Yukine Chris confesses to being in love with you. How do you turn her down without hurting her feelings too much?

Yukine Chris confesses to being in love with you. How do you turn her down without hurting her feelings too much?

>turn her down
Can I at least pump and dump her?

I don't turn her down because she's the best.

Why would you want to have sex with Chris?

Punch her in the face and tell her that silver hair is gross.

I couldn't turn Chris down, she's too cute. The only thing that would make me turn her down is if Tsubasa confessed to me first.

Rape her until she enjoys it instead and shame her for it.

I would marry her

She had too much Mexican dick.

I wouldn't do that though.

I don't want to take care of a rape victim.

Build a massive tower and then attempt to destroy the moon.

How hard is it to make Chris cum?

You just need to have big tits and zap her a bit.

don't rape victims hate sex

Jeez, you make it sound like she has Borderline Personality Disorder or something.

No one would confess to me. They would have to be out of their mind.

Tell her to pump me full of bullets and see if she does it.

I'd marry her, that would show her!!

why would i turn her down?

That's not allowed for her.

"Don't worry I'll still fap to you plenty of times"

But Chris is straight!

"I can only love you while watching you get fucked by big black dick.
You know what you have to do."

Because she's ugly and boring and not sexy and you can do better.