Be me

>be me
>be 22 year old kissless faggot (not an actual one though)
>parents talk to recently divorced old friend's parents
>they tell me their daughter (who is 4-5 years younger than me) stays up all night watching political videos like me
>but they say she doesn't like Trump

What are the chances that she's:
A) a progressive feminist with masochistic tendencies
B) a Ben Shapiro follower NEET
C) a Sup Forumstard NEET
Should I give her a try?

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Who cares, she's 18, that's legal. Give her a chance.

Go pasta her face with feta

Doesn't matter, you can redpill almost any young woman if you're a good enough man. Rage herself was redpilled by her boyfriend.

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couldn't hurt to try.
maybe you could even red pill her.
mamma mia!

The power of the dick I guess

Last time I saw her she was like 7-8 years old and I almost can't remember her face, but we were really good friends.
I wouldn't even know how to contact her now...


Women don't have definitive political views, they change it to fit their end goals so If you're a good man that has something to offer she will change her ways for you...

Women are easy to manipulate

>wouldn't know how to contact her
"hey, let's get some spaghetti and biscotti and a cappuccino.
mamma mia!"
you are an italian right? aren't you people supposed to be inherently romantic or something?

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Have parents set it up.

yes of course give it a try
there is nothing to lose. Except your virginity

kek we are, but we're also pretty gynocentric (in a good sense with wives taking up almost all the work in the family business) and all this american/japanese NEET culture has done nothing but make guys shy away.

go for it, user.

Her mother got away and slept with someone else which binned her immediately afterwards and her father is a passive aggressive asshole and they currently live separately.
It wouldn't work...

Staying up all night is a red flag for bad parenting. She probably engages in other forms of degeneracy as well. Pump & dump, then find yourself a girl that goes to bed at a normal hour.

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/r9k/ tier thread fuck off

Of course, everyone knows girls will always fall for the weird autistic son of their parents friends.

Just don't be a stupid faggot about it, honestly. Women are gullible as fuck and easy to manipulate if you know how. Just don't mention political shit overtly. Make her LIKE you first

>like me
Or maybe she's trying to improve herself like the rest of the faggots on Sup Forums

>Watching videos
>not reading

>muh degeneracy for staying up late
Your hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance is palpable.

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ask her out for a coffee and don't spill your spaghetti, you spaghettinigger.

Just pull out your dick. She will jump on it and start sucking.

You have seen such things on all movies that you watched lately

Introduce yourself to her by saying "I'm a far right extremist neo-nazi"
If she wants to stay in touch, then you know she's the one

Where is she guys?

just fuck her OP

also if she's a left winger then simply influence her and turn her right wing

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tradthots and tradchads, what is this country coming too

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>>they tell me their daughter (who is 4-5 years younger than me) stays up all night watching political videos like me

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Too late aussie, too late

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>openly bisexual
>has dated niggers in the past
>was a druggie in the past
>still smokes weed
>noser ring

nice standards you have there faggot

i laughed


She's watching Stephen colbert and stuff like that
Stay away

It's different for men and women. Men need some experience to be good sexual partners. When women have too much experience, it's like a throwing a hot dog down a hallway, you know.


It's either none or all. There is no middle ground or hypocrisy

Just be real with them i doubt they will tell you to fuck off if you're a normal/good individual

Men can experience with one partner, their life partner, and get better with them only.
You male thot

That's my biggest fear.



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Is she white? Are you white?

>Should I give her a try?

post pics or gay thread

>sees flag
>checks out
We barely have any niggers and they're all skinny rat-looking twigs, we won't have interracial peopel for at least 20 years and if they get deported, we never will.

she looks like someone whos going to have a mental breakdown and become a fat feminist in 5 years

She's 18 you shill.

Bring her mom's spaghetti laced with red pills.

Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :

>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."

If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.

Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.

This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).

It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it

Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)

Shit nigga that's all you had to say. I'd say give it a go. Just be nice to her and see if you two have anything in common then work from there on redpilling her.

Is there really any "normal" individual out there? And if "normal" is avaerage everybody hates that. The avaerage is sub-standard. He doesn't need to tell them he wants anything beyond a nice talk, especially since him saying that he wants something from her isn't true. Maybe she is a fat leftist moron and there is nothing sexual at all.

This isn’t politics you loser.

Report off topic threads like this or else it gives mods a precedent not to delete off topic cuckold pornography threads.

She's a fascist who realized Sup Forums is just anpther kike puppet. Go for it, fagggot - not that your incel ass has any chance, anyway, but it will give you experience.

Get in there!

>Sup Forums
kek I meant Trump*

This requires the use of facebook? Get outta here zuck.

Careful with those reports or you might get arrested for hatespeech

Social medias and Internet in general has completely blinded people to "normal" conversations, no one is normal anymore.

Trust me, you don’t care about your political opinions when ding dong is invovled.



My wife worked on the Obama campaign during college. She's almost completely red pilled now. Convinced her not to vote for Hillary. It's taken a long time but I'll have her voting Trump by 2020.

pic related?

pretty much this, desu
gently try to redpill her

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Just meet her and talk about stuff other than politics. Of course, you can maybe get a few points in, but don't go autistically political from the get go.

If she doesn't like Trump, there is a good chance that she is either
A) a liberal, feminist commie degenerate. You can try red pilling, but advisable to just stay away and get something better
B) a based NatSoc/Fascist who sees Trump for what he is, a kike puppet and is well aware of the degenerate of the world.

I bet my money on A, but you'll never know.

I wish, no she's Rage After Storm a long censored far right qt3.14

See here, shill

She’s a woman if you’re good enough of a man you’re able to redpill her. If she’s worth it.

If she's a lefty, just gently make it through to JQ through muh Palestine and muh Middle East wars.

Maybe she doesn't like Trump because he isn't radical enough.

turn that pussy into a natsoc factory

Women are natural leftists, user. Their entire existence naturally and biologically predicates on being given free shit because "I have a vagina". Chances are she's an ugly, feminist harpie.


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See what's up and if it's good , give it a try. Rather try then giving up without trying

Always give her a try, user. Noone says you have to marry. Worst case scenario, you have some fun
Buona fortuna

>divorced parents

red flag

> stays up all night watching political videos like me.
> stays up all night watching political videos like me.
> stays up all night watching political videos like me.


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A: 97%
B: 1.9%
C: .1%
The odds are not in your favor op

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I was quoting my parents who have a distorted perception of me, like any parents

What if that actually turns into a redpill?

Make her fall in love with you and she'll believe whatever you believe

t. roastie

Or maybe they know you better than you know yourself, OP.

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Unlikely if she's Italian.

trying to get a women approval, fucking simps, fembots will replace the worthless women along with artificial wombs for an elite of males never seen before.

I want a warm woman that truly loves me, not some fake machinery that I know it's programmed to do so.

You should see if you can creampie her.

lol you fell for the trump meme retard

she looks like Hilary Clinton, is she a crypto-Jew larping as German?

women don't love you, they love what you do for them, the machinery has atleas a more credible love, but anyway do what you wish and c u c k, simp yourself women are worthless, we should kill all them


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Most likely just your run of the mill TYT liberal.

E' tempo di joinare il forum dei brutti

so, I don't like Drumpf either

>no sources
>not a single one

>she never did a vid on the Jewish question
There will be no next time

Unless you are well aware of the JQ, and critically analyse Trump instead of sucking his cock like the reddt boomers, than there is literally no point in red pilling, since you are trying to lead the blind, being blind yourself.

Go for it subtle be nice

I would shit in her mouth in a heartbeat. A stiff one, too. Something she could really nosh on.

To be fair, chocker is a huge red flag. It's basically a black belt for sucking cock.

I don't have time to look up a phisical picture of her and at the time they were taken she was a minor anyway, so I won't post them.
She apparently isn't in any social media, so I really have no photos of her.

As for me, here's one of my best pictures from my driving license
>pls no bully

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Make her read

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women and politics don't mix. For them its all about the feels instead of the reals. she's probably politically illiterate, and by 'political videos' its probably like TYT or some bullshit like that.

The best woman you could get is one that's minimally involved in politics who believes in traditional values