And another overrated animated feature that did not live up to the hype

>and another overrated animated feature that did not live up to the hype
Why does Sup Forums has such shit taste?

Lots of shitty bait threads today.
Finals week must be over for a lot of people.

Yes! There it is! The magic word that miraculously beats everything that is too popular, or that I simply don't like. I don't have to explain shit, because I can just use this word instead. It's OVERRATED. Bravo. Just bravo. We're at the pinnacle of intellectual and rational discussion right here, friends. This is the famous wit and genius that Sup Forums is known for across the globe. Oh, and "shit taste", that is a absolute classic, too. Fuck everyone that disagrees. They're just wrong, because I said so. Brilliant.

Oh I think I get it now. This movie is supposed to be ironically bad.

Literally AOTY

This post is overrated

where's the appeal?


What does this mean?

Haven't seen it yet, but I really appreciate Yuuasa's work. I went through a period where tropes appealed to me, but these days I'm bored by most things that aren't original or shocking in some manner. Yuuasa's work is consistently brave and interesting, despite his typical problems with pace and plotting (which are absent in Tatami Galaxy IMO).

It was fantastic. my only 9/10 this year.

I actually liked Tatami galaxy. This movie seems like a cheap cash-in on that. It's not original and it's not pleasing to look at visually wise.

I see. I'll watch it later tonight and report back.



>on a cult series

>he's still in the phase were he think "tropes" are bad or there exists something without them


I don't think that's what he said.

Is it cult? I wouldn't know. This being a movie and all. Wouldn't that kind of contradict eachother?

>I went through a period where tropes appealed to me
This at the very least implies Tatami is lacking in tropes, which as a non-absurdist work is obviously false. It's confusing tropes with cliches. Without tropes there is no narrative.

Also, Blade Runner is a cult movie but it still got a sequel. Gundam 0079 was cult but it still got a movie series that shot it into popularity. Drakengard had five games before it somehow got a successful one. Cult by definition means people care about it, if few, so it stands that there will be some creators who care about cult works and seek to produce more. Not everything is a cynical corporate cash-grab, passion projects exist.

I wonder why his VA was replaced in the movie

As opposed to?

>a cult
I refuse to believe something so marketed towards mass-appeal is ever a cult

Really nice thread.

The first hour was good, the last half hour was a pure retread of Tatami Galaxy's ending.

Hanuki-san, Johhny and "Ozu" kept their original voices. Seitaro was the only recurring character with a different VA.

recurring from where?

Tatami Galaxy?

I read that he was sick during production.

Is this accurate?

oh, that's a shame if true.

>Fuck everyone that disagrees. They're just wrong, because I said so.
You're on the internet, you know?


Last time I checked there were only bad subs for this, is it worth checking again? Somebody good sub this yet?

