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>fucks up your presidency


Because Trump never throws a hollow bone to people he doesn't agree with, and is known for employing cabinet members for long periods of time

>be ignorant of how govt works
>"I know what I'll do, I'll fire everyone who actually knows how the govt works and replace them with Fox News clowns and sociopaths"

brilliant, just brilliant

Drumpf never said he’d bomb the shit out of anybody! He was anti war.

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Hiring Bolton was in the budget he didn't read.

What are you faggots complaining about we've been bombing the fuck out of the middle East for about 20 years now.

Oh no were blowing people up who rape and ruin everything they get their hands on. I thought you niggers would be on board with this shit.

The swamp was too deep

He is in for a different reason. And that’s Mexico. Just wait for it...

If a Leaf is raked in the woods would anyone hear it?

if a Sup Forumstard gets conned by a NY jew lover, does he shriek "s-shill!" every time its pointed out?


>leftist shills detected

It's because OP is a sand nigger.


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>anti UN(globalism)
>anti immigration
>anti China
>advocate for a three state solution in Israel

Sup Forums idiots will simply tell you that this man is a zionist, Sup Forums will never tell you the truth. He understand the geopolitical chess, he knows the importance of a strong US.

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Yeah and we kinda want it to stop. Hence why we elected a guy who's main selling point was that he wasn't anything like a normal politician and openly called the Iraq War "a big fat mistake" right in front of Jeb's ugly face.

People are right to feel a little disappointed.

>implying war is bad

are you a faggot leaf or something?

>He understand the geopolitical chess

yeah good thing you guys found those WMDs and the middle east has been a stable zone after the removal of Hussein

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The public do not understand the geopolitics behind those wars. The US is having cold war 2 with Russia and every move counts in this scenario. It's not people's fault for not understanding the issue, the media does its best to make the public unaware.

There are 3 people on this thread who remember Bolton during the Iraq war. I'm one. The other two think OP is a fag. Everyone else thinks Bolton really rad.

Who cares if the middle east is stable or not? The US never wanted a stable middle east, the "muh saddam killing his people" was clearly just a meme to make the public more accepting of the idea of war. It was all about ending an anti-US regime. Your view of the world isclassic blue pill: "the US fight for democracy in the middle east and to bring peace to the region, therefore the Iraq war was a mistake since those goal were not met". The Iraq war was about ending an anti-US regime and putting a puppet regime in power. The war clearly worked.

>putting a puppet regime in power

so a non functional govts is all the US got out of Iraq and Afghanistan? lmfao.