Opioid epidemic

How do we stop the current opioid problem?
>inb4 let ‘em all die
There are people that became dependent on opioids that aren’t degenerate addicts.
Also, what’s the best method for treating opioid withdrawal? I think the withdrawal part has a lot to do with why people are hesitant to stop.

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Ehh, natural selection. Mostly rednecks, no harm no foul.

>There are people that became dependent on opioids that aren’t degenerate addicts.
Kill the pharmacists I guess.

>mostly rednecks

I work at a hospital and you’d be surprised to know how many doctors and nurses would be considered hardcore junkies. They just seem to hide it very well.

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Serious answer, don't the people prescribing them get money from it? I think sorting out the costs of drugs and that whole mechanism could play a part, or also not prescribing shit like oxy and codeine for minor aliments.

>There are people that became dependent on opioids that aren’t degenerate addicts

I used to shoot heroin and meth in my neck every day. I’ve been clean 6 months I have a job bought a 2016 car , I work security at a bar just to meet girls. I’m on a cut right now I’m 225lbs about to be shred (Anavar) litterally should be dead. I’m more successful and popular now than a lot of the fags in my peer group that have never had an addiction

It literally is right though

I have a serious pain condition myself and have been prescribed opiods at various times in the past btw. There's no world in which addiction is not your fault.

That said, if you are in actual chronic pain, you should be able to stay on opioids around the clock with no prescription. You don't make it impossible for real sufferers to live a normal life because some degenerates can't control themselves. Just remove all drug restrictions.

Have you ever been prescribed those drugs?

No, because I've never been in an accident or in surgery where I needed opioids afterward you faggot

You are a fat piece of shit loser. Youre about to take more drugs because you cant handle reality. Im sure youre real cool in your circle of junky clowns, but out here in the real world...

Best way to deal with withdrawls is cold turkey. They need to feel every once of pain after years of pleasure so they can learn what they dont want to do again in the future.

Best way to help junkies is 12 steps. Hardcore promotion.

Personally for full legalization with heavy taxing and licensing, regulate it to where those who want to ruin their lives(and by extension the community) can have education and even potentially weening them off. Turn addicts into an institutionalized underclass like the mental institutions of old.

More research is needed into opioid antagonists. AT-076 for example is a pan-antagonist that works on all the opioid receptors. There was also a prodrug variant of naltrexone that displayed promising results - can't recall the name, but apparently it was supposed to have been active for 4-6 hours within the body.

Being a degenerate addict is literally what opiate addiction is. You're either a junkie or a junkie enabler. Either way kill yourself.

Then you have zero perspective so shut up. Anyone can quit opioids cold turkey. I have a half empty bottle on my desk. Anyone who becomes addicted is choosing every day to remain addicted.

If you choose not to quit cold turkey, you are a degenerate addict.

I quit cold turkey by going to the gym and stopped being a fucking faggot. Seriously the second I got that pump it was over for the meth and heroin. I think my biggest problem was my fear of never being able to return to my former self. Once I had clarity and was clean I realized I never had to go back. Within 6 months my life took a drastic 180. I went for being homeless having everyone look down on me, being cringey idolizing dealers. Pale skinny fat 180lbs looking at women I’d never be able to talk too. To returning to the gym work buying a car. All my muscle memory allowed me to get from 180 back to 230 in 3 months. Now I’m on a cut I’m getting shredded AF. Stopped drinking on The Weeknd’s got a side job doing security at a bar. Broke up with my gf that I had for two months because I realized I settled for her because my confidence was low. People don’t realize once you face your fear and realize the moment you stop doing drugs your life gets better. I would literally sleep in the cold and have to steal food like a faggot. Pick up cigarettes off the ground. I went from total looser to being a successful person in 6 months. I’m doing shit people who have never had a addiction want to do. Lol at people who can’t get in shape brb try shooting meth and heroin in your neck because all your veins were blown out. Go cold turkey from being homlless go to work every day of the week and the gym. And work release (clearing up court cases no violence no theft charges just drug violation) I’m not the only I have several friends that used to be addicted that are now redpilled and iron pilled. Had no idea until they messaged me on Facebook. So to say let them die is fucking stupid because we are some of the most influential people in our area. Motivating people to not use drugs go to the gym. And telling everyone Pizzagate is real.


Oddly enough it only bacame an "epidemic" as Purdues patents expired. It was an epidemic 10 years ago. I do have to applaud blumph for at least throwing out the idea of suing the pharma companies and, doctors.

>There are people that became dependent on opioids that aren’t degenerate addicts.
No.... I've been an addict and I was degenerate. What is with addict fags not looking in the mirror and say "yup, this is my fault." When you do that you can quit.

Hang the phrama companies

>le reddit space makes it easy to read


retina scan vedning machines with free drugs

t. vancouver

Are there many criminals that make their living by robbing drug dealers?

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Mass genocide by big pharma

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You kill the people importing them. All of them.


Nice job dude That's a good attitude.

Hehe ty men

Had a pain condition in which I had to take Oxycodone for over a year. When from 40mg a day to completely stoping within a few days while transitioning to non-opioid meds. Literally 0 withdrawals, 0 cravings. Maybe I'm just lucky but I can't comprehend the mind of someone who gets addicted to this shit.

the main route is through prescription meds, they are prescribed freely and doctors have incentive from Big Pharma to prescribe more.

And it worked a treat right? You can’t buy heroin any more. Retard.


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why do we need to stop it?

Genetically engineer a bug that will wipe out the poppy plant

Though fucking w nature scary
Read:killer bees, the ash boorer beetle.

Yeah, if you're serious about stopping, cold turkey is the absolute best way to do it. After a few days it becomes magnitudes easier especially with gym trips.

The state of mind is the biggest grip your addiction will have. The worse your outlook on life, the stronger the grip. As you grow more confident in yourself and motivated to do something, that constant craving will begin to move to the back of your mind. Just get some cold medicine to mask the symptoms and you're solid.

Mix opioids with poison and leave them in places addicts frequent. This will solve the epidemic in no time.

Yeah, look up cival forfeiture

but seriously those laws are bullshit on wheels

For me to quit any substance the only way was to make sure I had almost zero free time. I had to dive into working as many hours as I could, studying, working out, reading. If I had any type of idle time or boredom it would start with a few beers, then some liquor and then after that I'd go off the rails.