Ready? I'll start.
I wish there was another season of Nichijou.
ITT make an anime-related wish and corrupt the one above you
The artstyle changes. Also, no more pillow scenes.
I want that Satoshi Kon movie to be released.
entirely animated by A-1 studios
I wish there was good Fire Emblem anime.
Disjointed SoL idols for the gacha app
I wish that the Rebuilds never happened.
eh, I think some of their stuff is alright. persona 4 really shit the bed though. at least they're not madhouse.
And neither does Eva
I wish Berserk adaptations stopped sucking
Anno commits suicide.
I want another Kino's Journey.
Miura dies before he can finish the manga.
I wish there was an Ace Combat anime.
>Disjointed SoL idols for the gacha app
At least it isn't a 24 episode adaptation of Revelations
>I wish there was an Ace Combat anime.
It's based off of Assault Horizon and is so popular that Bandai Namco decides to go full hog on turning Ace Combat into Call of Duty with planes
Houseki no Kuni gets a second season.
Could you imagine working on a series for 30 years? That's almost double the age of the average Sup Forums poster.
It's made similarly to the first.
No more adapting manga, leave them alone.
Darker Than Black season 3. This one shouldn't be hard.
>I wish there was an Ace Combat anime
Fuck, that almost forgives the predictable "Miura dying" reply.
It's actually what convinced me to start watching Macross and other anime with plains in it.
Anything to hold me over until we get a release date for 7.
by pierrot
>Miura dies before he can finish the manga.
>implying this wont happen anyway
I wish everyone with the potential to contribute greatly to the anime industry found all the material and motivation they need to become the best they can be.
they use rotoscoping for the art.
i wish all creators survive long enough to see their works completed
All of their creations slowly go downhill until they are cancelled and the artists die as a result.
I wish there was a Sun-Ken Rock anime.
They start shilling, pandering, and waifufagging
I wish that YKK would get a proper anime adaption
I wish the alita movie coming out next year is a masterpiece
>good adaptations
I wish that the tournament of power would end already so that we can get past end of Z
seems you got skipped i got you bud
they tone down the violence and have unnecessary censorship of injuries and women
I wish the GitS franchise would stop forever.
it quickly devolves into harem SoL
>I want another Kino's Journey.
Current timeline
K-On! College/High School gets adapted by Kyoani/Yamada
All the watchers kill themselves because of the melancholy
It's about them studying abroad and taking Jamal's fat dick
I wish Symphogear after S1 wasn't such a trashfire
There were no more sequels after S1 due to Nana Mizuki's worsening throat problems (no more "Nana wills it"). Damn, I hate myself for writing that.
I wish Busou Shinki and Kiss Players line of Transformers get a reboot because of the current resurgence (?) of Frame Arms Girls, etc.
The reboot is a live-action series by Netflix.
I wand Watsuki to continue the Hokkaido arc.
NGE becomes a franchise instead, with a new series or movie every couple of years.
I wish that a certain demanding, overly attached, rapey person that used to come here gets crabs.
the crabs are feeling it all the time
i wish that there was a naruto/bleach/dragonball crossover ova with differing art styles from scene to scene
Naruto is done in the Dragonball artstyle, Bleach is done in the Naruto style, and Dragonball is done in the Bleach style.
I just want the new FLCL to be good.
It's good but becomes the new OPM, Maid Dragon, Attack on Titan in terms of cancerous fanbases
I want to become a Magical Girl (Male)
You have no powers and are essentialy just a cross-dresser. All the real magical girls think you're gross.
Kaiji S3 please.
>It's good but becomes the new OPM, Maid Dragon, Attack on Titan in terms of cancerous fanbases
I'd be happy with this. I feel like it's going to be decent, but with none/very little of the passion of the original.
Does it really? Just finished S1
Kaiji S3 is animated by Queen Bee.
Iwish for Watsuki to continue the Hokkaido ark.
I think I might've done that. I always wanted the conviction arc of Berserk to be adapted
every character is turned into a middle school girl
I wish I was the main character in a monster girl harem anime
They are literally monsters, stink and have huge dicks
do they have big boobs?
Please delete this
I wish for a crossover between Gdgd Fairies, Tesagure, Kemono Friends, Osaka Okan and any other Yaoyorozu anime.
Kadokawa's influence makes sure the sales flo@ no matter how good the anime is and Yaoyorozu folds.
I wish 8 Beat Story got an anime.
it have an anime original plot and ending
i wish to be alive when garou vs saitama get animated
by Millepensee & GEMBA
I want DQ8 to get a show
Wish granted. The Hokkaido arc ends up being about Kenshin and Kaoru dying of leprosy.
I wish there was a Death Note sequel with Shinigami Light.
But animated by ToeiPhils, and directed by Takahiko Kyogoku for sixty episodes
I wish for less fanservice cash cow series like isekai and more character or story focused shows instead.
You get several, but they're all animated by Millepensee & GEMBA, in 3D, and full of NTR.
I wish we could get assertive non-beta MCs again.
Fulfilled. But they're all either fat, bald, or Danny Devito lookalikes.
Just to make this tough for the next guy. I wish for a mature older audience oriented Jewelpet season by Urobuchi and Anno
It turns out to be nothing but toilet humor
I wish for sun ken rock to get an anime
It's done completely in CGI and the animations look very stiff and clunky.
I want the Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan to never have existed.
Alright, done! Nagato Yuki is that one with brown hair and a headband, right?
I have no wishes to declare, I'm afraid.
I wish Gohan would go blanco and fight the grand priest
Instead of that we get another series but it's literally just the endless 8 for 24 episodes
It happens but the episode never airs in your native Brazil.
I wish PMMM: Rebellion never happened.
>we get another series but it's literally just the endless 8 for 24 episodes
Yup, that's fine. I'd rather watch that and see Sup Forums implode than ever watch or know about the Nagato Yuki-chan shit.
He jobs to the priest immediately.
I want a new season of cowboy bebop where spike lives.
>I want a new season of cowboy bebop where spike lives.
It's a lewd SoL comedy and everyone is genderbent.
I want an adaptation of Qualia the Purple.
It's overly simplified because the director thinks it would be too complicated for the audience.
I want a Gash Bell remake.
It's in flash animation with 7 minute episodes
I want Argento Soma in a (non-mobile) Super Robot Wars game
It's OE 2
I want a season 3 of Active Raid.
I want a high-budget hentai series animated by Kyoto Animation.
The entire female cast gets tied up and gagged frequently
Shin Great Mazinger continuing off from where Shin Mazinger Z left off.
Granted. It's a story-heavy series written by Mari Okada and every sex scene features psychos yelling at each other.
I want a hard sci-fi original show with beautiful 2D animation.
granted. there's no violence and it has heavy economic themes. i wish for an OVA of the berserk lost children arc in 2d
It's animated in flash, heavily censored, and directed by the same guy who did Berserk 2016.
>there's no violence and it has heavy economic themes
Sounds good, would watch.
>I want an adaptation of Qualia the Purple.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who read that. Shit's crazy yo.
It's just a series of vignettes of starving, traumatised refugees fleeing across a barren wasteland.
I wish No Game No Life would get a second season and keep everything that made it good
Imagawa dies halfway through production causing a massive tonal shift
I want Nihei to continue work on Net Sphere Engineer
His art style is replaced with 3D cg reminiscent of knights of Sidonia.
Speaking of which, I want a 3rd season of Sidonia to finish off the story.
Done, it's an anime original ending that leads to a "and thus their journey continued" ending with no plot resolution.
I want to get a second season of Devil is a Part Timer.
Done, it's entirely CG.
I want the reboot of LOGH to have good animation.
I want a slice of life anime where the girls are nude a lot with uncensored nipples.
They make it a fujobait franchise with the better animation budget going towards fanservice of the guys.
I want more horror shows similar to the spooky atmosphere we got from Shinsekai Yori.
It will be in good deen animation
I want the SMT mainline games to have a anime
done, they're animated by the same studio as the p4 anime.
i want blu-rays of YGTOAS season 1
The girls are gaijin landwhales that go through hardships of being ostracized in Nipland.
I want more shows with the yakuza and their politics as the main focus/backdrop of the series.
The main Yakuza gangs are represented by middle school girls for the sake of contrived moeshit
I want Eva to have actually had symbolic and artistic depth, instead of pretentious bullshit 14 year olds mistake for meaningful symbolic and artistic depth.
Good, I've too have always wanted to see a family friendly yakuza drama focused around pachinko
Spice and Wolf s3.
>I want more horror shows similar to the spooky atmosphere we got from Shinsekai Yori.
Done, you get ten, but they're exclusively based on FNAF.
I want an age gap yuri where the parents are against the relationship.
Granted, but the show completely bombs in the ratings and gets cancelled forever after just four episodes.
I want a good Cesare anime adaptation.
NGE is already a franchise, idiot, and it's already saturating the market with dumb shit
this thread is a disaster Op you should have just said that everyone had to corrupt their own one
Ok, but one of the girls is 90 years old.
Lawrence goes bankrupt, has to sell the cart, and Horo leaves him.
I want a proper, well animated adaptation of Umineko, covering all the arcs.
And in the last 5 years, they've only produced, what, a music video?
Slam Dunk 2 or at least Sannoh match with some brief preview with Toyotama/pre-match.
Come at me, fags.