How can we legalize guns in balkan like in america?

how can we legalize guns in balkan like in america?

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I’m so gay I reached a new level of gayness that’s straight. Now instead of thinking about dicks in my ass I think about hardcore vaginal mutilation with massive horse cocks pumping women’s bellies full of semen as milk shoots out of their breasts like hoses. I’m so fucking gay I can’t believe how many women I want to fuck. If you even think I’m a heterosexual then you must be the densest motherfucker on the planet -which is impossible because I already fucked every mother on the planet and no girl cheats on a guy as gay as I am. That’s how gay I am.

thanks for bump with shitty shitpost poolander

Dunno, but Romania is the biggest offender with stupid poo gun control.

start pro gun groups or work on supporting those that exist, make it normal for people to own firearms

I thought most of you had some guns/BTR's after Yugo war

laws are for suckers

the moment you legalize it everyone will try to kill each other

no tooany gyppos

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indeed Balkan is very dysfunctional

Our gun laws are almost perfect.
I can't wait for proper serbian shitfest. I'm tired of waiting. First stop, parliament.

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Can't you buy guns in Kosovo? I've heard that country is a hot spot for all sorts of illegal goods.

yeah but you know.. you need connections for those

You can buy everything in Kosovo, even kidneys.

where could i buy automatic weapons illegaly?


Romanians getting guns is the last thing we want.
Also the Croats, they might go full Ustashi real quick.

wonder why the west is so much for it's Independence

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thought all the guns and grenades in Sweden come from there?

>guns in sweden
who needs guns in sweden

the terrorists

Ask your local drug dealer.

Yeah that's what I heard. My Bosnian mate said you can find anything in Kosovo. Drugs, guns, sex slaves, organs, you name it.

how else can they make both serbia and albania happy?

you will only get killed in that shithole
i imagine it worse than even serbia

Romania is not in the balkans

ye that's comon knowledge. name it and you shall have it in kosovo.

>implying the west needs to keep Serbia happy
the only happy one needs to be big brother Russia

Who needs guns when you can curse like a boss?

I would rather have guns to keep the gypsies at bay

It comes from the islamic shithole of b*snia

It's a bad idea

By starting another war, then we can all have guns.So what do you say fellow balkans shoud we do it?

can you own automatic rifle if you enroll in military?

How much of a pussy are you, lingea-mi-a-i coaile în sens giratoriu tu și cu hristoșii mă-ti de acum și până ți se sbârcește limba de nici moaștele morților mă-tii și cu Maica Domnului nu mai pot să-i dea culoare, pizdăule. Pune mâna pe labă și dă-le cu pula-n gură, că de-aia ești român, băi căcănoar futut de plopi ce ești. Pămpălăule! Lua-te-ar țiganii pe pulă să te ia, de ofilit labagiu.


ok I'm ded

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Te rog tigane sa te ucizi, cand mai vezi o masina sa sari in fata ei.

Nu-s țigan băi prăpăditule! Marș în moaștele mă-tii de-aici că mi se face silă de tine ca de pula lu' moșu'. Auzi la el, îi e frică de țigani și are nevoie de pistol. Țiganii se ia ușor în pulă, ei cu tot cu îngerii lor. Pune-odată mâna pe labă și dă-le cu pula-n gură, că ai supt-o tu prea mult de nici popa nu ți-o mai trage pe cur.

Why guns are a bad idea for Romania and for East Europe in general: Gypsies will get guns and that's by no means necessary a good thing

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Gata tigane, pleaca de pe boardul asta si nu mai veni vreodata.

how many people did miro semberac kill in yugoslav wars?

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6 gorrilion

I-auite-ofilitu' ăsta nici să înjure nu e în stare. Ți-a futut dumnezao' toți îngerii în cap sau te trage pula la măsea prea tare? Și îți mai zici român. Slobozi-m-aș pe mormântu' mă-tii și pe pomana lu tac'-tu. Pune mâna pe labă auzi! Pune mâna odată că pe pizdă n-o să pui tu mâna nici când invie morții.

they already have swords, gas guns and other shit.

Yes but them getting AK's is way worse

Most criminal gangs in Norway get their weapons from the balkans
you guys have ak-47s from the fucking wars still floating around cheaply

see this pro gun groups that are heavy moderated aka you need people who can larp as proggresive gun pro lgbt pro no taxes for female pills and babys .....yea i know its alot ....
>no za dom spremni larpers
Poliţiştii aveau informaţii că între întîi şi nouă ianuarie, toţi membrii clanului au fost mobilizaţi, înarmaţi şi instruiţi să folosească pistoale cu amortizoare, mitraliere Uzi şi săbii.


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Enough you filthy gypsy out of this thread, go kill yourself and worthless family.
I wish all form of death and misery to all of your bloodline jew,as God is my witness, eternal glory by to His name, I will make my mission in life to kill your entire people from this earth.

>I wish all form of death and misery to all of your bloodline jew,as God is my witness, eternal glory by to His name, I will make my mission in life to kill your entire people from this earth.

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Not funny
t. retard

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Those digits, kek wills it

Silence jew you are not welcomed here, your entire bloodline needs a culling, I am willing to martyr myself to save this bunch of worthless people that live here.

>I am willing to martyr myself to save this bunch of worthless people that live here.
So just commit suicide then

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why is there so much gyp... i mean romanians in this thread

because you lob us with the rest of the Balkans serb

Right, thanks G-d Croatians are white

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Not before I will take as many of you as I can, you are an affront to God, you need to die.

Yes, sounds pretty amazing tbqh. Would visit, just for the fun of it.

If you want information and knowledge so you can prevent gun legalization, im cool.

but if you wish that every average seljacina owns a gun, or has legal right to, you are an imbecile.

why is Romania and Moldova part of the Balkans

Iisus era Evreu

Fuck him also hes not the God in which I believe, so death to the sand culture also you fucking jew.

You know we're all just gonna kill you : D

Fill spanish gallion with guns
Sink it
Declare all found; treasure

gypsies would get the guns too . so who's keeping who at bay?

necrobump, don't let the thread die

why not it's a pretty worthless thread

most of the Sup Forums threads are worthless

A lesser known fact of history that the Spanish conquest of the Americas was staged on the back of the trusty AR-15.

can't argue there

b-but... you're actually not an antisemite right?
you don't hate me r-right?

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>the moment you legalize it everyone will try to kill each other

Nah,people already kill each other with cars and no one want cars banned.
Free people are armed people,disarmed men are slaves.

it depends on what kind of person you are


m8 if i take off my shirt youd go blind

>guns in balkans
lmao - you can't. Our people have only a degree higher impulse control than niggers. Maybe in Slovenia, some parts of Croatia and not much else.

but we are allowed to own guns, you just need to do a shit lot of paperwork
i own two and one of them is pic related, tho they belonged to my dad they are now licensed on my name since dad is ded

and come on croat, it's not like no one here has a gun somewhere laying around, i mean, we are like on 3rd place in the world when it comes to the number of guns per 100 people right after the US and i believe switzerland

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