Fate/Apocrypha is the best Fate work to date, why do people get so mad about that fact...

Fate/Apocrypha is the best Fate work to date, why do people get so mad about that fact? Is it because it isn't a porn game written by hack like Nasu?

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Do people really believe this? Like really?

Such joke,much wow

OP put in as much thought in his bait post as the creator of this self insert garbage did his plot


The best are Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Extra CCC.

For the xth time. Aposhit had some good concepts but Higashide nailed the execution.
Shirou is much better MC than Sieg as well, even Fate Shirou.

Holy shit. This has to be the worst series by far.

Decent bait tho made me reply 6/10


No, Shirou's great from the very first route.

>Cleaning up his own blood with a mop at the school after he is revived by Rin's jewel.
>Jumping in front of Berserker to save Saber.
>Cleaning the dojo for Shinji like a slave.
>Trying to practice his magic everyday even though it's very dangerous.
>Kotomine pointing out that he wants the war to happen just so he has people to save.
>His inability to accept Saber fighting again after the Berserker fight because it triggers his PTSD.
>Thinking like a machine during battles.
>Trying to understand and cheer up Illya at the park even though she's extremely dangerous. >Being unable to accept Saber's wish to undo her past (to save her kingdom by making someone else king) because it makes him feel like like a hypocrite for not trying to use the grail himself to save the people from the Fuyuki fire.
>The many times in the story he treats death as a normal thing.
>Implies his heart emptied out after he practically died in the fire 10 years ago.

Sieg doesn't remotely approach the depth of any iteration of Shirou.


Its certainly not the best Fate work but its hate is certainly unwarranted.

>my mentally ill self-insert is better than your mentally ill self-insert

>mentally ill
Sieg isn't even that

Sieg doesn't even have that. You'd think that Shirou would be worse for it, but being a literal madman makes him interesting.

Sieg is literally just there, nothing about him makes you wanna cheer for him. He's just boring.

>he's a MADMAN, so cool and badass
Go back to your BnHA general.

>but being a literal madman makes him interesting.
No it doesn't. Him being an autistic hypocrite that screams makes him annoying as hell. At least Sieg isn't annoying, just boring.

They are mad because Shirou is not the MC.


Both Shirou and Sieg are terrible, Hakuno is better. Either of them

How many seasons does this shit has?

I found it shit, too many characters