Drug dealers should be executed, you can't change my mind

Drug dealers should be executed, you can't change my mind.

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I won't try to change your mind because I agree.

Does this include the Dr's that over-prescribe narcotics and Xanax to healthy 25 year Olds?

no because those doctors also do good, its the patients fault he doesnt know whats good for him, its the patients fault he exaggerates his symptoms, its the patients fault he retuses to talk to his therapist and have therapy instead of pills, its the patients fault he absolutely wants something prescribed etc. Its nearly always the patients fault. drug dealers do no good, doctors help people. I have xanax and morphine prescription for back problems and anxiety, no drug problems at all, never abused my meds. Had a lengthy conversation with doctors.

>conducting business is a capital crime
Fuck you. Statist scum like you need to be killed.

Pharmacists no, they're just doing a job.

But the (((guys))) in the board rooms of big pharmaceutical companies are fair game.

Eh. I'm divided on this. If all drugs were legalized, not nearly as many deaths would come from them due to regulation, but then again, there's no real benefits to shit like heroin and blow.

Here in Europe "race war" and "kill your local drug dealer" is exactly the same

They are entitled to due process.

>dealing drugs
fuck off nigger.

>Dealers will undercut legal prices
There is a market for stolen goods because stolen goods are cheaper. There will always be ways around regulation.

I agree, but if charged the penalty should be death.

Completely agree, but i must say that a maximum security prison is a bigger punishment than death. They don't fear death, that's what makes them go so far.

They shouldnt be though.

here's the alternative viewpoint : there's little in the way of natural selection for the human race atm. So culling the dregs of humanity that succumb to drugs is an ethical substitute.

Disagree. Legalized extra judicial killing of drug dealers will make it easier to solve the leftist problem, as our political opponents can be terminated under such auspicious whether actually dealing or not

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>dealing drugs isn't a business

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Why would we want to?
You are correct
Kill em all

Sellong a product is conducting business, yes. Interfering with commerce is the real crime.

what if he only sells weed?

Drugs users are the ones that get 99% of new users hooked, not the dealers.

Drug users steal and commit other crimes with victims to support their lack of self control.

But you think the dealers, who commit victimless crimes, should be executed.

>you can't change my mind
I tend not to argue with retards.

Of course you're a retarded American who doesn't understand the difference between legal and illegal or abuse and medication.

Drug users should be executed too, alongside communists, and anarchists.

If they start with the drug companies first then maybe
Start there and then we can talk

You're attempting to legitimize something that will never be legitimate. Being a drug dealer on the street or wherever you faggots deal isn't a business nor is it good for society. Hence why drug dealers should be executed.

I completely agree.
But the state is the biggest drug dealer out there.

>the (((guys))) in the board rooms of big pharmaceutical companies are fair game
Thats what I am saying
Start there
Then we can talk about the broke nigger on the corner

>I support the state
What are you? a feminist pro-tranny, pro-affirmative-action, pro-immigration cuck? kys

But I agree.

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>not recognizing the transcendent divinity in every individual, even criminals

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Drugs should be legal anyway

>make a transaction where both parties agree
>have dipshits call it a crime

Not this state, but the new National Socialist state that will soon be created. Get ready for the gas chambers commie!

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Naw. Nobody would deal with skeevey dealers if they could pay a little more not to.

Enjoy your societal collapse.

Nice logic leap leftie faggot.

I'm ready for a Natsoc state, I have a NSDAP war flag in my room senpai

kill all druggies

potheads are not humans

Oh, with your meme flag i just assumed you were a commie, my mistake.

Yes because the murder and mental destruction of people, especially kids for the sake of meeting pharma sales quotas is a crime against humanity.