2088 The white race is defeated. As a refugee wh*te survivor, you must choose an occupation zone. Your choices are as follows: The Provisional Arabian Caliphate - a regressive, totalitarian Islamic State ruled by a hardline faction of the house of Saud. State Imams dictate every facet of daily life, and strict adherence to Shariah is compulsary. You can live as a second class citizen and pay Jizya, or you can live in relative comfort with equal rights as a Muslim if you convert. As a Muslim you will be under scrutiny by the Religious Police and mosque attendance will be mandatory. This is a Sharia controlled zone and no haraam activities are permitted.
New Shanghai - The military authority of the PRC. The most technologically advanced of the occupiers. Modern amenities and facilities comparable to those of your former homeland, but with shoddy, borderline hazardous infrastructure and rampant corruption among party officials. Chinese state security is everywhere, even moreso that the Stasi. There is a sterilization lottery to attempt to limit the already overflowing population, and you are outnumbered by Han Chinese 100:1 wherever you go. You are expected to memorize Mao's Little Red Book within a month.
The Greater East Africa Co-Prosperity Sphere - a near anarchic coalition of warlords and tin pot dictators perpetually tottering on the edge of collapse. You will have rights as a Christian and a fair amount of personal liberty due to the lack of actual government authority. You will never be permitted to own property however, and there are constant shortages of food, fuel, and basic social services as the government is in a perpetual state of mismanagement. Crime is rampant but police officers are easily bribed.
Choose wisely >inb4 Hurrr I kill them all and retake Constantinople!
I choose death. The darkest Hell can't be worse than what OP just described.
Juan Gonzalez
Objectively embracing Islam and living in Islamic State looks best amongst these options. Muslims are trash and ape-tier yet they ain't that racist like chinks or vialand and dumb like niggers
How will anarchoniggers prevent me from owning land if they are bussy necklacing each other for entertainment and nutrition?
Camden Baker
A corrupt government is better than one that requires me to pretend to believe in the sky daddy or one that won't let me own property. New Shanghai it is. I just hope that I can learn enough Mandarin to get by. I was never good and foreign languages.
Wyatt Green
I'll take the bullet please
Daniel Howard
i would become a tax collector under islam and recreate blade runner
i’d pray to allah that they’re technologically advanced enough for a robot wife
>you will never be permitted to own property But it's anarchism right? Can't I just shoot a guy down and steal his house? Or just build my own house in the middle of the desert?
Its 2088 and I'm 100 years old. How have I allowed myself to outlive the viability of the white race? I kill myself in shame instead of making the choice.