This is you tank tonight.
Net-juu no Susume
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Hope she knows to not stand in the fire.
I would unironically love an isekai where Morimori is the MC. She's just perfect.
Is she playing vindictus?
The closest thing will be the MILF isekai with Pochi goya art.
Where is this from?
Episode 11.
Isekai S2
But ep 10's not even out yet?
Episode 10 and 11 come out on the same day (on Blu-ray). We got previews for both of them.
That user is a time traveler.
She gets starving often enough that Nico is going to need to grind cooking mats to keep up.
What a bitch
Who is the guy in MoriMori?
They're gonna FUG!
Nico's player.
Requesting change to meat toilet class.
>reverse isekai
I can dig it.
she looks like she would smell
Has a reversed-genders Weird Science story been done somewhere before?
So is college girl ever going to appear again?
>reverse isekai
Wait, how does that work?
A new whole world spams in yours?
hataraku maou sama?
Yes, it does. And like every pussy, it would smell like strawberry incense with a bittersweet flavor to wild berrys.
A different world appears in you. It must now adapt to its environments (you) and reach the top!
Lily is a miracle of the universe
Why is Nico so perfect?
Lily is a cisgender heteroflexible guy
We need an isekai tensei for Lily
Who is she?
Lily isekais onto Earth and has to get a job working at Cowson, then Sakurai walks in the door. What next?
Lily is lewd
Her name is Nao(奈緒). The credits to episode 4 tell the story.
Nah, Sakura-chan isekaied into Lily would be way better.
so the last episodes will be aired this friday?
deleted due to running out of budget
One of the last episodes will be aired, the other last episode will not be aired but will be sold on a disc in stores.
I get the feeling she was more important in the (axed) manga and had all of her scenes excised so the anime could get the A-plot finished.
Needs more lily
The thread shall run pink with lily
>female tank
What the fuck?
lily looks like astolfo
Sure. It's what I've been doing the past dozen years.
There needs to be more Lily lewds.
i see, tho pretty sure someone would just upload it somewhere
So, it's like getting sick.
It's Bionicle
I wonder if someone is going to translate Episode 11.
I'm going to buy it, I'm going to look at it on my TV, and I'm going to hope it uses JLPT level N4 language.
Implying all tanks aren't women.
Only if you pay me.
it's a trap
>the bush
>in the (axed) manga
did the author died
Japanese flu is fucking scary
Looks hilarious but at the same time confirms episode 10 is the finale.
Which we already knew before the series started airing.
I was hoping for 11 to be some kind of epilogue.
So anyone knows if the show is popular or not in nipland? I really liked the show and I don't want to archive it in my "Second Season Never" list.
There was never going to be second season.
Second season never anyway, because there's no material.
>like every pussy
So naive.
I dunno, but they've been fanarting and cosplaying it up for years before we ever heard of it.
Are these bonus stories on the disc from the original material or anime-only things that they made up?
IRL braids are always so disappointing compared to big, comfy 2D braids
Lily's too perfect, even for the anime 's world.
I dont have enough vomiting girls to respond to you with
Technically no. Not a trap. Lily is a girl. Theres a guy playing as her. But lily herself is a girl. There is no penis, I repeat, no penis
When is the author going to get better, anons?
It can't be helped. The Japanese cold is truly merciless.
Where can I get myself a Japanese cake in real life?
In Japan
How hard is it to get laid over there for an american and possibly marry one?
We're dead.
>this animu