a reference point for what you think middle class is. That is still really expensive and I match all your criteria.

>tfw went back too much and found this cute obsidian

Thanks, user, you are based.


40k a year with less than 20k in committed expenses.

Why is Cicada so cute? When he came back to check on Phos and pretended to stab her he must have poked her so gently since her torso is still pretty fragile.

That's what I figured but 2x yearly income for a single item seems a bit of a stretch.


Didn't find this one though
Too small for you

He is literally made of marshmallows. He couldn't poke her enough to scratch her, never mind shattering

>phos was alone for months walking around an empty tundra while the screaming ice floes mocked her about Antarc
Yeah no wonder she's a little sad.

the ice flows aren't all bad. When she was cripplingly depressed they comforted her

>pho and shinsha next to each other

Ice floes are nice!

Now that you said it, I wouldn't be surprised if the "no one can tell the Amethysts apart" has an impact in the future

Before I keep reading the manga(i'm at where Phos gets her new legs), how much of it is not in the anime?
Or rather, is there any part of the manga that should have already happened in the anime that instead has not. even if just some small comic scene?

Nice floes!


I wanted to save the other Obsidians the Obsidianposter was dumping but desuarchive is dead, have one from my collection in return.
