What the fuck guys. Last gun control scare there were mass counter protests and actions taken

What the fuck guys. Last gun control scare there were mass counter protests and actions taken.

Where the fuck are the so called progun liberals?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Where the fuck are the so called progun liberals?
In the anti gun marches with the rest of them.

Just let them keep pissing off Trump so he can take countermeasures. You'd be better off spamming Trump's Twitter than protesting. This is the age we live in.

I like guns and am left leaning, what do you want?

>Where the fuck are the so called progun liberals?
There are none. The sooner you learn this the better. Sure, there are some liberals that own guns, but the instant The Party says to turn them in they'll hand them over and join in the marches with he rest of the commie fucks.


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>tfw no gf who cc's in her well-lubed ass

Stop being a commie.

Stop being a cuck first

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There is nothing wrong with any of those companies, you are just a child who's eyes are finally opening.

What is the flag on Jefe's sleeve?

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hows she supposed to sit down

She's half-Cuban or something.

>Brown girl
>parents good swimmers
>wants to take rights away
>sounds like commie DNA
not sure

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Do some fucking research before you say stupid shit thats obviously wrong
>thats only the companies on the foot, there are many more that are fucking you in the ass
I might not agree with her trying to restrict guns but you invalidating her opinions is dumb

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None of that is bad. Especially not genetically modified organisms. All the best producers of food in the world use them because it is right and best.
Never forget, all commies only live to eventually be executed.

You need all the help you can get user, not all liberals want any infringements.

So financial slavery isn't bad, or how mosanto forces you to constantly buy new seeds or else you go to jail for having perfectly fine old ones?
Communism isn't the answer but capitalism isn't either.
Capitalism is currently showing the rot of it's effects with the wastefulness of how we just throw away old models when new ones come out even if they are still effective
We need a new system that takes the best of both worlds.

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Okay well when we run out of oil in like 2030 and the world is fucked up by fracking no government will save us.
alright cool

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Don't forget that there are pig genes and human genes in corn now. Nothing is kosher or halal anymore.

Liberal here, very progun.

>retard believes the fracking meme

user, I'd like to say "read a book nigger" but we all know you can't read.

yeah i'm gonna need a citation on that

>poisoning drinking water
>not bad

Literally monsantos patents

This kind of organization doesn't happen this quickly. The only way this is possible is that the Democratic Party(March for Life is literally funded by the DNC) and their political operatives have been planning this. So while you watch these "protests" unfold just remember this; the Democratic Party planned, had funding set aside, and dispatched political operatives to take advantage of a school shooting for their ideological agenda.

The anti-gunners are all under the same banner, pro gun folks are spread across the entire political spectrum and are distracted by manufactured division between ourselves, just as our enemies want us to be.

I dunno JP Morgan is pretty shit. everything else is OK though.

All the companies on the flag should be tech companies.

Any opinion that goes against the core values of the founding of this country should be invalidated. If you don’t like it, then leave

european syle socialist

Seriously though, if she thinks communism and gun control are such great things, she can fuck right off to some communist shit hole country where you have almost no rights, and no firearms, and she how great that place is.

Hang yourself pinko, save us the trouble.

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There's literally nothing wrong with buying newer models, in fact, contrary to popular belief, most people aren't just continually upgrading anyway.

You don’t like guns. You say you do but your actions of supporting gun grabbers while keeping your mouth shut so your liberal buddies on facekike don’t down vote you prove you are an antigun faggot.

Do you even Farm bro? Fuck Monsanto and their bullshit lean on you megacorp bullshit.

The nose knows, amiright?

>Even though free speech is also a founding right of this country
Gets you should just execute your self then

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I read pleanty more than you bitch
that too, with the fact that they buy and sell out personal information
America was built around rebellion. change is necessary for survival, think of it as a nation evolving. Slavery was abolished and the prohibition was reversed, the country constantly moves forward or dies painfully
Yeah people might but governments constantly buy new models of plains and tanks and just throw them away in scrap yards like pic of your reply.
I very much like them. automatics are an effective weapon in guerrilla warfare. They offer a way to actually rebel against an oppressive government
I'd like to see you try tubby

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Even though fracking is nasty shit no matter how much petroleum companies say otherwise

Nobody is more anti-corporation than librrtarians/ancaps.

Hard to organize when you're getting blocked, shadow-banned, or otherwise censored off the bat.
Alex Jones, love or hate 'em, dealt a large blow against the momentum in early January '13. This time, however, corporatism's attempting to cut us off at the pass.

choker around neck = loves anal

Sad that we need to discuss this shit on /k/, now, since Sup Forums's inundated with shills and concern trolls.

>governments constantly buy new models of plains and tanks
Because governments waste money, that's what they do. Military spending is just the most popular way to waste money. Literally the basis of all fascist societies.

>what do you want?
for you to go watch some Jordan B. Peterson videos.

I joined the NRA
Wrote my state governor
Wrote my state legislatures
Wrote my congressman
Wrote my senator

The only thing left is to vote. After that we'll see where it goes.

There is zero evidence that a leftist government provides greater equality and there is actually evidence that it doesn't. What you posted there is a false dichotomy.

Fuck all this. I'm going to Full30 to binge watch some content then i'm going to bury my head in some books on Vietnam, WW2, and the Iraq/Afghan war.

When I CAN do something about this Anti-gun horseshit I will.

Yeah but thats because they want the power for themselves. Its out of envy not for th good of others
and thats dumb. instead of governments spending it on the military they could focus on actual issues like health care or education. the terrorist bogeyman is the greatest thing to happen for the military industrial complex, and it's disgusting
I watched Jordan Peterson, and until he learns the definition of post modernism and doesn't write fucking self help books i won't respect him. He also says stupid shit like how make up in professional settings are a means of getting sexual attention
>what is socialist Europe?

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Oh, and I'm completely liberal in the classical sense of the word which isn't what it means today when used as an insult. Furthermore, there is a big difference between being left leaning in terms of social liberalism (no longer owned by the left frankly), a desire for some regulations and being a radical leftist who wants to do away with the "evil oppressive patriarchy of western civilization" by stripping your rights and replacing them with an authoritarian government. This is the path that the democratic party has gone down almost completely by embracing identity politics as a way to control the narrative. It's exactly what the communist party in Russia and Cuba and anywhere else an authoritarian government pops up. It results in horrible consequences not the least of which tends to be the government slaughtering it's citizens like they did in Maoist China and under Stalin. It blows my mind that these idiots have people buying into it.

Because the parts of Europe that are socialist are just bastions of freedom right?

Not what he said. You're using a strawman. He was making a point, by pointing out that lipstick and high heels are a sexual display, which they are, that the line of what is and isn't acceptable is ill defined because clearly some sexual displays are acceptable while others are not and nobody has clearly defined where the line of demarcation is or why it should be at place A as opposed to place B. He specifically stated that he was not against it in the workplace at all. You lose credibility when you make those types of dishonest arguments like you did there.

>what is socialist Europe?
A nightmare of Muslim terrorist attacks, lack of privacy, immigrant rape and inequalities that are at least as great as those found in America. I wouldn't want to live there. If you do, move there.

and they have free health care
Ah i see you're from Sup Forums. well first off he is trying to define a behavior in the work place which can be disproved, so i guess we're still trying to draw boundaries. also he still doesn't know that he is trying to fight the political correctness surge that is encroaching on academia so he blames it on post-modernism which has nothing to do with it

Didn't realize you could see nipples on these detectors...

More people were killed by their own government in the 20th century alone, than have died from all wars in human history combined.

The number is staggering. 100M, 170M, or arguably 274M depending on what you include.

States are more violent than individuals.


>GMOs are not always bad

Who'd you vote for last election?

Shut up commie

Great retort buddy. i bet you think your vote also matters too

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Gross imagery

I remember when these first started popping up there were lawsuits left and right because you could see everything through their clothes, crystal clear. I think this is what they fixed it to be

The thing about universal health care is that it really fucks up your ability to get care in a timely fashion, my brother brook his hand when he went to school in canadia and waited 6 hours to get assistance at a hospital, this resualts in high taxes not only being put at the throats of the super rich, but also the middle class since the super rich hide away their money offshore.
Really universal health care deteriorates level of care in many cases and would be most noticeable in the us

La creatura

Consider that these states were led by undividuals and such individuals gained power thanks to anarchy, also Leopold II used a libertarian-Esque scheme to gain and then brutally exploate the Congo

If those gun laws are what you consider freedom I don't know what to say, I mean I know that we Americans are considered crazy for our gun laws but you literally picked one of the worst out of the bunch as your example, as for the quip about health care I prefer living in a country where people such as my mother was allowed the greatest level of care despite having a cancer that was considered fatal, she lived 8 years after her diagnosis and being given 6 months to live, without the access to treatments she wouldn't have.

^^^this is the most accurate thing you can ever determine from a chick's attire.

Was that supposed to be a mass protest?

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>Ah i see you're from Sup Forums.
Well, no. That is an ad hominem. So your first rebuttal consisted of a straw man and your second an ad hominem. Then you go on to showcase that you don't even understand the arguments in the first place.

Thanks for playing, you lost, goodbye.

Sounds correct but I don't have all the facts; not disagreeing with you.

>inb4 I don't vote based on a politician's stance on guns

LOL, That doesn't warrant a response but thanks for the chuckle.


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true, but it would allow you to actually receive insurance regardless of your circumstance. if a health insurance agency knows you are going to obviously cost more than you'll pay they won't accept you
I assume your mother had the insurance before she was diagnosed correct? Well if she received the diagnosis before she went to seek insurance then she would be denied it. but the government would guarantee is as soon as she applied
You just began talking about muslims for no reason, which has nothing to do with a failure of a county. And i understand that Jordan is saying he doesn't understand what the boundaries are, yet he just tried to set a boundary in the middle of the conversation

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I'm pretty sure she's one of those girls who like girls user.

No no insurance, and before you ask no we aren't independently wealthy, my father and I both worked quite a lot of hours to get her the treatment she needed to survive, but she was able to get those treatments in a timely manner, and she was able to get treatments meant to prolong her life rather than end of life pain management care, I am are still paying off debts from all that but to me it's all worth it having gotten to spend 8 years with my mom that I wouldn't have had if we'd lived in most other countries.

No. You are mistaken. That is the nicest way I can put it. He talks the way Richard Feynman talked.
It's intellectual academic discussions. You say something to push the person you're talking to for a response to contradict you are draw out the essence of the idea. It's a way of picking apart an idea to get at it properly, together. The problem is if someone isn't listening or if they're just looking for something they can quote to jab at you (like you're doing) then you're giving them ammo. It's the difference between academic thought and political speech.

so your paying out of pocket then. Well i'm unsure if you would have received better or worse care if it was universal healthcare but i know you wouldn't be in debt. If you are fine with that then sure but most aren't
the thing is he wasn't having an academic conversation, it was a vice interview( I can't wait for the zizek debate). I can't critique his view point or ideology as he hasn't made one clear yet. he made 2 self help books and thats about it. All i can do is read his influences that he talks about in his lectures. he's a good psychologist but not a good philosopher

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>Well if she received the diagnosis before she went to seek insurance then she would be denied it.
No shit. If a bum on the street asked you to pay for his alcohol, you'd deny him, too. Nobody has a right to force other people to pay for keeping them alive. Insurance is gambling at its most basic. You pay them to hedge your bets and ultimately end up losing more than you gain in the long run.

I read and heard over and over it would be near 1 million. Im glad the shutty turn out might keep the cucks in Congress from rolling over on guns as long as they think it won't affect their votes this November.

What happened to the right to life user?

That is another way of saying, "you don't have the right to unjustifiably murder someone", nothing more. Unless you're going to tell me that you believe that somebody who passes a man bleeding to death on the street and does not offer aid should be held liable for that man's death.

I heard a black guy at my old school say it's a black belt in sucking dick

I'm sure most aren't, but that's the society we live in in most of the world, just like how most people dump their aging relatives at a care home and forget about them, most people are concerned only with themselves, family, community, country, all meaningless words in a world of selfish gratification being the only thing in mind.

Thats fucking gross user

la abominación

well a hospital refusing to care for someone in ER is liable for that man's death. and the guy passing by didn't directly contribute to it but will be absolutely vilified by any sane person.

also patient dumping is a common enough thing to be a problem

*Sniffs heavily*

>less than half
Oh wow. I know the anti crowd lacks endurance but this is sad.

The only reason Monsanto can do that shit is because the Government passed a law about it.

He wrote the 12 rules self help book which you don't need to read if you've watched his lectures, he even has a youtube video where he just reads one of the chapters. He made a point not to monetize them as well which I respect but supposedly he's racking it in on patreon so idk. He did debate that athiest guy, the first one was not good because they got hung up on definitions of words right off but the second debate is... at least a debate. As for what his philosophy is, I can try to paraphrase it. Probably inadequately but it's basically something like:
1. Christianity is good because the stories in the Bible have a deep rooted truth and psychological significance of which understanding will make the world a better place. The Bible stories may be fiction but fiction can be more true because it reduces myriad facts to a "distilled truth". Because of this the Bible is "true" if not in the literal sense and good.
2. Identity politics leads to tribalism and brutality in the form of an authoritarian government and should be avoided. The "radical leftists" are pushing for this in the way of communism and it will be bad as evidenced by Soviet Russian Gulags, Maoist China etc...
3. You should try not to be "ideologically possessed" because that harms independent thought, makes you dogmatic, stops communication, creates polarization and opens us up to pitfalls like identity politics.
4. Freedom of speech is the best protection against this. It's not okay for the government to censor speech or to compel speech because speech is equivalent to thought. There's nothing more powerful than the spoken truth.

The rest is people pushing him to give his opinions on stuff that I don't think he ever wanted to be a spokesperson for. Kathy Newman ambushed him about the gender wage gap. I highly recommend the video:


The interview you're referencing was an edited one, some say dishonestly edited, interview where the guy was asking him follow up questions that pertained to the video linked in the previous post.

His bible lectures are really good in my opinion, I enjoyed them.

>Liberal here, very progun.
No you're not, you Quisling piece of shit. There's no such thing any more. Firearms are merely included in your pleasurable fetishes like pot and fag porn, and you vote to be disarmed every time you vote for your *other* fetishes. Get fucked.

Yeah, and you can bet that Monsanto had lobbyists and pocket politicians to push it through

Philly, you don't always say good things, but sometimes you do.
Good work buddy. You have my vote, even if you are a tripfaggot.

Thats still your interpretation of his ideals, not his actual mindset. He'll definitely make his own philosophical book but until then he is just a guy debating on the current controversies.
I'll check out the atheist debate

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And most of them were bused in for free.

Alright well i'm going to sleep
if the thread is still up maybe i'll reply to more stuff

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Monsanto does that because your "green" buddies whined to no end that "frankenfood" would reproduce and wipe out natural crops, cause disasters, etc. So, Monsanto was "forced" to make GMO seed sterile to protect against this threat--which they were perfectly happy to do, because it guaranteed them a permanent market.

Nice job, greenies.